.. _nic-dev-guide: Network Intent Composition (NIC) Developer Guide ================================================ Overview -------- The Network Intent Composition (NIC) provides four features: - odl-nic-core-hazelcast: Provides a distributed intent mapping service, implemented using hazelcast, that stores metadata needed by odl-nic-core feature. - odl-nic-core-mdsal: Provides an intent rest API to external applications for CRUD operations on intents, conflict resolution and event handling. Uses MD-SAL as backend. - odl-nic-console: Provides a karaf CLI extension for intent CRUD operations and mapping service operations. - odl-nic-renderer-of - Generic OpenFlow Renderer. - odl-nic-renderer-vtn - a feature that transforms an intent to a network modification using the VTN project - odl-nic-renderer-gbp - a feature that transforms an intent to a network modification using the Group Policy project - odl-nic-renderer-nemo - a feature that transforms an intent to a network modification using the NEMO project - odl-nic-listeners - adds support for event listening. (depends on: odl-nic-renderer-of) - odl-nic-neutron-integration - allow integration with openstack neutron to allow coexistence between existing neutron security rules and intents pushed by ODL applications. *Only a single renderer feature should be installed at a time for the Boron release.* odl-nic-core-mdsal XOR odl-nic-core-hazelcast --------------------------------------------- This feature supplies the base models for the Network Intent Composition (NIC) capability. This includes the definition of intent as well as the configuration and operational data trees. This feature only provides an information model. The interface for NIC is to modify the information model via the configuraiton data tree, which will trigger the renderer to make the appropriate changes in the controlled network. Installation ------------ First you need to install one of the core installations: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: feature:install odl-nic-core-service-mdsal odl-nic-console *OR* :: feature:install odl-nic-core-service-hazelcast odl-nic-console Then pick a renderer: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: feature:install odl-nic-listeners (will install odl-nic-renderer-of) *OR* :: feature:install odl-nic-renderer-vtn *OR* :: feature:install odl-nic-renderer-gbp *OR* :: feature:install odl-nic-renderer-nemo REST Supported operations ------------------------- POST / PUT (configuration) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This operations create instances of an intent in the configuration data tree and trigger the creation or modification of an intent. GET (configuration / operational) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This operation lists all or fetches a single intent from the data tree. DELETE (configuration) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This operation will cause an intent to be removed from the system and trigger any configuration changes on the network rendered from this intent to be removed. odl-nic-cli user guide ---------------------- This feature provides karaf console CLI command to manipulate the intent data model. The CLI essentailly invokes the equivalent data operations. intent:add ~~~~~~~~~~ Creates a new intent in the configuration data tree :: DESCRIPTION intent:add Adds an intent to the controller. Examples: --actions [ALLOW] --from --to --actions [BLOCK] --from SYNTAX intent:add [options] OPTIONS -a, --actions Action to be performed. -a / --actions BLOCK/ALLOW (defaults to [BLOCK]) --help Display this help message -t, --to Second Subject. -t / --to (defaults to any) -f, --from First subject. -f / --from (defaults to any) intent:delete ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Removes an existing intent from the system :: DESCRIPTION intent:remove Removes an intent from the controller. SYNTAX intent:remove id ARGUMENTS id Intent Id intent:list ~~~~~~~~~~~ Lists all the intents in the system :: DESCRIPTION intent:list Lists all intents in the controller. SYNTAX intent:list [options] OPTIONS -c, --config List Configuration Data (optional). -c / --config --help Display this help message intent:show ~~~~~~~~~~~ Displays the details of a single intent :: DESCRIPTION intent:show Shows detailed information about an intent. SYNTAX intent:show id ARGUMENTS id Intent Id intent:map ~~~~~~~~~~ List/Add/Delete current state from/to the mapping service. :: DESCRIPTION intent:map List/Add/Delete current state from/to the mapping service. SYNTAX intent:map [options] Examples: --list, -l [ENTER], to retrieve all keys. --add-key [ENTER], to add a new key with empty contents. --del-key [ENTER], to remove a key with it's values." --add-key --value [, , ...] [ENTER], to add a