.. _opflex-libopflex-dev-guide: OpFlex libopflex Developer Guide ================================ Overview -------- The OpFlex framework allows you to develop agents that can communicate using the OpFlex protocol and act as a policy element in an OpFlex-based distributed control system. The OpFlex architecture provides a distributed control system based on a declarative policy information model. The policies are defined at a logically centralized policy repository and enforced within a set of distributed policy elements. The policy repository communicates with the subordinate policy elements using the OpFlex control protocol. This protocol allows for bidirectional communication of policy, events, statistics, and faults. Rather than simply providing access to the OpFlex protocol, this framework allows you to directly manipulate a management information tree containing a hierarchy of managed objects. This tree is kept in sync as needed with other policy elements in the system, and you are automatically notified when important changes to the model occur. Additionally, we can ensure that only those managed objects that are important to the local policy element are synchronized locally. Object Model ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Interactions with the OpFlex framework happen through the management information tree. This is a tree of managed objects defined by an object model specific to your application. There are a few important major category of objects that can appear in the model. - First, there is the policy object. A policy object represents some data related to a policy that describes a user intent for how the system should behave. A policy object is stored in the policy repository which is the source of "truth" for this object. - Second, there is an endpoint object. A endpoint represents an entity in the system to which we want to apply policy, which could be a network interface, a storage array, or other relevent policy endpoint. Endpoints are discovered and reported by policy elements locally, and are synchronized into the endpoint repository. The originating policy element is the source of truth for the endpoints it discovers. Policy elements can retrieve information about endpoints discovered by other policy elements by resolving endpoints from the endpoint repository. - Third, there is the observable object. An observable object represents some state related to the operational status or health of the policy element. Observable objects will be reported to the observer. - Finally, there is the local-only object. This is the simplest object because it exists only local to a particular policy element. These objects can be used to store state specific to that policy element, or as helpers to resolve other objects. Read on to learn more. You can use the genie tool that is included with the framework to produce your application model along with a set of generated accessor classes that can work with this framework library. You should refer to the documentation that accompanies the genie tool for information on how to use to to generate your object model. Later in this guide, we’ll go through examples of how to use the generated managed object accessor classes. Programming by Side Effect ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When developing software on the OpFlex framework, you’ll need to think in a slightly different way. Rather than calling an API function that would perform some specific action, you’ll need to write a managed object to the managed object database. Writing that object to the store will trigger the side effect of performing the action that you want. For example, a policy element will need to have a component responsible for discovering policy endpoints. When it discovers a policy endpoint, it would write an endpoint object into the managed object database. That endpoint object will contain a reference to policy that is relevant to the endpoint object. This will trigger a whole cascade of events. First, the framework will notice that an endpoint object has been created and it will write it to the endpoint repository. Second, the framework to will attempt to resolve the unresolved reference to the relevent policy object. There might be a whole chain of policy resolutions that will be automatically performed to download all the relevent policy until there are no longer any dangling references. As long as there is a locally-created object in the system with a reference to that policy, the framework will continually ensure that the policy and any transitive policies are kept up to date. The policy element can subscribe to updates to these policy classes that will be invoked either the first time the policy is resolved or any time the policy changes. A consequence of this design is that the managed object database can be temporarily in an inconsistent state with unresolved dangling references. Eventually, however, the inconsistency will be fully resolved. The policy element must be able to cleanly handle partially-resolved or inconsistent state and eventually reach the correct state as it receives these update notifications. Note that, in the OpFlex architecture, when there is no policy that specifically allows a particular action, that action must be prevented. Let’s cover one slightly more complex example. If a policy element needs to discover information about an endpoint that is not local to that policy element, it will need to retrieve that information from the endpoint repository. However, just as there is no API call to retrieve a policy object from the policy repository, there is no API