.. _bier-dev-guide: BIER Developer Guide ==================== BIER Architecture ----------------- - **Channel** - Channel (multicast flow) configuration and deploying information management. - **Common** - Common YANG models collection. - **Drivers** - South-bound NETCONF interface for BIER, it has implemented standard interface (ietf-bier). If your BFR's NETCONF interface is Non-standard, you should add your own interface for driver. - **Sbi-Adapter** - Adapter for different BIER south-bound NETCONF interfaces. - **Service** - Major processor function for BIER. - **Topomanager** - BIER topology management. BIER Feature ------------ - **odl-bier-all** - This feature contains all other features/bundles of BIER project. If you install it, it provides all functions that the BIER project can support. - **odl-bier-models** - This feature contains all models of BIER project, such as ietf-bier, ietf-multicast-information and so on. - **odl-bier-topomanager** - This feature generates BIER's topology from network topology which discovered via OpenFlow Plugin. - **odl-bier-topomanager-api** - This feature provides all APIs about BIER topology. - **odl-bier-topomanager-rest** - This feature provides function of BIER topology management, such as configure BIER domain, sub-domain, nodes, and user can invoke these RPCs via RESTCONF. - **odl-bier-topomanager-ui** - This feature can display bier-topo-manager's APIs on UIs (odl-mdsal-apidocs and odl-dlux-yangui). - **odl-bier-topomanager-cli** - This feature provides Karaf commands for BIER topo-manager debugging, which is useful for troubleshooting. - **odl-bier-channel** - This feature provides function about multicast flow information configuration and deployment in BIER domain. - **odl-bier-channel-api** - This feature provides all APIs about multicast flow configuration and deployment. - **odl-bier-channel-rest** - This feature provides function of BIER multicast information management, such as configure multicast, deploying BFIR and BFER in BIER domain, and user can invoke these RPCs via RESTCONF. - **odl-bier-channel-ui** - This feature can display bier-channel's APIs on UIs (odl-mdsal-apidocs and odl-dlux-yangui). - **odl-bier-channel-cli** - This feature provides Karaf commands for bier-channel debugging, which is useful for troubleshooting. - **odl-bier-service** - This feature provides function which processing the result of BIER topo-mamager and BIER channel-mamager, and invoking south-bound-interface for driver. - **odl-bier-service-cli** - This feature provides Karaf commands for bier-service debugging, which is useful for troubleshooting. - **odl-bier-adapter** - This feature provides adapter for different BIER south-bound NETCONF interfaces, so all BFRs in BIER domain with different NETCONF configuration interfaces and they can operate normally together. - **odl-bier-driver** - This feature is south-bound NETCONF interface for BIER, it has implemented standard interface (ietf-bier). If your BFR's NETCONF interface is Non-standard, you should add your own interface for driver. APIs in BIER ------------ The sections below give details about the configuration settings for the components that can be configured. Topology Manager ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ API Description ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - bier/topomanager/api/src/main/yang/bier-topology-api.yang - **load-topology** - Load BIER topology, and list all topo-name in all BIER topologies. - **configure-domain** - Configure domain in given BIER topology. - **configure-subdomain** - Configure sub-domain in given BIER domain and topology. - **configure-node** - Configure node information in given topology, which defined in ietf-bier, such as domains, sub-domains, bitstringlength, bfr-id, encapsulation-type, etc. - **delete-domain** - Delete given domain in given topology. - **delete-subdomain** - Delete given sub-domain in given domain and topology. - **delete-node** - Delete given node which be assigned to given sub-domain and domain in given topology. - **query-topology** - Query given topology in BIER topology, and then display this topology's detail, such as information of node and link. - **query-node** - Query given nodes in given topology, and then display these nodes' detail, such as information of node-name, router-id, termination-point list, BIER domain and sub-domain list, etc. - **query-link** - Query given link in given topology, and then display this link's detail. - **query-domain** - Query domain in given BIER topology, and then display the domain-id list. - **query-subdomain** - Query sub-domain in given domain and given topology, and then display the sub-domain-id list. - **query-subdomain-node** - Query nodes which have been assigned to given sub-domain and domain in given topology, and then display these nodes' details. - **query-subdomain-link** - Query links which have been assigned to given sub-domain and domain in given topology, and then display these links' details. Parameters Description ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - **topology-id** - BIER topology identifier. - **node-id** - Node identifier in network topology. - **latitude** - Node’s latitude, default value is 0. - **longitude** - Node’s longitude, default value is 0. - **tp-id** - Termination point identifier. - **domain-id** - BIER domain