new key with some values (json format). OPTIONS --help Display this help message -l, --list List values associated with a particular key. -l / --filter [ENTER] --add-key Adds a new key to the mapping service. --add-key [ENTER] --value Specifies which value should be added/delete from the mapping service. --value "key=>value"... --value "key=>value" [ENTER] (defaults to []) --del-key Deletes a key from the mapping service. --del-key [ENTER] Sample Use case: MPLS --------------------- Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ The scope of this use-case is to add MPLS intents between two MPLS endpoints. The use-case tries to address the real-world scenario illustrated in the diagram below: .. figure:: ./images/nic/MPLS_VPN_Service_Diagram.png :alt: MPLS VPN Service Diagram MPLS VPN Service Diagram where PE (Provider Edge) and P (Provider) switches are managed by OpenDaylight. In NIC’s terminology the endpoints are the PE switches. There could be many P switches between the PEs. In order for NIC to recognize endpoints as MPLS endpoints, the user is expected to add mapping information about the PE switches to NIC’s mapping service to include the below properties: 1. MPLS Label to identify a PE 2. IPv4 Prefix for the customer site that are connected to a PE 3. Switch-Port: Ingress (or Egress) for source (or Destination) endpoint of the source (or Destination) PE An intent:add between two MPLS endpoints renders OpenFlow rules for: 1. push/pop labels to the MPLS endpoint nodes after an IPv4 Prefix match. 2. forward to port rule after MPLS label match to all the switches that form the shortest path between the endpoints (calculated using Dijkstra algorithm). Additionally, we have also added constraints to Intent model for protection and failover mechanism to ensure end-to-end connectivity between endpoints. By specifying these constraints to intent:add the use-case aims to reduces the risk of connectivity failure due to a single link or port down event on a forwarding device. - Protection constraint: Constraint that requires an end-to-end connectivity to be protected by providing redundant paths. - Failover constraint: Constraint that specifies the type of failover implementation. slow-reroute: Uses disjoint path calculation algorithms like Suurballe to provide alternate end-to-end routes. fast-reroute: Uses failure detection feature in hardware forwarding device through OF group table features (Future plans) When no constraint is requested by the user we default to offering a since end-to-end route using Dijkstra shortest path. How to use it? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Start Karaf and install related features: :: feature:install odl-nic-core-service-mdsal odl-nic-core odl-nic-console odl-nic-listeners 2. Start mininet topology. (verification of topology can be done with the topology URI using RESTCONF) :: mn --controller=remote,ip=$CONTROLLER_IP --custom ~/shortest_path.py --topo shortest_path --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13 :: cat shortest.py --> from mininet.topo import Topo from mininet.cli import CLI from mininet.net import Mininet from mininet.link import TCLink from mininet.util import irange,dumpNodeConnections from mininet.log import setLogLevel :: class Fast_Failover_Demo_Topo(Topo): :: def __init__(self): # Initialize topology and default options Topo.__init__(self) :: s1 = self.addSwitch('s1',dpid='0000000000000001') s2a = self.addSwitch('s2a',dpid='000000000000002a') s2b = self.addSwitch('s2b',dpid='000000000000002b') s2c = self.addSwitch('s2c',dpid='000000000000002c') s3 = self.addSwitch('s3',dpid='0000000000000003') self.addLink(s1, s2a) self.addLink(s1, s2b) self.addLink(s2b, s2c) self.addLink(s3, s2a) self.addLink(s3, s2c) host_1 = self.addHost('h1',ip='',mac='10:00:00:00:00:01') host_2 = self.addHost('h2',ip='',mac='10:00:00:00:00:02') self.addLink(host_1, s1) self.addLink(host_2, s3) :: topos = { 'shortest_path': ( lambda: Demo_Topo() ) } 3. Update the mapping service with required information Sample payload: :: { "mappings": { "outer-map": [ { "id": "uva", "inner-map": [ { "inner-key": "ip_prefix", "value": "" }, { "inner-key": "mpls_label", "value": "15" }, { "inner-key": "switch_port", "value": "openflow:1:1" } ] }, { "id": "eur", "inner-map": [ { "inner-key": "ip_prefix", "value": "" }, { "inner-key": "mpls_label", "value": "16" }, { "inner-key": "switch_port", "value": "openflow:3:1" } ] } ] } } 4. Create bidirectional Intents using Karaf command line or RestCONF: Example: :: intent:add -f uva -t eur -a ALLOW intent:add -f eur -t uva -a ALLOW 5. Verify by running ovs-ofctl command on mininet if the flows were pushed correctly to the nodes that form the shortest path. Example: :: ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows s1