/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import com.google.common.annotations.Beta; import com.google.common.base.VerifyException; import com.google.common.cache.CacheBuilder; import com.google.common.cache.CacheLoader; import com.google.common.cache.LoadingCache; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; import java.io.ObjectStreamException; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles; import java.lang.invoke.VarHandle; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Base64; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Function; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.concepts.AbstractHierarchicalIdentifier; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.concepts.Identifier; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.concepts.Mutable; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.util.ImmutableOffsetMap; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.util.SingletonSet; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.QName; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.schema.LeafSetEntryNode; /** * Unique identifier of a particular node instance in the data tree. * *

* Java representation of YANG Built-in type {@code instance-identifier}, which conceptually is XPath expression * minimized to uniquely identify element in data tree which conforms to constraints maintained by YANG Model, * effectively this makes Instance Identifier a path to element in data tree. * *

* Constraints put in YANG specification on instance-identifier allowed it to be effectively represented in Java and its * evaluation does not require a full-blown XPath processor. * *

Path Arguments

* Path to the node represented in instance identifier consists of {@link PathArgument} which carries necessary * information to uniquely identify node on particular level in the subtree. * * * * @see RFC6020 */ public abstract sealed class YangInstanceIdentifier extends AbstractHierarchicalIdentifier permits FixedYangInstanceIdentifier, StackedYangInstanceIdentifier { @java.io.Serial private static final long serialVersionUID = 4L; private static final VarHandle TO_STRING_CACHE; private static final VarHandle HASH; static { final var lookup = MethodHandles.lookup(); try { HASH = lookup.findVarHandle(YangInstanceIdentifier.class, "hash", int.class); TO_STRING_CACHE = lookup.findVarHandle(YangInstanceIdentifier.class, "toStringCache", String.class); } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e); } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private int hash; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private transient String toStringCache = null; YangInstanceIdentifier() { // Package-private to prevent outside subclassing } /** * Return An empty {@link YangInstanceIdentifier}. It corresponds to the path of the conceptual root of the YANG * namespace. * * @return An empty YangInstanceIdentifier * @deprecated Use {@link #of()} instead. */ @Deprecated(since = "11.0.0", forRemoval = true) public static final @NonNull YangInstanceIdentifier empty() { return of(); } /** * Return an empty {@link YangInstanceIdentifier}. It corresponds to the path of the conceptual root of the YANG * namespace. * * @return An empty YangInstanceIdentifier */ public static final @NonNull YangInstanceIdentifier of() { return FixedYangInstanceIdentifier.EMPTY_INSTANCE; } /** * Returns a new InstanceIdentifier with only one path argument of type {@link PathArgument}. * * @param name QName of first node identifier * @return A YangInstanceIdentifier * @throws NullPointerException if {@code name} is {@code null} */ public static final @NonNull YangInstanceIdentifier of(final PathArgument name) { return new FixedYangInstanceIdentifier(ImmutableList.of(name)); } /** * Returns a new InstanceIdentifier composed of supplied {@link PathArgument}s. * * @param path Path arguments * @return A YangInstanceIdentifier * @throws NullPointerException if {@code path} or any of its components is {@code null} */ public static final @NonNull YangInstanceIdentifier of(final PathArgument... path) { // We are forcing a copy, since we cannot trust the user return of(ImmutableList.copyOf(path)); } /** * Returns a new InstanceIdentifier composed of supplied {@link PathArgument}s. * * @param path Path arguments * @return A YangInstanceIdentifier * @throws NullPointerException if {@code path} is {@code null} */ public static final @NonNull YangInstanceIdentifier of(final ImmutableList path) { return path.isEmpty() ? of() : new FixedYangInstanceIdentifier(path); } /** * Returns a new InstanceIdentifier composed of supplied {@link PathArgument}s. * * @param path Path arguments * @return A YangInstanceIdentifier * @throws NullPointerException if {@code path} or any of its components is {@code null} */ public static final @NonNull YangInstanceIdentifier of(final Collection path) { return path.isEmpty() ? of() : of(ImmutableList.copyOf(path)); } /** * Returns