# Example OpenDaylight Debian Dockerfile Example Dockerfile of OpenDaylight installed from an RPM on Debian. ## Using ``` docker build -t . docker run # Karaf shell ``` Replace the tag name with one of your own choosing. ## Other OpenDaylight Containers The OpenDaylight Integration/Packaging project maintains a Packer build pipeline to build offical containers and VMs. The source can be found in [Int/Pack's repo][1], the VMs packaged as [Vagrant boxes on Atlas][2], and the [containers on DockerHub][3]. Packer builds currently only support CentOS and Fedora. [1]: https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=integration/packaging.git;a=tree;f=packer;hb=refs/heads/master "ODL Int/Pack repo" [2]: https://atlas.hashicorp.com/opendaylight/boxes/odl "ODL Vagrant-based VMs" [3]: https://hub.docker.com/r/opendaylight/odl/ "ODL containers"