identifier. - **encapsulation-type** - Base identity for BIER encapsulation. Default value is "bier-encapsulation-mpls". - **bitstringlength** - The bitstringlength type for imposition mode. It's value can be chosen from 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, and 4096. - The BitStringLength ("Imposition BitStringLength") and sub-domain ("Imposition sub-domain") to use when it imposes (as a BFIR) a BIER encapsulation on a particular set of packets. - **bfr-id** - BIER bfr identifier. BFR-id is a number in the range [1, 65535]. - Bfr-id is unique within the sub-domain. A BFR-id is a small unstructured positive integer. For instance, if a particular BIER sub-domain contains 1, 374 BFRs, each one could be given a BFR-id in the range 1-1374. - If a given BFR belongs to more than one sub-domain, it may (though it need not) have a different BFR-id for each sub-domain. - **ipv4-bfr-prefix** - BIER BFR IPv4 prefix. - A BFR's BFR-Prefix MUST be an IP address (either IPv4 or IPv6) of the BFR, and MUST be unique and routable within the BIER domain. It is RECOMMENDED that the BFR-prefix be a loopback address of the BFR. Two BFRs in the same BIER domain MUST NOT be assigned the same BFR-Prefix. Note that a BFR in a given BIER domain has the same BFR-prefix in all the sub-domains of that BIER domain. - **ipv6-bfr-prefix** - BIER BFR IPv6 prefix. - **sub-domain-id** - Sub-domain identifier. Each sub-domain is identified by a sub-domain-id in the range [0, 255]. - A BIER domain may contain one or more sub-domains. Each BIER domain MUST contain at least one sub-domain, the "default sub-domain" (also denoted "sub-domain zero"). If a BIER domain contains more than one sub-domain, each BFR in the domain MUST be provisioned to know the set of sub-domains to which it belongs. - **igp-type** - The IGP type. Enum type contains OSPF and ISIS. - **mt-id** - Multi-topology associated with BIER sub-domain. - **bitstringlength** - Disposition bitstringlength. - The BitStringLengths ("Disposition BitStringLengths") that it will process when (as a BFR or BFER) it receives packets from a particular sub-domain. - **bier-mpls-label-base** - BIER mpls-label, range in [0, 1048575]. - **bier-mpls-label-range-size** - BIER mpls-label range size. - **link-id** - The identifier of a link in the topology. - A link is specific to a topology to which it belongs. - **source-node** - Source node identifier, must be in same topology. - **source-tp** - Termination point within source node that terminates the link. - **dest-node** - Destination node identifier and must be in same topology. - **dest-tp** - Termination point within destination node that terminates the link. - **delay** - The link delay, default value is 0. - **loss** - The number of packet loss on the link and default value is 0. Channel Manager ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ API Description ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - bier/channel/api/src/main/yang/bier-channel-api.yang - **get-channel** - Display all channel's names in given BIER topology. - **query-channel** - Query specific channel in given topology and display this channel's information (multicast flow information and related BFIR,BFER information). - **add-channel** - Create channel with multicast information in given BIER topology. - **modify-channel** - Modify the channel's information which created above. - **remove-channel** - Remove given channel in given topology. - **deploy-channel** - Deploy channel, and configure BFIR and BFERs about this multicast flow in given topology. Parameters Description ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - **topology-id** - BIER topology identifier. - **channel-name** - BIER channel (multicast flow information) name. - **src-ip** - The IPv4 of multicast source. The value set to zero means that the receiver interests in all source that relevant to one group. - **dst-group** - The IPv4 of multicast group. - **domain-id** - BIER domain identifier. - **sub-domain-id** - BIER sub-domain identifier. - **source-wildcard** - The wildcard information of source, in the range [1, 32]. - **group-wildcard** - The wildcard information of multi-cast group, in the range [1, 32]. - **ingress-node** - BFIR (Bit-Forwarding Ingress Router). - **ingress-bfr-id** - The bfr-id of BRIR. - **egress-node** - BFER (Bit-Forwarding Egress Router). - **egress-bfr-id** - The bfr-id of BRER. .. note:: For more information about BIER terminology, see `YANG Data Model for BIER Protocol `_. Sample Configurations --------------------- 1. Configure Domain And Sub-domain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.1. Configure Domain ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **REST API** : *POST /restconf/operations/bier-topology-api:configure-domain* **Sample JSON Data** .. code:: json { "input": { "topo-id": " flow:1" , "domain ":[ { "domain-id": " 1", }, { "domain-id": " 2", } ] } } 1.2. Configure Sub-domain ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **REST API** : *POST /restconf/operations/bier-topology-api:configure-subdomain* **Sample JSON Data** .. code:: json { "input": { "topo-id": " flow:1" , "domain-id":" 1", "sub-domain":[ { "sub-domain-id":" 0", }, { "sub-domain-id":"1", } ] } } 2. Configure BIER Node ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **REST API** : *POST /restconf/operations/bier-topology-api:configure-node* **Sample JSON Data** .. code:: json { "input": { "topology-id": "flow:1", "node-id": "openflow:3", "domain": [ { "domain-id": "2", "bier-global": { "sub-domain": [ { "sub-domain-id": "0", "igp-type": "ISIS", "mt-id": "1", "bfr-id": "3", "bitstringlength": "64-bit", "af": { "ipv4": [ { "bitstringlength": "64", "bier-mpls-label-base": "56", "bier-mpls-label-range-size": "100" } ] } } ], "encapsulation-type": "bier-encapsulation-mpls", "bitstringlength": "64-bit", "bfr-id": "33", "ipv4-bfr-prefix": "", "ipv6-bfr-prefix": "1030:0:0:0:C9B4:FF12:48AA:1A2B/60" } } ] } } 3. Query BIER Topology Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3.1. Load Topology ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **REST API** : *POST /restconf/operations/bier-topology-api:load-topology* no request body. 3.2. Query Topology ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **REST API** : *POST /restconf/operations/bier-topology-api:query-topology* **Sample JSON Data** .. code:: json { "input": { "topo-id": " flow:1" } } 3.3. Query BIER Node ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **REST API** : *POST /restconf/operations/bier-topology-api:query-node* **Sample JSON Data** .. code:: json { "input": { "topo-id": " flow:1", "node-id": "openflow:3" } } 3.4. Query BIER Link ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **REST API** : *POST /restconf/operations/bier-topology-api:query-link* **Sample JSON Data** .. code:: json { "input": { "topo-id": " flow:1", "node-id": "openflow:3" } } 3.5. Query Domain ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **REST API** : *POST /restconf/operations/bier-topology-api:query-domain* **Sample JSON Data** .. code:: json { "input": { "topo-id": " flow:1" } } 3.6. Query Sub-domain ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **REST API** : *POST /restconf/operations/bier-topology-api:query-subdomain* **Sample JSON Data** .. code:: json { "input": { "topo-id": " flow:1", "domain-id": "1" } } 3.7. Query Sub-domain Node ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **REST API** : *POST /restconf/operations/bier-topology-api:query-subdomain-node* **Sample JSON Data** .. code:: json { "input": { "topology-id": "flow:1", "domain-id": "1", "sub-domain-id": "0" } } 3.8. Query Sub-domain Link ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **REST API** : *POST /restconf/operations/bier-topology-api:query-subdomain-link* **Sample JSON Data** .. code:: json { "input": { "topology-id": "flow:1", "domain-id": "1", "sub-domain-id": "0" } } 4. BIER Channel Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4.1. Configure Channel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **REST API** : *POST /restconf/operations/bier-channel-api:add-channel* **Sample JSON Data** .. code:: json { "input": { "topology-id": "flow:1", "name": "channel-1", "src-ip": "", "dst-group": "", "domain-id": "1", "sub-domain-id": "11", "source-wildcard": "24", "group-wildcard": "30" } } 4.2. Modify Channel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **REST API** : *POST /restconf/operations/bier-channel-api:modify-channel* **Sample JSON Data** .. code:: json { "input": { "topology-id": "flow:1", "name": "channel-1", "src-ip": "", "dst-group": "", "domain-id": "1", "sub-domain-id": "11", "source-wildcard": "24", "group-wildcard": "30" } } 5. Deploy Channel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **REST API** : *POST /restconf/operations/bier-channel-api:deploy-channel* **Sample JSON Data** .. code:: json { "input": { "topology-id": "flow:1", "channel-name": "channel-1", "ingress-node": "node1", "egress-node": [ { "node-id": "node2" }, { "node-id": "node3" } ] } } 6. Query Channel Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6.1. Get Channel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **REST API** : *POST /restconf/operations/bier-channel-api:get-channel* **Sample JSON Data** .. code:: json { "input": { "topology-id": "flow:1" } } 6.2. Query Channel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **REST API** : *POST /restconf/operations/bier-channel-api:query-channel* **Sample JSON Data** .. code:: json { "input": { "topology-id": "flow:1", "channel-name": [ "channel-1", "channel-2" ] } } 7. Remove Channel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **REST API** : *POST /restconf/operations/bier-channel-api:remove-channel* **Sample JSON Data** .. code:: json { "input": { "topology-id": "flow:1", "channel-name": "channel-1" } } 8. Delete BIER Topology Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8.1. Delete BIER Node ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **REST API** : *POST /restconf/operations/bier-topology-api:delete-node* **Sample JSON Data** .. code:: json { "input": { "topo-id": "flow:1", "node-id": " openflow:3", "domain-id": "1", "subdomain-id": "0" } } 8.2. Delete Sub-domain ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **REST API** : *POST /restconf/operations/bier-topology-api:delete-subdomian* **Sample JSON Data** .. code:: json { "input": { "topo-id": "flow:1", "domain-id": "1", "subdomain-id": "0" } } 8.3. Delete Domain ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **REST API** : *POST /restconf/operations/bier-topology-api:delete-domian* **Sample JSON Data** .. code:: json { "input": { "topo-id": "flow:1", "domain-id": "1" } }