a new InstanceIdentifier composed of supplied {@link PathArgument}s. * * @param path Path arguments * @return A YangInstanceIdentifier * @throws NullPointerException if {@code path} or any of its components is {@code null} */ public static final @NonNull YangInstanceIdentifier of(final Iterable path) { return of(ImmutableList.copyOf(path)); } /** * Returns a new {@link YangInstanceIdentifier} with only one path argument of type {@link NodeIdentifier} with * supplied {@link QName}. Note this is a convenience method aimed at test code. Production code should consider * using {@link #of(PathArgument)} instead. * * @param name QName of first {@link NodeIdentifier} * @return A YangInstanceIdentifier * @throws NullPointerException if {@code name} is {@code null} */ public static final @NonNull YangInstanceIdentifier of(final QName name) { return of(new NodeIdentifier(name)); } /** * Returns a new {@link YangInstanceIdentifier} with path arguments of type {@link NodeIdentifier} with * supplied {@link QName}s. Note this is a convenience method aimed at test code. Production code should consider * using {@link #of(PathArgument...)} instead. * * @param path QNames of {@link NodeIdentifier}s * @return A YangInstanceIdentifier * @throws NullPointerException if {@code path} or any of its components is {@code null} */ public static final @NonNull YangInstanceIdentifier of(final QName... path) { return of(Arrays.stream(path).map(NodeIdentifier::new).collect(ImmutableList.toImmutableList())); } /** * Create a YangInstanceIdentifier composed of a single {@link PathArgument}. * * @param pathArgument Path argument * @return A {@link YangInstanceIdentifier} * @throws NullPointerException if {@code pathArgument} is null * @deprecated Use {@link #of(NodeIdentifier)} instead. */ @Deprecated(since = "11.0.0", forRemoval = true) public static @NonNull YangInstanceIdentifier create(final PathArgument pathArgument) { return of(pathArgument); } /** * Create a YangInstanceIdentifier composed of specified {@link PathArgument}s. * * @param path Path arguments * @return A {@link YangInstanceIdentifier} * @throws NullPointerException if {@code path} or any of its components is {@code null} * @deprecated Use {@link #of(PathArgument...)} instead. */ @Deprecated(since = "11.0.0", forRemoval = true) public static @NonNull YangInstanceIdentifier create(final PathArgument... path) { return of(path); } /** * Create a YangInstanceIdentifier composed of specified {@link PathArgument}s. * * @param path Path arguments * @return A {@link YangInstanceIdentifier} * @throws NullPointerException if {@code path} or any of its components is {@code null} * @deprecated Use {@link #of(Iterable)} instead. */ @Deprecated(since = "11.0.0", forRemoval = true) public static @NonNull YangInstanceIdentifier create(final Iterable path) { return of(path); } abstract @NonNull YangInstanceIdentifier createRelativeIdentifier(int skipFromRoot); abstract @Nullable List tryPathArguments(); abstract @Nullable List tryReversePathArguments(); /** * Check if this instance identifier has empty path arguments, e.g. it is empty and corresponds to {@link #of()}. * * @return True if this instance identifier is empty, false otherwise. */ public abstract boolean isEmpty(); /** * Return an optimized version of this identifier, useful when the identifier * will be used very frequently. * * @return A optimized equivalent instance. */ public abstract @NonNull YangInstanceIdentifier toOptimized(); /** * Return the conceptual parent {@link YangInstanceIdentifier}, which has * one item less in {@link #getPathArguments()}. * * @return Parent {@link YangInstanceIdentifier}, or null if this object is {@link #of()}. */ public abstract @Nullable YangInstanceIdentifier getParent(); /** * Return the conceptual parent {@link YangInstanceIdentifier}, which has one item less in * {@link #getPathArguments()}. * * @return Parent {@link YangInstanceIdentifier} * @throws VerifyException if this object is {@link #of()}. */ public abstract @NonNull YangInstanceIdentifier coerceParent(); /** * Return the ancestor {@link YangInstanceIdentifier} with a particular depth, e.g. number of path arguments. * * @param depth Ancestor depth * @return Ancestor {@link YangInstanceIdentifier} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified depth is negative or is greater than the depth of this object. */ public abstract @NonNull YangInstanceIdentifier getAncestor(int depth); /** * Returns an ordered iteration of path arguments. * * @return Immutable iteration of path arguments. */ public abstract @NonNull List getPathArguments(); /** * Returns an iterable of path arguments in reverse order. This is useful * when walking up a tree organized this way. * * @return Immutable iterable of path arguments in reverse order. */ public abstract @NonNull List getReversePathArguments(); /** * Returns the last PathArgument. This is equivalent of