*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite for VTN Manager PathPolicy using OF10 Resource ../../../libraries/VtnMaKeywords.robot Suite Setup Start PathSuiteVtnMaTestOF10 Suite Teardown Stop PathSuiteVtnMaTest *** Variables *** ${flowconditiondata} ... "vtn-flow-match":[{"vtn-ether-match":{"destination-address":"ba:bd:0f:e3:a8:c8","ether-type":"2048","source-address":"ca:9e:58:0c:1e:f0","vlan-id": "1"},"vtn-inet-match":{"source-network":"","protocol":1,"destination-network":""},"index":"1"}] ${pathmapdata} ... {"input":{"tenant-name":"Tenant_path","path-map-list":[{"condition":"flowcond_path","policy":"1","index": "1","idle-timeout":"300","hard-timeout":"0"}]}} ${pathpolicydata} ... {"input":{"operation":"SET","id": "1","default-cost": "10000","vtn-path-cost": [{"port-desc":"openflow:1,3,s1-eth3","cost":"1000"},{"port-desc":"openflow:4,2,s4-eth2","cost":"1000"},{"port-desc":"openflow:3,3,s3-eth3","cost":"100000"}]}} *** Test Cases *** Check if switch1 detected [Documentation] Check if openflow:1 is detected BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 12 3 Fetch vtn switch inventory openflow:1 Check if switch2 detected [Documentation] Check if openflow:2 is detected BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 3 1 Fetch vtn switch inventory openflow:2 Check if switch3 detected [Documentation] Check if openflow:3 is detected BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 3 1 Fetch vtn switch inventory openflow:3 Check if switch4 detected [Documentation] Check if openflow:4 is detected BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 3 1 Fetch vtn switch inventory openflow:4 Add a vtn Tenant_path [Documentation] Add a vtn Tenant_path Add a vtn Tenant_path Add a vBridge vBridge1 [Documentation] Add a vBridge vBridge1 in vtn Tenant_path Add a vBridge Tenant_path vBridge1 Add a interface If1_path [Documentation] Add a interface if1_path into vBrdige vBridge1 Add a interface Tenant_path vBridge1 if1_path Add a portmap for interface if1_path [Documentation] Create a portmap on Interface if1 of vBridge1 Add a portmap Tenant_path vBridge1 if1_path openflow:1 s1-eth1 Add a interface If2_path [Documentation] Add a interface if2_path into vBrdige vBridge1 Add a interface Tenant_path vBridge1 if2_path Add a portmap for interface if2_path [Documentation] Create a portmap on Interface if2_path of vBridge1 Add a portmap Tenant_path vBridge1 if2_path openflow:3 s3-eth3 Ping h1 to h2 before path policy [Documentation] Ping h1 to h2, verify no packet loss Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 20s 1s Mininet Ping Should Succeed h1 h2 Verify flowEntryBeforePathPolicy [Documentation] Checking Flows on switch s1 and s3 [Tags] exclude Verify flowEntryPathPolicy OF10 ${in_port} ${out_before_pathpolicy} Add a flowcondition flowcond_path [Documentation] Create a flowcondition flowcond_path Add a flowcondition flowcond_path ${flowconditiondata} Add a pathmap [Documentation] Create a pathmap in the vtn Add a pathmap ${pathmapdata} Add a pathpolicy [Documentation] Create a pathpolicy in the vtn Add a pathpolicy ${pathpolicydata} Get a pathpolicy [Documentation] Retrieve a pathpolicy in the vtn Get a pathpolicy ${policy_id} Ping h1 to h2 after path policy [Documentation] Ping h1 to h2, verify no packet loss Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 20s 1s Mininet Ping Should Succeed h1 h2 Verify flowEntryAfterPathPolicy [Documentation] Checking Flows on switch s1 and s3 [Tags] exclude Verify flowEntryPathPolicy OF10 ${in_port} ${out_after_pathpolicy} Delete a pathmap [Documentation] Delete a pathmap Delete a pathmap Tenant_path Delete a pathpolicy [Documentation] Delete a pathpolicy Delete a pathpolicy ${policy_id} Delete a flowcondition [Documentation] Delete a flowcondition Remove flowcondition flowcond_path Delete a vtn Tenant_path [Documentation] Delete a vtn Tenant_path Delete a vtn Tenant_path