#!/usr/bin/python import argparse import requests,json from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth from subprocess import call import time import sys import os DEFAULT_PORT='8181' USERNAME='admin' PASSWORD='admin' OPER_NODES='/restconf/operational/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/' CONF_TENANT='/restconf/config/policy:tenants' def get(host, port, uri): url='http://'+host+":"+port+uri r = requests.get(url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD)) return r def put(host, port, uri, data, debug=False): '''Perform a PUT rest operation, using the URL and data provided''' url='http://'+host+":"+port+uri headers = {'Content-type': 'application/yang.data+json', 'Accept': 'application/yang.data+json'} if debug == True: print "PUT %s" % url print json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True) r = requests.put(url, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD)) if debug == True: print r.text r.raise_for_status() def post(host, port, uri, data, debug=False): '''Perform a POST rest operation, using the URL and data provided''' url='http://'+host+":"+port+uri headers = {'Content-type': 'application/yang.data+json', 'Accept': 'application/yang.data+json'} if debug == True: print "POST %s" % url print json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True) r = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD)) if debug == True: print r.text r.raise_for_status() def wait_for_sff_in_datastore(url): for i in xrange(30): resp=get(controller, DEFAULT_PORT, url) if ('' in resp.text) and ('' in resp.text): break time.sleep(3) if ('' not in resp.text): print "ERROR: SFF1 has not been initialized!" sys.exit(1) if ('' not in resp.text): print "ERROR: SFF2 has not been initialized!" sys.exit(1) def get_service_functions_uri(): return "/restconf/config/service-function:service-functions" def get_service_functions_data(): return { "service-functions": { "service-function": [ { "name": "firewall-72", "ip-mgmt-address": "", "type": "service-function-type:firewall", "nsh-aware": "true", "sf-data-plane-locator": [ { "name": "2", "port": 6633, "ip": "", "transport": "service-locator:vxlan-gpe", "service-function-forwarder": "SFF1" } ] }, { "name": "dpi-74", "ip-mgmt-address": "", "type": "service-function-type:dpi", "nsh-aware": "true", "sf-data-plane-locator": [ { "name": "3", "port": 6633, "ip": "", "transport": "service-locator:vxlan-gpe", "service-function-forwarder": "SFF2" } ] } ] } } def get_service_function_forwarders_uri(): return "/restconf/config/service-function-forwarder:service-function-forwarders" def get_service_function_forwarders_data(): return { "service-function-forwarders": { "service-function-forwarder": [ { "name": "SFF1", "service-node": "OVSDB2", "service-function-forwarder-ovs:ovs-bridge": { "bridge-name": "sw2" }, "service-function-dictionary": [ { "name": "firewall-72", "sff-sf-data-plane-locator": { "sf-dpl-name": "2", "sff-dpl-name": "sfc-tun2" } } ], "sff-data-plane-locator": [ { "name": "sfc-tun2", "data-plane-locator": { "transport": "service-locator:vxlan-gpe", "port": 6633, "ip": "" }, "service-function-forwarder-ovs:ovs-options": { "remote-ip": "flow", "dst-port": "6633", "key": "flow", "nsp": "flow", "nsi": "flow", "nshc1": "flow", "nshc2": "flow", "nshc3": "flow", "nshc4": "flow" } } ] }, { "name": "SFF2", "service-node": "OVSDB2", "service-function-forwarder-ovs:ovs-bridge": { "bridge-name": "sw4" }, "service-function-dictionary": [ { "name": "dpi-74", "sff-sf-data-plane-locator": { "sf-dpl-name": "3", "sff-dpl-name": "sfc-tun4" } } ], "sff-data-plane-locator": [ { "name": "sfc-tun4", "data-plane-locator": { "transport": "service-locator:vxlan-gpe", "port": 6633, "ip": "" }, "service-function-forwarder-ovs:ovs-options": { "remote-ip": "flow", "dst-port": "6633", "key": "flow", "nsp": "flow", "nsi": "flow", "nshc1": "flow", "nshc2": "flow", "nshc3": "flow", "nshc4": "flow" } } ] } ] } } def get_service_function_chains_uri(): return "/restconf/config/service-function-chain:service-function-chains/" def get_service_function_chains_data(): return { "service-function-chains": { "service-function-chain": [ { "name": "SFCGBP", "symmetric": "true", "sfc-service-function": [ { "name": "firewall-abstract1", "type": "service-function-type:firewall" }, { "name": "dpi-abstract1", "type": "service-function-type:dpi" } ] } ] } } def get_service_function_paths_uri(): return "/restconf/config/service-function-path:service-function-paths/" def get_service_function_paths_data(): return { "service-function-paths": { "service-function-path": [ { "name": "SFCGBP-Path", "service-chain-name": "SFCGBP", "starting-index": 255, "symmetric": "true" } ] } } def get_tenant_data(): return { "tenant": [ { "id": "tenant-red", "name": "DockerTenant", "forwarding-context": { "l2-flood-domain": [ { "id": "flood-domain-1", "parent": "bridge-domain1" }, { "id": "flood-domain-2", "parent": "bridge-domain1" } ], "l3-context": [ { "id": "l3-context-vrf-red" } ], "l2-bridge-domain": [ { "id": "bridge-domain1", "parent": "l3-context-vrf-red" } ], "subnet": [ { "id": "subnet-", "virtual-router-ip": "", "parent": "flood-domain-2", "ip-prefix": "" }, { "id": "subnet-", "virtual-router-ip": "", "parent": "flood-domain-1", "ip-prefix": "" } ] }, "policy": { "endpoint-group": [ { "id": "webservers", "name": "webservers", "provider-named-selector": [ { "name": "webservers-clients-icmp-http-contract", "contract": [ "icmp-http-contract" ] } ] }, { "id": "clients", "name": "clients", "consumer-named-selector": [ { "name": "webservers-clients-icmp-http-contract", "contract": [ "icmp-http-contract" ] } ] } ], "subject-feature-instances": { "classifier-instance": [ { "name": "icmp", "classifier-definition-id": "Classifier-IP-Protocol", "parameter-value": [ { "name": "proto", "int-value": 1 } ] }, { "name": "http-dest", "classifier-definition-id": "Classifier-L4", "parameter-value": [ { "int-value": "6", "name": "proto" }, { "int-value": "80", "name": "destport" } ] }, { "name": "http-src", "classifier-definition-id": "Classifier-L4", "parameter-value": [ { "int-value": "6", "name": "proto" }, { "int-value": "80", "name": "sourceport" } ] } ], "action-instance": [ { "name": "chain1", "action-definition-id": "Action-Chain", "parameter-value": [ { "name": "sfc-chain-name", "string-value": "SFCGBP" } ] }, { "name": "allow1", "action-definition-id": "Action-Allow" } ] }, "contract": [ { "id": "icmp-http-contract", "subject": [ { "name": "icmp-subject", "rule": [ { "name": "allow-icmp-rule", "order": 0, "classifier-ref": [ { "name": "icmp", "instance-name": "icmp" } ], "action-ref": [ { "name": "allow1", "order": 0 } ] } ] }, { "name": "http-subject", "rule": [ { "name": "http-chain-rule-in", "classifier-ref": [ { "name": "http-dest", "instance-name": "http-dest", "direction": "in" } ], "action-ref": [ { "name": "chain1", "order": 0 } ] }, { "name": "http-chain-rule-out", "classifier-ref": [ { "name": "http-src", "instance-name": "http-src", "direction": "out" } ], "action-ref": [ { "name": "chain1", "order": 0 } ] } ] } ], "clause": [ { "name": "icmp-http-clause", "subject-refs": [ "icmp-subject", "http-subject" ] } ] } ] } } ] } # Main definition - constants # ======================= # MENUS FUNCTIONS # ======================= # Main menu # ======================= # MAIN PROGRAM # ======================= # Main Program def get_tenant_uri(): return "/restconf/config/policy:tenants/policy:tenant/tenant-red" def get_tunnel_data_1(): return { "node": [ { "id": "openflow:1", "ofoverlay:tunnel": [ { "tunnel-type": "overlay:tunnel-type-vxlan-gpe", "node-connector-id": "openflow:1:1", "ip": "", "port": 6633 }, { "tunnel-type": "overlay:tunnel-type-vxlan", "node-connector-id": "openflow:1:2", "ip": "", "port": 4789 } ] } ] } def get_tunnel_uri_1(): return "/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/openflow:1" def get_tunnel_data_6(): return { "node": [ { "id": "openflow:6", "ofoverlay:tunnel": [ { "tunnel-type": "overlay:tunnel-type-vxlan-gpe", "node-connector-id": "openflow:6:1", "ip": "", "port": 6633 }, { "tunnel-type": "overlay:tunnel-type-vxlan", "node-connector-id": "openflow:6:2", "ip": "", "port": 