iterating * to the last element of the iterable returned by {@link #getPathArguments()}. * * @return The last past argument, or null if there are no PathArguments. */ public abstract PathArgument getLastPathArgument(); /** * Create a {@link YangInstanceIdentifier} by taking a snapshot of provided path and iterating it backwards. * * @param pathTowardsRoot Path towards root * @return A {@link YangInstanceIdentifier} instance * @throws NullPointerException if {@code pathTowardsRoot} or any of its members is null */ public static @NonNull YangInstanceIdentifier createReverse(final Deque pathTowardsRoot) { final ImmutableList.Builder builder = ImmutableList.builderWithExpectedSize( pathTowardsRoot.size()); pathTowardsRoot.descendingIterator().forEachRemaining(builder::add); return YangInstanceIdentifier.of(builder.build()); } /** * Create a {@link YangInstanceIdentifier} by walking specified stack backwards and extracting path components * from it. * * @param stackTowardsRoot Stack towards root, * @return A {@link YangInstanceIdentifier} instance * @throws NullPointerException if {@code pathTowardsRoot} is null */ public static @NonNull YangInstanceIdentifier createReverse(final Deque stackTowardsRoot, final Function function) { final var builder = ImmutableList.builderWithExpectedSize(stackTowardsRoot.size()); final var it = stackTowardsRoot.descendingIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { builder.add(function.apply(it.next())); } return YangInstanceIdentifier.of(builder.build()); } boolean pathArgumentsEqual(final YangInstanceIdentifier other) { return getPathArguments().equals(other.getPathArguments()); } @Override public final boolean equals(final Object obj) { return this == obj || obj instanceof YangInstanceIdentifier other && pathArgumentsEqual(other); } /** * Constructs a new Instance Identifier with new {@link NodeIdentifier} added to the end of path arguments. * * @param name QName of {@link NodeIdentifier} * @return Instance Identifier with additional path argument added to the end. */ public final @NonNull YangInstanceIdentifier node(final QName name) { return node(new NodeIdentifier(name)); } /** * Constructs a new Instance Identifier with new {@link PathArgument} added to the end of path arguments. * * @param arg Path argument which should be added to the end * @return Instance Identifier with additional path argument added to the end. */ public final @NonNull YangInstanceIdentifier node(final PathArgument arg) { return new StackedYangInstanceIdentifier(this, arg); } /** * Get the relative path from an ancestor. This method attempts to perform * the reverse of concatenating a base (ancestor) and a path. * * @param ancestor * Ancestor against which the relative path should be calculated * @return This object's relative path from parent, or Optional.absent() if * the specified parent is not in fact an ancestor of this object. */ public Optional relativeTo(final YangInstanceIdentifier ancestor) { if (this == ancestor) { return Optional.of(of()); } if (ancestor.isEmpty()) { return Optional.of(this); } final var lit = getPathArguments().iterator(); int common = 0; for (var element : ancestor.getPathArguments()) { // Ancestor is not really an ancestor if (!lit.hasNext() || !lit.next().equals(element)) { return Optional.empty(); } ++common; } if (common == 0) { return Optional.of(this); } if (!lit.hasNext()) { return Optional.of(of()); } return Optional.of(createRelativeIdentifier(common)); } @Override protected final Iterator itemIterator() { return getPathArguments().iterator(); } @Override protected final Object writeReplace() { return new YIDv1(this); } @java.io.Serial private void readObject(final ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { throwNSE(); } @java.io.Serial private void readObjectNoData() throws ObjectStreamException { throwNSE(); } @java.io.Serial private void writeObject(final ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException { throwNSE(); } @Override public final String toString() { /* * The toStringCache is safe, since the object contract requires * immutability of the object and all objects referenced from this * object. * Used lists, maps are immutable. Path Arguments (elements) are also * immutable, since the PathArgument contract requires immutability. * The cache is thread-safe - if multiple computations occurs at the * same time, cache will be overwritten with same result. */ final var ret = (String) TO_STRING_CACHE.getAcquire(this); return ret != null ? ret : loadToString(); } private String loadToString() { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("/"); PathArgument prev = null; for (PathArgument argument : getPathArguments()) { if (prev != null) { builder.append('/'); } builder.append(argument.toRelativeString(prev)); prev = argument; } final String ret = builder.toString(); final String witness = (String) TO_STRING_CACHE.compareAndExchangeRelease(this, null, ret); return