call to retrieve an endpoint from the endpoint repository. To get this information, the policy element needs to create a local-only object that references the endpoint. Once it creates this local-only object, if the endpoint is not already resolved, the framework will notice the dangling reference and automatically resolve the endpoint from the endpoint respository. When the endpoint resolution completes, the framework deliver an update notification to the policy element. The policy element will continue to receive any updates related to that endpoint until the policy element remove the local-only reference to the object. Once this occurs, the framework can garbage-collect any unreferenced objects. Threading and Ownership ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The OpFlex framework uses a somewhat unique threading model. Each managed object in the system belongs to a particular owner. An owner would typically be a single thread that is reponsible for all updates to objects with that owner. Though anything can read the state of a managed object, only the owner of a managed object is permitted to write to it. Though this is not strictly required for correctness, the performance of the system wil be best if you ensure that only one thread at a time is writing to objects with a particular owner. Change notifications are delivered in a serialized fashion by a single thread. Blocking this thread from a notification callback will stall delivery of all notifications. It is therefore best practice to ensure that you do not block or perform long-running operations from a notification callback. Key APIs and Interfaces ----------------------- Basic Usage and Initialization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The primary interface point into the framework is opflex::ofcore::OFFramework. You can choose to instantiate your own copy of the framework, or you can use the static default instance. Before you can use the framework, you must initialize it by installing your model metadata. The model metadata is accessible through the generated model library. In this case, it assumes your model is called "mymodel": .. code:: cpp #include #include // ... using opflex::ofcore::OFFramework; OFFramework::defaultInstance().setModel(mymodel::getMetadata()); The other critical piece of information required for initialization is the OpFlex identity information. The identity information is required in order to successfully connect to OpFlex peers. In OpFlex, each component has a unique name within its policy domain, and each policy domain is identified by a globally unique domain name. You can set this identity information by calling: .. code:: cpp OFFramework::defaultInstance() .setOpflexIdentity("[component name]", "[unique domain]"); You can then start the framework simply by calling: .. code:: cpp OFFramework::defaultInstance().start(); Finally, you can add peers after the framework is started by calling the ``opflex::ofcore::OFFramework::addPeer`` method: .. code:: cpp OFFramework::defaultInstance().addPeer("", 1234); When connecting to the peer, that peer may provide an additional list of peers to connect to, which will be automatically added as peers. If the peer does not include itself in the list, then the framework will disconnect from that peer and add the peers in the list. In this way, it is possible to automatically bootstrap the correct set of peers using a known hostname or IP address or a known, fixed anycast IP address. To cleanly shut down, you can call: .. code:: cpp OFFramework::defaultInstance().stop(); Working with Data in the Tree ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reading from the Tree ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can access data in the managed tree using the generated accessor classes. The details of exactly which classes you’ll use will depend on the model you’re using, but let’s assume that we have a simple model called "simple" with the following classes: - root - The root node. The URI for the root node is "/" - foo - A policy object, and a child of root, with a scalar string property called "bar", and a unsigned 64-bit integer property called baz. The bar property is the naming property for foo. The URI for a foo object would be "/foo/[value of bar]/" - fooref - A local-only child of root, with a reference to a foo, and a scalar string property called "bar". The bar property is the naming property for foo. The URI for a fooref object would be "/fooref/[value of bar]/" In this example, we’ll have a generated class for each of the objects. There are two main ways to get access to an object in the tree. First, we can get instantiate an accessor class to any node in the tree by calling one of its static resolve functions. The resolve functions can take either an already-built URI that represents the object, or you can call the version that will locate the object by its naming properties. Second, we can access the object also from its parent object using the appropriate child resolver member functions. However we read it, the object we get back is an immutable view into the object it references. The properties set locally on that object will not change even though the underlying object may have been updated in the store. Note, however, that its children can change between when you first retrieve the object and when you resolve any children. Another thing that is critical to note again is that when you attempt to resolve an object, you can get back nothing, even if the object actually does exist on another OpFlex node. You must ensure that some object in the managed object database