*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite for VTN Manager using OF13 Suite Setup Start SuiteVtnMaRestConfTest Suite Teardown Stop SuiteVtnMaTest Resource ../../../libraries/VtnMaKeywords.robot *** Test Cases *** Check if switch1 detected [Documentation] Check if openflow:1 is detected BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 12 3 Fetch vtn switch inventory openflow:1 Check if switch2 detected [Documentation] Check if openflow:2 is detected BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 3 1 Fetch vtn switch inventory openflow:2 Check if switch3 detected [Documentation] Check if openflow:3 is detected BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 3 1 Fetch vtn switch inventory openflow:3 Add a flowcondition in restconfig [Documentation] Create a flowcondition cond_1 using restconfig api Add a flowcondition In Restconfig Get flowcondition [Documentation] Retrieve the flowcondition by name Get flowcondition In Restconfig cond_1 retrieve Get flowconditions [Documentation] Retrieve the list of flowconditions Get flowconditions In Restconfig Remove flowcondition [Documentation] Remove the flowcondition by name Remove flowcondition In Restconfig cond_1 Get flowcondition After Remove [Documentation] Verify the removed flowcondition Get flowcondition In Restconfig cond_1 retrieve_after_remove