witness == null ? ret : witness; } @Override public final int hashCode() { /* * The caching is safe, since the object contract requires * immutability of the object and all objects referenced from this * object. * Used lists, maps are immutable. Path Arguments (elements) are also * immutable, since the PathArgument contract requires immutability. */ final int local = (int) HASH.getAcquire(this); return local != 0 ? local : loadHashCode(); } private static int hashCode(final Object value) { if (value == null) { return 0; } if (value instanceof byte[] bytes) { return Arrays.hashCode(bytes); } if (value.getClass().isArray()) { int hash = 0; int length = Array.getLength(value); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { hash += Objects.hashCode(Array.get(value, i)); } return hash; } return value.hashCode(); } private int loadHashCode() { final int computed = computeHashCode(); HASH.setRelease(this, computed); return computed; } abstract int computeHashCode(); /** * Returns new builder for InstanceIdentifier with empty path arguments. * * @return new builder for InstanceIdentifier with empty path arguments. */ public static @NonNull InstanceIdentifierBuilder builder() { return new YangInstanceIdentifierBuilder(); } /** * Returns new builder for InstanceIdentifier with path arguments copied from original instance identifier. * * @param origin InstanceIdentifier from which path arguments are copied. * @return new builder for InstanceIdentifier with path arguments copied from original instance identifier. */ public static @NonNull InstanceIdentifierBuilder builder(final YangInstanceIdentifier origin) { return new YangInstanceIdentifierBuilder(origin.getPathArguments()); } /** * Path argument / component of InstanceIdentifier. * Path argument uniquely identifies node in data tree on particular * level. * *

* This interface itself is used as common parent for actual * path arguments types and should not be implemented by user code. * *

* Path arguments SHOULD contain only minimum of information * required to uniquely identify node on particular subtree level. * *

* For actual path arguments types see: *

  • {@link NodeIdentifier} - Identifier of container or leaf *
  • {@link NodeIdentifierWithPredicates} - Identifier of list entries, which have key defined *
  • {@link NodeWithValue} - Identifier of leaf-list entry *
*/ public abstract static sealed class PathArgument implements Identifier, Comparable { @java.io.Serial private static final long serialVersionUID = -4546547994250849340L; private final @NonNull QName nodeType; private transient volatile int hashValue; protected PathArgument(final QName nodeType) { this.nodeType = requireNonNull(nodeType); } /** * Returns unique QName of data node as defined in YANG Schema, if available. * * @return Node type */ public final @NonNull QName getNodeType() { return nodeType; } /** * Return the string representation of this object for use in context * provided by a previous object. This method can be implemented in * terms of {@link #toString()}, but implementations are encourage to * reuse any context already emitted by the previous object. * * @param previous Previous path argument * @return String representation */ public @NonNull String toRelativeString(final PathArgument previous) { if (previous != null && nodeType.getModule().equals(previous.nodeType.getModule())) { return nodeType.getLocalName(); } return nodeType.toString(); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:parameterName") public int compareTo(final PathArgument o) { return nodeType.compareTo(o.nodeType); } protected int hashCodeImpl() { return nodeType.hashCode(); } @Override public final int hashCode() { int local; return (local = hashValue) != 0 ? local : (hashValue = hashCodeImpl()); } @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null || this.getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } return nodeType.equals(((PathArgument) obj).nodeType); } @Override public String toString() { return nodeType.toString(); } @java.io.Serial abstract Object writeReplace(); } /** * Simple path argument identifying a {@link org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.schema.ContainerNode} or * {@link org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.schema.LeafNode} leaf in particular subtree. */ public static final class NodeIdentifier extends PathArgument { @java.io.Serial private static final long serialVersionUID = -2255888212390871347L; private static final LoadingCache CACHE = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().weakValues() .build(new CacheLoader() { @Override public NodeIdentifier load(final QName key) { return new NodeIdentifier(key); } }); public NodeIdentifier(final QName node) { super(node); } /** * Return a NodeIdentifier for a particular QName. Unlike the constructor, this factory method uses a global * instance cache, resulting in object reuse for equal inputs. * * @param node