define(['app/cpeui/cpeui.module'],function(cpeui) { cpeui.factory('CpeuiSvc', function($http) { var baseUrl = "/restconf/config/mef-global:mef-global/"; var svc = {}; svc.getTenantList = function(callback) { var tenantList = []; $http({ method:'GET', url:baseUrl + "tenants-instances" }).then(function successCallback(response) { tenantList =["tenants-instances"]["tenant-list"]; if (callback != undefined) { callback(tenantList); } }, function errorCallback(response) { if (response.status == 404) { callback([]); } else { console.log(response); } }); }; svc.addTenant = function(name, callback){ $http({ method:'POST', url:baseUrl + "tenants-instances/", data: {"tenant-list":[{ "name": name }]} }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }; svc.deleteTenant = function(id, callback) { $http({ method:'DELETE', url:baseUrl + "tenants-instances/tenant-list/" + id + "/", }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }; // Profiles svc.getProfiles = function(callback) { $http({ method:'GET', url:"/restconf/config/mef-global:mef-global/profiles/ingress-bwp-flows/" }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(["ingress-bwp-flows"]["bwp-flow"]); } }, function errorCallback(response) { if (response.status == 404) { callback([]); } console.log(response); }); }; svc.addProfile = function(name, cir, cbs, callback){ $http({ method:'POST', url:"/restconf/config/mef-global:mef-global/profiles/ingress-bwp-flows/", data: {"bwp-flow":{ "bw-profile" : name, "cir" : cir, "cbs" : cbs }} }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }; svc.editProfile = function(name, cir, cbs, callback){ $http({ method:'PUT', url:"/restconf/config/mef-global:mef-global/profiles/ingress-bwp-flows/bwp-flow/"+name, data: {"bwp-flow":{ "bw-profile": name, cir: cir, cbs:cbs }} }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }; svc.deleteProfile = function(name, callback) { $http({ method:'DELETE', url:"/restconf/config/mef-global:mef-global/profiles/ingress-bwp-flows/bwp-flow/"+name, }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }; // CEs svc.addCe = function(id, name, callback) { $http({ method:'POST', url:"/restconf/config/mef-topology:mef-topology/devices/", data:{ "device": [ { "dev-id": id, "device-name":name, "role": "ce", "interfaces": {"interface": []} } ] } }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }; svc.addCeName = function(ce, new_name, callback) { $http({ method:'POST', url:"/restconf/config/mef-topology:mef-topology/devices/device/" + ce['dev-id'], data: {"device-name": new_name} }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }, function errorCallback(response) { console.log(response); $http({ method:'GET', url:"/restconf/config/mef-topology:mef-topology/devices/device/" + ce['dev-id'] }).then(function successCallback(response) { ce["device-name"] =["device"][0]["device-name"]; }); }); }; svc.getCes = function(callback) { var ces; var operMap = {}; $http({ method:'GET', url:"/restconf/operational/mef-topology:mef-topology/devices/" }).then(function successCallback(response) { ces =["devices"]["device"]; ces.forEach(function(c) { c.displayName = c['dev-id']; operMap[c['dev-id']] = c; }); }).finally(function() { $http({ method:'GET', url:"/restconf/config/mef-topology:mef-topology/devices/" }).then(function(response){ var confCes =["devices"]["device"]; confCes.forEach(function(c) { c.displayName = c['device-name'] ? c['device-name'] : c['dev-id']; if (operMap[c['dev-id']]) { for (var attrname in c) { operMap[c['dev-id']][attrname] = c[attrname]; } } else { operMap[c['dev-id']] = c; } }); }).finally(function() { if (callback != undefined) { callback(Object.values(operMap)); } }); }); }; svc.removeCe = function(ceid, callback) { $http({ method:'DELETE', url:"/restconf/config/mef-topology:mef-topology/devices/device/" + ceid + "/" }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }; // UNIs svc.addUni = function(id, tenantid, callback) { $http({ method:'POST', url:"/restconf/config/mef-interfaces:mef-interfaces/unis/", data:{"uni": [{ "uni-id": id, "tenant-id":tenantid, "admin-state-enabled":true }]} }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }; svc.updateUni = function(id, tenantid, callback) { // TODO didn't find a better way to keep other uni fields, PATCH method is not supported :( $http({ method:'GET', url:"/restconf/operational/mef-interfaces:mef-interfaces/unis/uni/" + id + "/" }).then(function successCallback(response) { uni =; uni["uni"][0]["tenant-id"] = tenantid; if (!tenantid) { delete uni["uni"][0]["tenant-id"]; } uni["uni"][0]["admin-state-enabled"] = true; $http({ method:'PUT', url:"/restconf/config/mef-interfaces:mef-interfaces/unis/uni/" + id + "/", data:uni }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }); }; svc.getUnis = function(callback) { var unis; $http({ method:'GET', url:"/restconf/operational/mef-interfaces:mef-interfaces/unis/" }).then(function successCallback(response) { unis =["unis"]["uni"]; if (unis != undefined){ for (i=0; i < unis.length; i++) { if ((unis[i]["physical-layers"] != undefined) && (unis[i]["physical-layers"].links != undefined)){ unis[i].device = unis[i]["physical-layers"][0].device; } } } var confMap = {} $http({ method:'GET', url:"/restconf/config/mef-interfaces:mef-interfaces/unis/" }).then(function(response){ var confUnis =["unis"]["uni"]; confUnis.forEach(function(u) { confMap[u['uni-id']] = u; }); }).finally(function(){ unis.forEach(function(u) { u.prettyID = u['uni-id'].split(":")[u['uni-id'].split(":").length - 1]; // copy config fields like tenant-id if (confMap[u['uni-id']]){ for (var attrname in confMap[u['uni-id']]) { u[attrname] = confMap[u['uni-id']][attrname]; } } }); if (callback != undefined) { callback(unis); } }); }, function errorCallback(response) { if (response.status == 404) { callback([]); } console.log(response); }); }; svc.getTenantUnis = function(tenantid, callback) { var unis; svc.getUnis(function(unis){ if (unis != undefined){ unis = unis.filter(function(u){return u["tenant-id"] == tenantid;}); } if (callback != undefined) { callback(unis); } }); }; svc.removeUni = function(uniid, callback) { $http({ method:'DELETE', url:"/restconf/config/mef-interfaces:mef-interfaces/unis/uni/" + uniid + "/" }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }; // IPVCs svc.addIpvc = function(ipvc, tenant, callback) { var data = { "mef-service" : { "svc-id" :, "svc-type" : 'eplan', "tenant-id" : tenant, "ipvc" : { "ipvc-id" :, "ipvc-type" : 'multipoint', } } }; $http({ method:'POST', url:"/restconf/config/mef-services:mef-services/", data:data }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }; svc.addIpUni = function(uniid, ipuni_id, ip_address, vlan, segmentation_id, callback) { var data = {"ip-uni":{ "ip-uni-id": ipuni_id, "ip-address": ip_address }}; if (vlan){ data["ip-uni"].vlan = vlan; } if (segmentation_id) { data["ip-uni"]["segmentation-id"] = segmentation_id; } $http({ method:'POST', url:"/restconf/config/mef-interfaces:mef-interfaces/unis/uni/"+uniid+"/ip-unis/", data:data }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }; svc.getAllIpUniSubnets = function(callback) { $http({ method:'GET', url : "/restconf/config/mef-interfaces:mef-interfaces/subnets/" }).then(function successCallback(response) { var raw_subnets =["subnets"]["subnet"]; var subnets ={} raw_subnets.forEach(function(sub){ if (subnets[sub["uni-id"]] == undefined) { subnets[sub["uni-id"]] = {}; } if (subnets[sub["uni-id"]][sub["ip-uni-id"]] == undefined) { subnets[sub["uni-id"]][sub["ip-uni-id"]] = []; } subnets[sub["uni-id"]][sub["ip-uni-id"]].push(sub); }); if (callback != undefined) { callback(subnets); } }, function errorCallback(response) { console.log(response); }); }; svc.addIpUniSubnet = function(uniid, ipuniid, subnet, gateway, callback) { var data = { "subnet": { "subnet": subnet, "uni-id":uniid, "ip-uni-id":ipuniid, "gateway": gateway } }; $http( { method : 'POST', url : "/restconf/config/mef-interfaces:mef-interfaces/subnets/", data : data }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }; svc.deleteIpUniSubnet = function(uniid, ipuni_id, subnet, callback) { $http({ method:'DELETE', url:"/restconf/config/mef-interfaces:mef-interfaces/subnets/subnet/"+uniid+"/"+ipuni_id+"/"+subnet.replace("/","%2F")+"/" }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }; svc.deleteIpUni = function(uniid, ipuni_id, callback) { $http({ method:'DELETE', url:"/restconf/config/mef-interfaces:mef-interfaces/unis/uni/"+uniid+"/ip-unis/ip-uni/"+ipuni_id+"/" }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }; svc.getIpUniSubnets = function(uniid, ipuni_id, callback) { $http({ method:'GET', url:"/restconf/config/mef-interfaces:mef-interfaces/subnets/" //subnet/"+uniid+"/ip-unis/ip-uni/"+ipuni_id+"/subnets" }).then(function successCallback(response) { subnets =["subnets"]["subnet"]; subnets = subnets.filterByField('uni-id',uniid).filterByField('ip-uni-id',ipuni_id); if (callback != undefined) { callback(subnets); } }); }; // EVCs function getJsonUnis(unis) { var uni_json = []; if (unis == undefined) { unis = []; } unis.forEach(function(i){uni_json.push({"uni-id":i});}); return uni_json; } svc.addEvc = function(evc, evc_type, tenant, callback) { var uni_json = getJsonUnis(evc.unis); // preserved-vlan var data = { "mef-service" : { "svc-id" :, "svc-type" : evc.svc_type, "tenant-id" : tenant, "evc" : { "evc-id" :, "evc-type" : evc_type, "preserve-ce-vlan-id" : evc.is_preserve_vlan, "max-svc-frame-size" : evc.mtu_size, "unicast-svc-frm-delivery" : evc.unicast, "multicast-svc-frm-delivery" : evc.multicast, "unis" : { "uni" : uni_json }, "admin-state-enabled" : true } } }; if (evc.is_preserve_vlan) { data["mef-service"]["evc"]["preserved-vlan"] = evc.preserved_vlan; } if (evc.subnet) { data["mef-service"]["evc"].subnet = evc.subnet; } if (evc.segmentation_id) { data["mef-service"]["evc"]["segmentation-id"] = evc.segmentation_id; } $http({ method:'POST', url:"/restconf/config/mef-services:mef-services/", data:data }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }; svc.getServices = function(tenantid, callback) { var evcs; $http({ method:'GET', url:"/restconf/config/mef-services:mef-services/" }).then(function successCallback(response) { evcs =["mef-services"]["mef-service"]; // TODO try to filter on server side if (evcs != undefined) { evcs = evcs.filter(function(evc){return evc["tenant-id"] == tenantid;}); for (i=0; i < evcs.length; i++) { if ((evcs[i].evc != undefined) && (evcs[i].evc.unis.uni != undefined)) { var unis = evcs[i].evc.unis.uni; for (j=0; j < unis.length; j++) { if ((unis[j]['evc-uni-ce-vlans'] != undefined) && (unis[j]['evc-uni-ce-vlans']['evc-uni-ce-vlan'] != undefined)){ unis[j].vlans = unis[j]['evc-uni-ce-vlans']['evc-uni-ce-vlan'].map(function(u){return u.vid;}).sort(); } else { unis[j].vlans = []; } } } } } if (callback != undefined) { callback(evcs); } }, function errorCallback(response) { console.log(response); }); return evcs; }; svc.getAllServices = function(callback) { $http({ method:'GET', url:"/restconf/config/mef-services:mef-services/" }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(["mef-services"]["mef-service"]); } }, function errorCallback(response) { if (response.status == 404) { callback([]); } console.log(response); }); }; svc.addTenantToService = function(svcId, tenantName, callbackSuccess, callbackFailure){ $http({ method:'POST', url:"/restconf/config/mef-services:mef-services/mef-service/" + svcId, data:{"tenant-id":tenantName} }).then(function() { if (callbackSuccess != undefined) { callbackSuccess(); } }, function() { if (callbackFailure != undefined) { callbackFailure(); } else { console.log(response); } }); }; svc.removeEvc = function(svcid, callback) { $http({ method:'DELETE', url:"/restconf/config/mef-services:mef-services/mef-service/" + svcid + "/" }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }; svc.addIpvcUni = function(svcid, uni_id, ipuni_id, profile_name, callback) { var data = {"uni":{ "uni-id":uni_id, "ip-uni-id":ipuni_id } }; if (profile_name) { data.uni["ingress-bw-profile"] = profile_name; } $http({ method:'PUT', url:"/restconf/config/mef-services:mef-services/mef-service/" + svcid + "/ipvc/unis/uni/"+uni_id+"/"+ipuni_id, data: data }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }, function failureCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }; svc.deleteIpvcUni = function(svcid, uni_id, ipuni_id, callback) { $http({ method:'DELETE', url:"/restconf/config/mef-services:mef-services/mef-service/" + svcid + "/ipvc/unis/uni/" + uni_id +"/"+ipuni_id + "/" }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }; svc.addEvcUni = function(svcid, uni_id, role, vlans, profile_name, callback) { var data = {"uni":{ "uni-id":uni_id, "role":role, "admin-state-enabled":true } }; if (profile_name) { data.uni["ingress-bw-profile"] = profile_name; } if (vlans != undefined) { data.uni['evc-uni-ce-vlans'] = {"evc-uni-ce-vlan":[]} for (var i=0; i< vlans.length; ++i) { data.uni['evc-uni-ce-vlans']["evc-uni-ce-vlan"].push({"vid":vlans[i]}); } } $http({ method:'POST', url:"/restconf/config/mef-services:mef-services/mef-service/" + svcid + "/evc/unis", data: data }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }, function failureCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }; svc.addEvcUniVlan = function(svcid, uni_id, vlan, callback) { $http({ method:'POST', url:"/restconf/config/mef-services:mef-services/mef-service/" + svcid + "/evc/unis/uni/" + uni_id + "/evc-uni-ce-vlans/", data:{"evc-uni-ce-vlan":{"vid":vlan}} }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }; svc.deleteEvcUni = function(svcid, uni_id, callback) { $http({ method:'DELETE', url:"/restconf/config/mef-services:mef-services/mef-service/" + svcid + "/evc/unis/uni/" + uni_id + "/" }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }; svc.deleteVlan = function(svc_id, uni_id, vlan,callback) { $http({ method:'DELETE', url:"/restconf/config/mef-services:mef-services/mef-service/" + svc_id + "/evc/unis/uni/" + uni_id + "/evc-uni-ce-vlans/evc-uni-ce-vlan/"+ vlan+"/" }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }; svc.addVlan = function(svc_id, uni_id, vlan, callback) { $http({ method:'PUT', url:"/restconf/config/mef-services:mef-services/mef-service/" + svc_id + "/evc/unis/uni/"+uni_id+"/evc-uni-ce-vlans/evc-uni-ce-vlan/"+vlan+"/", data:{"evc-uni-ce-vlan":{"vid":vlan}} }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(); } }); }; svc.getNetworkNames = function(callback){ $http({ method:'GET', url:"/restconf/config/neutron:neutron/networks/" }).then(function successCallback(response) { if (callback != undefined) { callback(; } }); }; return svc; }); });