references the remote managed object you want before it will be visible to you. To get access to the root node using the default framework instance, we can simply call: .. code:: cpp using boost::shared_ptr; using boost::optional; optional > r(simple::root::resolve()); Note that whenever we can a resolve function, we get back our data in the form of an optional shared pointer to the object instance. If the node does not exist, then the optional will be set to boost::none. Note that if you dereference an optional that has not been set, you’ll trigger an assert, so you must check the return as follows: .. code:: cpp if (!r) { // handle missing object } Now let’s get a child node of the root in three different ways: .. code:: cpp // Get foo1 by constructing its URI from the root optional > foo1(simple::foo::resolve("test")); // get foo1 by constructing its URI relative to its parent foo1 = r.get()->resolveFoo("test"); // get foo1 by manually building its URI foo1 = simple::foo::resolve(opflex::modb::URIBuilder() .addElement("foo") .addElement("test") .build()); All three of these calls will give us the same object, which is the "foo" object located at "/foo/test/". The foo class has a single string property called "bar". We can easily access it as follows: .. code:: cpp const std::string& barv = foo1.getBar(); Writing to the Tree ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Writing to the tree is nearly as easy as reading from it. The key concept to understand is the mutator object. If you want to make changes to the tree, you must allocate a mutator object. The mutator will register itself in some thread-local storage in the framework instance you’re using. The mutator is specific to a single "owner" for the data, so you can only make changes to data associated with that owner. Whenever you modify one of the accessor classes, the change is actually forwarded to the currently-active mutator. You won’t see any of the changes you make until you call the commit member function on the mutator. When you do that, all the changes you made are written into the store. Once the changes are written into the store, you will need to call the appropriate resolve function again to see the changes. Allocating a mutator is simple. To create a mutator for the default framework instance associated with the owner "owner1", just allocate the mutator on the stack. Be sure to call commit() before it goes out of scope or you’ll lose your changes. .. code:: cpp { opflex::modb::Mutator mutator("owner1"); // make changes here mutator.commit(); } Note that if an exception is thrown while making changes but before committing, the mutator will go out of scope and the changes will be discarded. To create a new node, you must call the appropriate add[Child] member function on its parent. This function takes parameters for each of the naming properties for the object: .. code:: cpp shared_ptr newfoo(root->addFoo("test")); This will return a shared pointer to a new foo object that has been registered in the active mutator but not yet committed. The "bar" naming property will be set automatically, but if you want to set the "baz" property now, you can do so by calling: .. code:: cpp newfoo->setBaz(42); Note that creating the root node requires a call to the special static class method createRootElement: .. code:: cpp shared_ptr newroot(simple::root::createRootElement()); Here’s a complete example that ties this all together: .. code:: cpp { opflex::modb::Mutator mutator("owner1"); shared_ptr newroot(simple::root::createRootElement()); shared_ptr newfoo(newroot->addFoo("test")); newfoo->setBaz(42); mutator.commit(); } Update Notifications ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When using the OpFlex framework, you’re likely to find that most of your time is spend responding to changes in the managed object database. To get these notifications, you’re going to need to register some number of listeners. You can register an object listener to see all changes related to a particular class by calling a static function for that class. You’ll then get notifications whenever any object in that class is added, updated, or deleted. The listener should queue a task to read the new state and perform appropriate processing. If this function blocks or peforms a long-running operation, then the dispatching of update notifications will be stalled, but there will not be any other deleterious effects. If multiple changes happen to the same URI, then at least one notification will be delivered but some events may be consolidated. The update you get will tell you the URI and the Class ID of the changed object. The class ID is a unique ID for each class. When you get the update, you’ll need to call the appropriate resolve function to retrieve the new value. You’ll need to create your own object listener derived from opflex::modb::ObjectListener: .. code:: cpp class MyListener : public ObjectListener { public: MyListener() { } virtual void objectUpdated(class_id_t class_id, const URI& uri) { // Your handler here } }; To register your listener with the default framework instance, just call the appropriate class static method: .. code:: cpp MyListener listener; simple::foo::registerListener(&listener); // main loop simple::foo::unregisterListener(&listener); The listener will now recieve notifications whenever any foo or any children of any foo object changes. Note that you must ensure that you unregister your listeners before deallocating them. API Reference Documentation --------------------------- Complete API documentation can be found by in doc/html/index.html in any build.