*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite for all Uni Manager operations Library OperatingSystem Library String Library Collections Library SSHLibrary Library RequestsLibrary Library ../../../libraries/Common.py Variables ../../../variables/Variables.py Resource ../../../libraries/Utils.robot Resource ../../../libraries/KarafKeywords.robot Resource ../../../libraries/UnimgrKeywords.robot Suite Setup Setup Unimgr Test Environment Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions *** Variables *** ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT} ${EMPTY} ${Mininet1_IP} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${Mininet2_IP} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_2_IP} ${UNI1_MAC} 68:5b:35:bb:f8:3e ${UNI2_MAC} 52:7b:25:cb:a7:3c *** Test Cases *** Create source and destination UNIs at the OVS instances using Restconf API [Documentation] Create source and destination UNIs [Tags] unimgr unis create ${elements} Create List ${Mininet1_IP} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ... 16s ... 2s ... Check For Elements On Karaf Command Output Message ... uni-add -ip ${Mininet1_IP} -ma ${UNI1_MAC} ... ${elements} ${elements} Create List ${Mininet2_IP} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ... 16s ... 2s ... Check For Elements On Karaf Command Output Message ... uni-add -ip ${Mininet2_IP} -ma ${UNI2_MAC} ... ${elements} List All UNIs [Documentation] List all existing UNIs in the config data store [Tags] unimgr ${elements} Create List ${Mininet1_IP} ${Mininet2_IP} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ... 16s ... 2s ... Check For Elements On Karaf Command Output Message ... uni-list -c ... ${elements} Show UNI [Documentation] Show the information of the created Unis from the operational data store [Tags] unimgr ${elements} Create List ${Mininet1_IP} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ... 16s ... 2s ... Check For Elements On Karaf Command Output Message ... uni-show ${Mininet1_IP} ... ${elements} Update the Unis Speed [Documentation] Update Created Unis speed [Tags] unimgr ${elements} Create List ${Mininet1_IP} updated Check For Elements On Karaf Command Output Message ... uni-update -ip ${Mininet1_IP} -ma ${UNI1_MAC} -s 10G ... ${elements} ${element} Create List Speed10G Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ... 16s ... 2s ... Check For Elements On Karaf Command Output Message ... uni-show ${Mininet1_IP} ... ${element} Delete UNIs source and destination [Documentation] Delete both UNIs source and destination. [Tags] unimgr uni delete ${elements} Create List Uni successfully removed Check For Elements On Karaf Command Output Message uni-remove ${Mininet1_IP} ${elements} Check For Elements On Karaf Command Output Message uni-remove ${Mininet2_IP} ${elements} ${elements} Create List No uni found Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ... 16s ... 2s ... Check For Elements On Karaf Command Output Message ... uni-show ${Mininet1_IP} ... ${elements} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ... 16s ... 2s ... Check For Elements On Karaf Command Output Message ... uni-show ${Mininet2_IP} ... ${elements}