Node's QName * @return A {@link NodeIdentifier} */ public static @NonNull NodeIdentifier create(final QName node) { return CACHE.getUnchecked(node); } @Override Object writeReplace() { return new NIv1(this); } } /** * Composite path argument identifying a {@link org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.schema.MapEntryNode} leaf * overall data tree. */ public abstract static sealed class NodeIdentifierWithPredicates extends PathArgument { @Beta public static final class Singleton extends NodeIdentifierWithPredicates { @java.io.Serial private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final @NonNull QName key; private final @NonNull Object value; Singleton(final QName node, final QName key, final Object value) { super(node); this.key = requireNonNull(key); this.value = requireNonNull(value); } @Override public SingletonSet> entrySet() { return SingletonSet.of(singleEntry()); } @Override public SingletonSet keySet() { return SingletonSet.of(key); } @Override public boolean containsKey(final QName qname) { return key.equals(requireNonNull(qname)); } @Override public SingletonSet values() { return SingletonSet.of(value); } @Override public int size() { return 1; } @Override public ImmutableMap asMap() { return ImmutableMap.of(key, value); } /** * Return the single entry contained in this object. This is equivalent to * {@code entrySet().iterator().next()}. * * @return A single entry. */ public @NonNull Entry singleEntry() { return new SimpleImmutableEntry<>(key, value); } @Override boolean equalMapping(final NodeIdentifierWithPredicates other) { final Singleton single = (Singleton) other; return key.equals(single.key) && Objects.deepEquals(value, single.value); } @Override Object keyValue(final QName qname) { return key.equals(qname) ? value : null; } } private static final class Regular extends NodeIdentifierWithPredicates { @java.io.Serial private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final @NonNull Map keyValues; Regular(final QName node, final Map keyValues) { super(node); this.keyValues = requireNonNull(keyValues); } @Override public Set> entrySet() { return keyValues.entrySet(); } @Override public Set keySet() { return keyValues.keySet(); } @Override public boolean containsKey(final QName qname) { return keyValues.containsKey(requireNonNull(qname)); } @Override public Collection values() { return keyValues.values(); } @Override public int size() { return keyValues.size(); } @Override public Map asMap() { return keyValues; } @Override Object keyValue(final QName qname) { return keyValues.get(qname); } @Override boolean equalMapping(final NodeIdentifierWithPredicates other) { final Map otherKeyValues = ((Regular) other).keyValues; // TODO: benchmark to see if just calling equals() on the two maps is not faster if (keyValues == otherKeyValues) { return true; } if (keyValues.size() != otherKeyValues.size()) { return false; } for (Entry entry : entrySet()) { final Object otherValue = otherKeyValues.get(entry.getKey()); if (otherValue == null || !Objects.deepEquals(entry.getValue(), otherValue)) { return false; } } return true; } } @java.io.Serial private static final long serialVersionUID = -4787195606494761540L; NodeIdentifierWithPredicates(final QName node) { super(node); } public static @NonNull NodeIdentifierWithPredicates of(final QName node) { return new Regular(node, ImmutableMap.of()); } public static @NonNull NodeIdentifierWithPredicates of(final QName node, final QName key, final Object value) { return new Singleton(node, key, value); } public static @NonNull NodeIdentifierWithPredicates of(final QName node, final Entry entry) { return of(node, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } public static @NonNull NodeIdentifierWithPredicates of(final QName node, final Map keyValues) { return keyValues.size() == 1 ? of(keyValues, node) // Retains ImmutableMap for empty maps. For larger sizes uses a shared key set. : new Regular(node, ImmutableOffsetMap.unorderedCopyOf(keyValues)); } public static @NonNull NodeIdentifierWithPredicates of(final QName node, final ImmutableOffsetMap keyValues) { return keyValues.size() == 1 ? of(keyValues, node) : new Regular(node, keyValues); } private static @NonNull NodeIdentifierWithPredicates of(final Map keyValues, final QName node) { return of(node, keyValues.entrySet().iterator().next()); } /** * Return the set of predicates keys and values. Keys are guaranteeed to be unique. * * @return Predicate set. */ public abstract @NonNull Set> entrySet(); /** * Return the predicate key in the iteration order of {@link #entrySet()}. * * @return Predicate values. */ public abstract @NonNull Set keySet(); /** * Determine whether a particular predicate key is present. * * @param key Predicate key * @return True if the predicate is present, false otherwise * @throws NullPointerException if {@code key} is null */ public abstract boolean containsKey(QName key); /** * Return the