4789 } ] } ] } def get_tunnel_uri_6(): return "/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/openflow:6" def get_endpoint_data(): return [ { "input": { "endpoint-group": "webservers", "network-containment" : "subnet-", "l2-context": "bridge-domain1", "mac-address": "00:00:00:00:36:02", "l3-address": [ { "ip-address": "", "l3-context": "l3-context-vrf-red" } ], "port-name": "vethl-h36_2", "tenant": "tenant-red" } }, { "input": { "endpoint-group": "clients", "network-containment" : "subnet-", "l2-context": "bridge-domain1", "mac-address": "00:00:00:00:35:02", "l3-address": [ { "ip-address": "", "l3-context": "l3-context-vrf-red" } ], "port-name": "vethl-h35_2", "tenant": "tenant-red" } }, { "input": { "endpoint-group": "clients", "network-containment" : "subnet-", "l2-context": "bridge-domain1", "mac-address": "00:00:00:00:35:03", "l3-address": [ { "ip-address": "", "l3-context": "l3-context-vrf-red" } ], "port-name": "vethl-h35_3", "tenant": "tenant-red" } }, { "input": { "endpoint-group": "webservers", "network-containment" : "subnet-", "l2-context": "bridge-domain1", "mac-address": "00:00:00:00:36:03", "l3-address": [ { "ip-address": "", "l3-context": "l3-context-vrf-red" } ], "port-name": "vethl-h36_3", "tenant": "tenant-red" } }, { "input": { "endpoint-group": "webservers", "network-containment" : "subnet-", "l2-context": "bridge-domain1", "mac-address": "00:00:00:00:36:04", "l3-address": [ { "ip-address": "", "l3-context": "l3-context-vrf-red" } ], "port-name": "vethl-h36_4", "tenant": "tenant-red" } }, { "input": { "endpoint-group": "clients", "network-containment" : "subnet-", "l2-context": "bridge-domain1", "mac-address": "00:00:00:00:35:04", "l3-address": [ { "ip-address": "", "l3-context": "l3-context-vrf-red" } ], "port-name": "vethl-h35_4", "tenant": "tenant-red" } }, { "input": { "endpoint-group": "clients", "network-containment" : "subnet-", "l2-context": "bridge-domain1", "mac-address": "00:00:00:00:35:05", "l3-address": [ { "ip-address": "", "l3-context": "l3-context-vrf-red" } ], "port-name": "vethl-h35_5", "tenant": "tenant-red" } }, { "input": { "endpoint-group": "webservers", "network-containment" : "subnet-", "l2-context": "bridge-domain1", "mac-address": "00:00:00:00:36:05", "l3-address": [ { "ip-address": "", "l3-context": "l3-context-vrf-red" } ], "port-name": "vethl-h36_5", "tenant": "tenant-red" } }] def get_endpoint_uri(): return "/restconf/operations/endpoint:register-endpoint" def get_tunnel_oper_uri(): return "/restconf/operational/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/" def get_topology_oper_uri(): return "/restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/ovsdb:1/" if __name__ == "__main__": # Launch main menu # Some sensible defaults controller=os.environ.get('ODL') if controller == None: sys.exit("No controller set.") print "Contacting controller at %s" % controller print "waiting for manager on SFFs..." wait_for_sff_in_datastore(get_topology_oper_uri()) print "sending service functions" put(controller, DEFAULT_PORT, get_service_functions_uri(), get_service_functions_data(), True) print "sending service function forwarders" put(controller, DEFAULT_PORT, get_service_function_forwarders_uri(), get_service_function_forwarders_data(), True) print "waiting for switches on SFFs..." wait_for_sff_in_datastore(get_tunnel_oper_uri()) print "sending service function chains" put(controller, DEFAULT_PORT, get_service_function_chains_uri(), get_service_function_chains_data(), True) print "sending service function paths" put(controller, DEFAULT_PORT, get_service_function_paths_uri(), get_service_function_paths_data(), True) print "sending tunnel" put(controller, DEFAULT_PORT, get_tunnel_uri_1(), get_tunnel_data_1(), True) print "sending tenant" put(controller, DEFAULT_PORT, get_tunnel_uri_6(), get_tunnel_data_6(), True) print "sending tenant" put(controller, DEFAULT_PORT, get_tenant_uri(), get_tenant_data(),True) print "registering endpoints" for endpoint in get_endpoint_data(): post(controller, DEFAULT_PORT, get_endpoint_uri(),endpoint,True)