.. _usc-dev-guide: Unified Secure Channel ====================== Overview -------- The Unified Secure Channel (USC) feature provides REST API, manager, and plugin for unified secure channels. The REST API provides a northbound api. The manager monitors, maintains, and provides channel related services. The plugin handles the lifecycle of channels. USC Channel Architecture ------------------------ - USC Agent - The USC Agent provides proxy and agent functionality on top of all standard protocols supported by the device. It initiates call-home with the controller, maintains live connections with with the controller, acts as a demuxer/muxer for packets with the USC header, and authenticates the controller. - USC Plugin - The USC Plugin is responsible for communication between the controller and the USC agent . It responds to call-home with the controller, maintains live connections with the devices, acts as a muxer/demuxer for packets with the USC header, and provides support for TLS/DTLS. - USC Manager - The USC Manager handles configurations, high availability, security, monitoring, and clustering support for USC. - USC UI - The USC UI is responsible for displaying a graphical user interface representing the state of USC in the OpenDaylight DLUX UI. USC Channel APIs and Interfaces ------------------------------- This section describes the APIs for interacting with the unified secure channels. USC Channel Topology API ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The USC project maintains a topology that is YANG-based in MD-SAL. These models are available via RESTCONF. - Name: view-channel - URL: `http://${ipaddress}:8181/restconf/operations/usc-channel:view-channel `__ - Description: Views the current state of the USC environment. API Reference Documentation --------------------------- Go to `http://${ipaddress}:8181/apidoc/explorer/index.html `__, sign in, and expand the usc-channel panel. From there, users can execute various API calls to test their USC deployment.