.. _cardinal-dev-guide: Cardinal: OpenDaylight Monitoring as a Service ============================================== Overview -------- Cardinal (OpenDaylight Monitoring as a Service) enables OpenDaylight and the underlying software defined network to be remotely monitored by deployed Network Management Systems (NMS) or Analytics suite. In the Boron release, Cardinal adds: 1. OpenDaylight MIB. 2. Enable ODL diagnostics/monitoring to be exposed across SNMP (v2c, v3) and REST north-bound. 3. Extend ODL System health, Karaf parameter and feature info, ODL plugin scalability and network parameters. 4. Support autonomous notifications (SNMP Traps). Cardinal Architecture --------------------- The Cardinal architecture can be found at the below link: https://wiki.opendaylight.org/images/8/89/Cardinal-ODL_Monitoring_as_a_Service_V2.pdf Key APIs and Interfaces ----------------------- There are 6 main APIs for requesting snmpget request of the Karaf info, System info, Openflow devices and Netconf Devices. To expose these APIs, it assumes that you already have the ``odl-cardinal`` and ``odl-restconf`` features installed. You can do that by entering the following at the Karaf console: :: feature:install odl-cardinal feature:install odl-restconf-all feature:install odl-l2switch-switch feature:install odl-netconf-all feature:install odl-netconf-connector-all feature:install odl-netconf-mdsal feature:install cardinal-features4 feature:install odl-cardinal-api feature:install odl-cardinal-ui feature:install odl-cardinal-rest System Info APIs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Open the REST interface and using the basic authentication, execute REST APIs for system info as: :: http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/cardinal:CardinalSystemInfo/ You should get the response code of the same as 200 OK with the following output as: :: { "CardinalSystemInfo": { "odlSystemMemUsage": " 9", "odlSystemSysInfo": " OpenDaylight Node Information", "odlSystemOdlUptime": " 00:29", "odlSystemCpuUsage": " 271", "odlSystemHostAddress": " Address of the Host should come up" } } Karaf Info APIs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Open the REST interface and using the basic authentication, execute REST APIs for system info as: :: http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/cardinal-karaf:CardinalKarafInfo/ You should get the response code of the same as 200 OK with the following output as: :: { "CardinalKarafInfo": { "odlKarafBundleListActive1": " org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn_2.4.5 [1]", "odlKarafBundleListActive2": " org.ops4j.pax.url.wrap_2.4.5 [2]", "odlKarafBundleListActive3": " org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-api_1.8.4 [3]", "odlKarafBundleListActive4": " org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-service_1.8.4 [4]", "odlKarafBundleListActive5": " org.apache.karaf.service.guard_3.0.6 [5]", "odlKarafBundleListActive6": " org.apache.felix.configadmin_1.8.4 [6]", "odlKarafBundleListActive7": " org.apache.felix.fileinstall_3.5.2 [7]", "odlKarafBundleListActive8": " org.objectweb.asm.all_5.0.3 [8]", "odlKarafBundleListActive9": " org.apache.aries.util_1.1.1 [9]", "odlKarafBundleListActive10": " org.apache.aries.proxy.api_1.0.1 [10]", "odlKarafBundleListInstalled1": " org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn_2.4.5 [1]", "odlKarafBundleListInstalled2": " org.ops4j.pax.url.wrap_2.4.5 [2]", "odlKarafBundleListInstalled3": " org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-api_1.8.4 [3]", "odlKarafBundleListInstalled4": " org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-service_1.8.4 [4]", "odlKarafBundleListInstalled5": " org.apache.karaf.service.guard_3.0.6 [5]", "odlKarafFeatureListInstalled1": " config", "odlKarafFeatureListInstalled2": " region", "odlKarafFeatureListInstalled3": " package", "odlKarafFeatureListInstalled4": " http", "odlKarafFeatureListInstalled5": " war", "odlKarafFeatureListInstalled6": " kar", "odlKarafFeatureListInstalled7": " ssh", "odlKarafFeatureListInstalled8": " management", "odlKarafFeatureListInstalled9": " odl-netty", "odlKarafFeatureListInstalled10": " odl-lmax", "odlKarafBundleListResolved1": " org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn_2.4.5 [1]", "odlKarafBundleListResolved2": " org.ops4j.pax.url.wrap_2.4.5 [2]", "odlKarafBundleListResolved3": " org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-api_1.8.4 [3]", "odlKarafBundleListResolved4": " org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-service_1.8.4 [4]", "odlKarafBundleListResolved5": " org.apache.karaf.service.guard_3.0.6 [5]", "odlKarafFeatureListUnInstalled1": " aries-annotation", "odlKarafFeatureListUnInstalled2": " wrapper", "odlKarafFeatureListUnInstalled3": " service-wrapper", "odlKarafFeatureListUnInstalled4": " obr", "odlKarafFeatureListUnInstalled5": " http-whiteboard", "odlKarafFeatureListUnInstalled6": " jetty", "odlKarafFeatureListUnInstalled7": " webconsole", "odlKarafFeatureListUnInstalled8": " scheduler", "odlKarafFeatureListUnInstalled9": " eventadmin", "odlKarafFeatureListUnInstalled10": " jasypt-encryption" } } OpenFlowInfo Apis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Open the REST interface and using the basic authentication, execute REST APIs for system info as: http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/cardinal-openflow:Devices You should get the response code of the same as 200 OK with the following output as: :: { "Devices": { "openflow": [ { "macAddress": "6a:80:ef:06:d3:46", "status": "Connected", "flowStats": " ", "interface": "s1", "manufacturer": "Nicira, Inc.", "nodeName": "openflow:1:LOCAL", "meterStats": " " }, { "macAddress": "32:56:c7:41:5d:9a", "status": "Connected", "flowStats": " ", "interface": "s2-eth2", "manufacturer": "Nicira, Inc.", "nodeName": "openflow:2:2", "meterStats": " " }, { "macAddress": "36:a8:3b:fe:e2:21", "status": "Connected", "flowStats": " ", "interface": "s3-eth1", "manufacturer": "Nicira, Inc.", "nodeName": "openflow:3:1", "meterStats": " " } ] } } Configuration for Netconf Devices:- 1. To configure or update a netconf-connector via topology you need to send following request to Restconf: :: Method: PUT URI: http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/new-netconf-device Headers: Accept: application/xml Content-Type: application/xml Payload: .. code-block:: xml new-netconf-device 17830 admin admin false 0 2. To delete a netconf connector issue a DELETE request to the following url: URI:http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/new-netconf-device NetConf Info Apis Open the REST interface and using the basic authentication, execute REST APIs for system info as: http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/cardinal-netconf:Devices You should get the response code of the same as 200 OK with the following output as: :: { "Devices": { "netconf": [ { "status": "connecting", "host": "", "nodeId": "new-netconf-device1", "port": "17830" }, { "status": "connecting", "host": "", "nodeId": "new-netconf-device", "port": "17830" }, { "status": "connecting", "host": "", "nodeId": "controller-config", "port": "1830" } ] } }