predicate values in the iteration order of {@link #entrySet()}. * * @return Predicate values. */ public abstract @NonNull Collection values(); @Beta public final @Nullable Object getValue(final QName key) { return keyValue(requireNonNull(key)); } @Beta public final @Nullable T getValue(final QName key, final Class valueClass) { return valueClass.cast(getValue(key)); } /** * Return the number of predicates present. * * @return The number of predicates present. */ public abstract int size(); /** * A Map-like view of this identifier's predicates. The view is expected to be stable and effectively-immutable. * * @return Map of predicates. */ @Beta public abstract @NonNull Map asMap(); @Override protected final int hashCodeImpl() { int result = 31 * super.hashCodeImpl(); for (Entry entry : entrySet()) { result += entry.getKey().hashCode() + YangInstanceIdentifier.hashCode(entry.getValue()); } return result; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:equalsHashCode") public final boolean equals(final Object obj) { return super.equals(obj) && equalMapping((NodeIdentifierWithPredicates) obj); } abstract boolean equalMapping(NodeIdentifierWithPredicates other); abstract @Nullable Object keyValue(@NonNull QName qname); @Override public final String toString() { return super.toString() + '[' + asMap() + ']'; } @Override public final String toRelativeString(final PathArgument previous) { return super.toRelativeString(previous) + '[' + asMap() + ']'; } @Override final Object writeReplace() { return new NIPv2(this); } } /** * Simple path argument identifying a {@link LeafSetEntryNode} leaf * overall data tree. */ public static final class NodeWithValue extends PathArgument { @java.io.Serial private static final long serialVersionUID = -3637456085341738431L; private final @NonNull T value; public NodeWithValue(final QName node, final T value) { super(node); this.value = requireNonNull(value); } public @NonNull T getValue() { return value; } @Override protected int hashCodeImpl() { return 31 * super.hashCodeImpl() + YangInstanceIdentifier.hashCode(value); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:equalsHashCode") public boolean equals(final Object obj) { return super.equals(obj) && Objects.deepEquals(value, ((NodeWithValue) obj).value); } @Override public String toString() { final var str = super.toString(); return value instanceof byte[] bytes ? str + "[b64:" + Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(bytes) + ']' : str + '[' + value + ']'; } @Override public String toRelativeString(final PathArgument previous) { return super.toRelativeString(previous) + '[' + value + ']'; } @Override Object writeReplace() { return new NIVv1(this); } } /** * Fluent Builder of Instance Identifier instances. */ public interface InstanceIdentifierBuilder extends Mutable { /** * Adds a {@link PathArgument} to path arguments of resulting instance identifier. * * @param arg A {@link PathArgument} to be added * @return this builder */ @NonNull InstanceIdentifierBuilder node(PathArgument arg); /** * Adds {@link NodeIdentifier} with supplied QName to path arguments of resulting instance identifier. * * @param nodeType QName of {@link NodeIdentifier} which will be added * @return this builder */ @NonNull InstanceIdentifierBuilder node(QName nodeType); /** * Adds {@link NodeIdentifierWithPredicates} with supplied QName and key values to path arguments of resulting * instance identifier. * * @param nodeType QName of {@link NodeIdentifierWithPredicates} which will be added * @param keyValues Map of key components and their respective values for {@link NodeIdentifierWithPredicates} * @return this builder */ @NonNull InstanceIdentifierBuilder nodeWithKey(QName nodeType, Map keyValues); /** * Adds {@link NodeIdentifierWithPredicates} with supplied QName and key, value. * * @param nodeType QName of {@link NodeIdentifierWithPredicates} which will be added * @param key QName of key which will be added * @param value value of key which will be added * @return this builder */ @NonNull InstanceIdentifierBuilder nodeWithKey(QName nodeType, QName key, Object value); /** * Adds a collection of {@link PathArgument}s to path arguments of resulting instance identifier. * * @param args {@link PathArgument}s to be added * @return this builder * @throws NullPointerException if any of the arguments is null */ @NonNull InstanceIdentifierBuilder append(Collection args); /** * Adds a collection of {@link PathArgument}s to path arguments of resulting instance identifier. * * @param args {@link PathArgument}s to be added * @return this builder * @throws NullPointerException if any of the arguments is null */ default @NonNull InstanceIdentifierBuilder append(final PathArgument... args) { return append(Arrays.asList(args)); } /** * Builds an {@link YangInstanceIdentifier} with path arguments from this builder. * * @return {@link YangInstanceIdentifier} */ @NonNull YangInstanceIdentifier build(); } }