.. _ofconfig-dev-guide: OF-CONFIG Developer Guide ========================= Overview -------- OF-CONFIG defines an OpenFlow switch as an abstraction called an OpenFlow Logical Switch. The OF-CONFIG protocol enables configuration of essential artifacts of an OpenFlow Logical Switch so that an OpenFlow controller can communicate and control the OpenFlow Logical switch via the OpenFlow protocol. OF-CONFIG introduces an operating context for one or more OpenFlow data paths called an OpenFlow Capable Switch for one or more switches. An OpenFlow Capable Switch is intended to be equivalent to an actual physical or virtual network element (e.g. an Ethernet switch) which is hosting one or more OpenFlow data paths by partitioning a set of OpenFlow related resources such as ports and queues among the hosted OpenFlow data paths. The OF-CONFIG protocol enables dynamic association of the OpenFlow related resources of an OpenFlow Capable Switch with specific OpenFlow Logical Switches which are being hosted on the OpenFlow Capable Switch. OF-CONFIG does not specify or report how the partitioning of resources on an OpenFlow Capable Switch is achieved. OF-CONFIG assumes that resources such as ports and queues are partitioned amongst multiple OpenFlow Logical Switches such that each OpenFlow Logical Switch can assume full control over the resources that is assigned to it. How to start ------------ - start OF-CONFIG feature as below: :: feature:install odl-of-config-all Compatible with NETCONF ----------------------- - Config OpenFlow Capable Switch via OpenFlow Configuration Points Method: POST URI: http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/controller-config/yang-ext:mount/config:modules Headers: Content-Type" and "Accept" header attributes set to application/xml Payload: .. code:: xml prefix:sal-netconf-connector testtool
830 mininet mininet false prefix:netty-event-executor global-event-executor prefix:binding-broker-osgi-registry binding-osgi-broker prefix:dom-broker-osgi-registry dom-broker prefix:netconf-client-dispatcher global-netconf-dispatcher prefix:threadpool global-netconf-processing-executor
- NETCONF establishes the connections with OpenFlow Capable Switches using the parameters in the previous step. NETCONF also gets the information of whether the OpenFlow Switch supports NETCONF during the signal handshaking. The information will be stored in the NETCONF topology as prosperity of a node. - OF-CONFIG can be aware of the switches accessing and leaving by monitoring the data changes in the NETCONF topology. For the detailed information it can be refered to the `implementation `__. The establishment of OF-CONFIG topology --------------------------------------- Firstly, OF-CONFIG will check whether the newly accessed switch supports OF-CONFIG by querying the NETCONF interface. 1. During the NETCONF connection’s establishment, the NETCONF and the switches will exchange the their capabilities via the "hello" message. 2. OF-CONFIG gets the connection information between the NETCONF and switches by monitoring the data changes via the interface of DataChangeListener. 3. After the NETCONF connection established, the OF-CONFIG module will check whether OF-CONFIG capability is in the switch’s capabilities list which is got in step 1. 4. If the result of step 3 is yes, the OF-CONFIG will call the following processing steps to create the topology database. For the detailed information it can be referred to the `implementation `__. Secondly, the capable switch node and logical switch node are added in the OF-CONFIG topology if the switch supports OF-CONFIG. OF-CONFIG’s topology compromise: Capable Switch topology (underlay) and logical Switch topology (overlay). Both of them are enhanced (augment) on /topo:network-topology/topo:topology/topo:node The NETCONF will add the nodes in the Topology via the path of "/topo:network-topology/topo:topology/topo:node" if it gets the configuration information of the switches. For the detailed information it can be referred to the `implementation `__.