.. _iotdm_dev_guide: IoTDM Developer Guide ===================== Overview -------- The Internet of Things Data Management (IoTDM) on OpenDaylight project is about developing a data-centric middleware that will act as a oneM2M compliant IoT Data Broker and enable authorized applications to retrieve IoT data uploaded by any device. The OpenDaylight platform is used to implement the oneM2M data store which models a hierarchical containment tree, where each node in the tree represents an oneM2M resource. Typically, IoT devices and applications interact with the resource tree over standard protocols such as CoAP, MQTT, and HTTP. Initially, the oneM2M resource tree is used by applications to retrieve data. Possible applications are inventory or device management systems or big data analytic systems designed to make sense of the collected data. But, at some point, applications will need to configure the devices. Features and tools will have to be provided to enable configuration of the devices based on applications responding to user input, network conditions, or some set of programmable rules or policies possibly triggered by the receipt of data collected from the devices. The OpenDaylight platform, with its rich unique cross-section of SDN capabilities, NFV, and now IoT device and application management, can be bundled with a targeted set of features and deployed anywhere in the network to give the network service provider ultimate control. Depending on the use case, the OpenDaylight IoT platform can be configured with only IoT data collection capabilities where it is deployed near the IoT devices and its footprint needs to be small, or it can be configured to run as a highly scaled up and out distributed cluster with IoT, SDN and NFV functions enabled and deployed in a high traffic data center. oneM2M Architecture ------------------- The architecture provides a framework that enables the support of the oneM2M resource containment tree. The onem2m-core implements the MDSAL RPCs defined in the onem2m-api YANG files. These RPCs enable oneM2M resources to be created, read, updated, and deleted (CRUD), and also enables the management of subscriptions. When resources are CRUDed, the onem2m-notifier issues oneM2M notification events to interested subscribers. TS0001: oneM2M Functional Architecture and TS0004: oneM2M Service Layer Protocol are great reference documents to learn details of oneM2M resource types, message flow, formats, and CRUD/N semantics. Both of these specifications can be found at http://onem2m.org/technical/published-documents The oneM2M resource tree is modeled in YANG and essentially is a meta-model for the tree. The oneM2M wire protocols allow the resource tree to be constructed via HTTP or CoAP messages that populate nodes in the tree with resource specific attributes. Each oneM2M resource type has semantic behaviour associated with it. For example: a container resource has attributes which control quotas on how many and how big the collection of data or content instance objects that can exist below it in the tree. Depending on the resource type, the oneM2M core software implements and enforces the resource type specific rules to ensure a well-behaved resource tree. The resource tree can be simultaneously accessed by many concurrent applications wishing to manage or access the tree, and also many devices can be reporting in new data or sensor readings into their appropriate place in the tree. Key APIs and Interfaces ----------------------- The API’s to access the oneM2M datastore are well documented in TS0004 (referred above) found on onem2m.org RESTCONF is available too but generally HTTP and CoAP are used to access the oneM2M data tree.