*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite for H2 DataStore FlowGroup Stats Verification Suite Setup Run Keywords Start TSDR suite with CPqD Switch Configuration of FlowGroup on Switch Suite Teardown Stop Tsdr Suite Library SSHLibrary Library Collections Library String Library ../../../libraries/Common.py Resource ../../../libraries/KarafKeywords.robot Resource ../../../libraries/TsdrUtils.robot Variables ../../../variables/Variables.py *** Variables *** @{FLOWGROUP_METRICS} ByteCount PacketCount RefCount ${TSDR_FLOWGROUPSTATS} tsdr:list FlowGroupStats @{FLOWGROUP_HEADER} MetricName MetricValue MetricCategory MetricDetails *** Test Cases *** Verify the FlowGroup Stats attributes exist thru Karaf console [Documentation] Verify the FlowGroupStats attributes exist on Karaf Console Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 120s 1s Verify the Metric is Collected? ${TSDR_FLOWGROUPSTATS} ByteCount ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console ${TSDR_FLOWGROUPSTATS} ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} 30 : FOR ${list} IN @{FLOWGROUP_METRICS} \ Should Contain ${output} ${list} Verification of FlowGroupStats-ByteCount on Karaf Console [Documentation] Verify the FlowGroupStats has been updated thru tsdr:list command on karaf console ${tsdr_cmd}= Concatenate the String ${TSDR_FLOWGROUPSTATS} | grep ByteCount | head ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console ${tsdr_cmd} ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} 90 Should Contain ${output} ByteCount Should Contain ${output} FLOWGROUPSTATS Should not Contain ${output} null : FOR ${list} IN @{FLOWGROUP_HEADER} \ Should Contain ${output} ${list} Verify FlowGroupStats-Attributes on H2 Datastore using JDBC Client [Documentation] Verify the GroupStats,attributes on H2 Datastore using JDBC Client : FOR ${list} IN @{FLOWGROUP_METRICS} \ ${output}= Query Metrics on H2 Datastore FLOWGROUPSTATS ${list} \ Should Contain ${output} ${list} *** Keyword *** Start TSDR suite with CPqD Switch Start Tsdr Suite user Configuration of FlowGroup on Switch [Documentation] FlowGroup configuration on CPqD Run Command On Remote System ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} sudo dpctl unix:/tmp/s1 group-mod cmd=add,group=1,type=all Run Command On Remote System ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} sudo dpctl unix:/tmp/s1 flow-mod table=0,cmd=add eth_type=0x800,eth_src=00:01:02:03:04:05 apply:group=1 Run Command On Remote System ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} sudo dpctl unix:/tmp/s1 ping 10 Run Command On Remote System ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} sudo dpctl unix:/tmp/s2 ping 10