*** Settings *** Documentation Test Suite for vpn instance Suite Setup Create Session session http://${CONTROLLER}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS} Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions Variables ../../variables/vpnservice/configureSwitches.py ${MININET} ${MININET1} Library SSHLibrary Variables ../../variables/Variables.py Resource ../../libraries/Utils.robot Library RequestsLibrary *** Variables *** ${REST_CON} /restconf/config @{vpn_inst_values} testVpn1 100:1 200:1 300:1 testVpn2 400:1 500:1 ... 600:1 @{ietf_int_values} s1-eth1 s1-eth2 s1-gre1 s2-eth1 s2-eth2 s2-gre1 @{vpn_int_values} s1-eth1 testVpn1 00:00:00:00:00:01 s1-eth2 00:00:00:00:00:02 ... s2-eth1 00:00:00:00:00:03 testVpn2 s2-eth2 00:00:00:00:00:04 ${REST_OPER} /restconf/operational @{NODE_ELEMENTS} openflow:1 openflow:1:1 openflow:1:2 openflow:1:3 openflow:2 openflow:2:1 openflow:2:2 ... openflow:2:3 *** Test Cases *** Veirfy The Switches [Documentation] Verifies if the switches and node connectors data is available to the controller Check For Elements At URI ${REST_OPER}/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/ ${NODE_ELEMENTS} Create VPN Instances [Documentation] Creates VPN Instances through restconf [Tags] Post ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Post session ${REST_CON}/l3vpn:vpn-instances/ data=${vpn_instances} Log ${resp.content} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 204 Verify VPN instances [Documentation] Verifies the vpn instances in the datastores [Tags] Get Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5s 1s Check For Elements At URI ${REST_CON}/l3vpn:vpn-instances/ ${vpn_inst_values} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5s 1s Check For Elements At URI ${REST_OPER}/l3vpn:vpn-instances/ ${vpn_inst_values} Create ietf interfaces [Documentation] Creates ietf interfaces through the restconf [Tags] Post ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Post session ${REST_CON}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/ data=${ietf_interfaces} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 204 Verify ietf interfaces [Documentation] Verifies ietf interfaces created in datastores [Tags] Get Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5s 1s Check For Elements At URI ${REST_CON}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/ ${ietf_int_values} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5s 1s Check For Elements At URI ${REST_OPER}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces-state/ ${ietf_int_values} @{state}= Create List down Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2s 1s Check For Elements Not At URI ${REST_OPER}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces-state/ ${state} Create VPN interfaces [Documentation] Creates vpn interface for the corresponding ietf interface [Tags] Post ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Post session ${REST_CON}/l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/ data=${vpn_interfaces} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 204 Verify VPN interfaces [Documentation] Verifies the vpn interfaces created in datastores [Tags] Get Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3s 1s Check For Elements At URI ${REST_CON}/l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/ ${vpn_int_values} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3s 1s Check For Elements At URI ${REST_OPER}/l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/ ${vpn_int_values} Verify FIB entries after create [Documentation] Verifies the fib entries in the operational DS for the corresponding vpn interfaces [Tags] Get @{fib_entries1}= Create List ${vpn_int_values[2]} ${vpn_int_values[8]} @{fib_entries2}= Create List ${vpn_int_values[5]} ${vpn_int_values[12]} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3s 1s Check For Elements At URI ${REST_OPER}/odl-fib:fibEntries/vrfTables/${vpn_inst_values[1]} ${fib_entries1} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3s 1s Check For Elements At URI ${REST_OPER}/odl-fib:fibEntries/vrfTables/${vpn_inst_values[5]} ${fib_entries2} Verify flows [Documentation] Verify flows in the switches [Tags] verify in switch @{flow_elements} Create List ${vpn_int_values[2]} ${vpn_int_values[5]} ${vpn_int_values[8]} ${vpn_int_values[12]} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 6s 2s Ensure Flows Are Present ${mininet1_conn_id_1} ${flow_elements} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 6s 2s Ensure Flows Are Present ${mininet2_conn_id_1} ${flow_elements} Verify groups [Documentation] Verify groups in the switches [Tags] verify in switch @{group_elements1} Create List ${vpn_int_values[3]} ${vpn_int_values[6]} @{group_elements2} Create List ${vpn_int_values[9]} ${vpn_int_values[13]} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5s 1s Ensure Groups Are Present ${mininet1_conn_id_1} ${group_elements1} 3 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5s 1s Ensure Groups Are Present ${mininet2_conn_id_1} ${group_elements2} 3 Verify ping [Documentation] Verifies the ping between the two hosts. Ping should succeed between hosts in same vpn, (h1,h3) and (h2,h4).Ping between hosts in different vpns should fail (h1,h2) & (h3,h4). The commented out section is to be uncommented when ovs supports mpls over gre in datapath [Tags] verify in switch Switch Connection ${mininet1_conn_id_1} Write h1 ping h2 -c 5 ${result} Read Until mininet> Log ${result} Should Contain ${result} 100% packet loss Delete vpn interfaces [Documentation] Deletes the vpn interfaces [Tags] Delete ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Delete session ${REST_CON}/l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Verify after deleting vpn interfaces [Documentation] Verifies if vpn interfaces are deleted [Tags] Verify after delete ${resp} RequestsLibrary.get session ${REST_CON}/l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/ headers=${ACCEPT_XML} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 404 Delete ietf interfaces [Documentation] Deletes the ietf interfaces [Tags] Delete ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Delete session ${REST_CON}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Verify after deleting ietf interfaces [Documentation] Verifies if ietf interfaces are deleted [Tags] Verify after delete ${resp} RequestsLibrary.get session ${REST_CON}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/ headers=${ACCEPT_XML} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 404 Delete VPN Instances [Documentation] Deletes the VPN Instances [Tags] Delete ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Delete session ${REST_CON}/l3vpn:vpn-instances/ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Verify after deleting the vpn instances [Documentation] Verifies after deleting the vpn instances [Tags] Verfiy after delete ${resp} RequestsLibrary.get session ${REST_CON}/l3vpn:vpn-instances/ headers=${ACCEPT_XML} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 404 Verify FIB entries after delete [Documentation] Verifies if the fib entries are deleted in the operational DS [Tags] Get @{fib_entries}= Create List ${vpn_int_values[2]} ${vpn_int_values[5]} ${vpn_int_values[8]} ${vpn_int_values[12]} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3s 1s Check For Elements Not At URI ${REST_OPER}/odl-fib:fibEntries/ ${fib_entries} Verify flows after delete [Documentation] Verify if the flows are deleted from the switch [Tags] verify in switch [Template] Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 12s 2s Ensure Flows Are Removed ${mininet1_conn_id_1} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 12s 2s Ensure Flows Are Removed ${mininet2_conn_id_1} *** Keywords *** Ensure Flows Are Present [Arguments] ${conn_id} ${flow_elements} [Documentation] Succeeds if the flows for vpn service are present Switch Connection ${conn_id} Write dpctl dump-flows -O OpenFlow13 ${output}= Read Until mininet> Log ${output} Should Contain ${output} goto_table:20 Should Contain X Times ${output} goto_table:21 2 Should Contain X Times ${output} table=20 2 Should Contain X Times ${output} table=21 4 : FOR ${i} IN @{flow_elements} \ Should Contain ${output} ${i} Ensure Groups Are Present [Arguments] ${conn_id} ${group_elements} ${gre_port_id} [Documentation] Succeeds if the groups for the vpn service are present Switch Connection ${conn_id} Write dpctl dump-groups -O OpenFlow13 ${output}= Read Until mininet> Log ${output} Should Contain X Times ${output} actions=output:${gre_port_id} 1 : FOR ${i} IN @{group_elements} \ Should Contain ${output} actions=pop_mpls:0x0800,set_field:${i} Ensure Flows Are Removed [Arguments] ${conn_id} [Documentation] Succeeds if the flows are removed from the switch Switch Connection ${conn_id} Write dpctl dump-flows -O OpenFlow13 ${output}= Read Until mininet> Log ${output} Should Not contain ${output} goto_table:20 Should Not contain ${output} goto_table:21 Should Not contain ${output} table=20 Should Not contain ${output} table=21 Ensure Groups Are Removed [Arguments] ${conn_id} [Documentation] Succeeds if the group entries are removed from switch Switch Connection ${conn_id} Write dpctl dump-groups -O OpenFlow13 ${output}= Read Until mininet> Log ${output} Should Not Contain ${output} actions=output: Should Not Contain ${output} actions=pop_mpls:0x0800