============================================= Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) ============================================= odl-alto-release ---------------- * **Feature URL:** https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=alto.git;a=blob;f=alto-release-features/features-alto/src/main/features/features.xml * **Feature Description:** This is a summary feature containing the default functionalities provided by ALTO project. * **Top Level:** Yes * **User Facing:** Yes * **Experimental:** Yes * **CSIT Test:** https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/alto/job/alto-csit-1node-setup-all-carbon/ Documentation ============= * **User Guide(s):** * :ref:`ALTO User Guide ` * **Developer Guide(s):** * :ref:`ALTO Developer Guide ` Security Considerations ======================= Besides RESTCONF, ALTO also uses customized Jetty interfaces because YANG model is not compatible with formats specified in RFC 7285. The customized interfaces use port 8080 and are NOT protected by the AAA project. All resources exposed by customized interfaces are read-only. Quality Assurance ================= * `Link to Sonar Report `_ 22.0% * `Link to CSIT Jobs `_ * The tests are using the OpenDaylight CSIT infrastructure. * How extensive was it? Not very extensive since the tests are customized to test certain functionalities. * What should be expected to work? The core modules (northbound and resourcepool) and also some basic components (simple-ird) * What has not be tested as much? Some basic components (simple-ecs and spce) and extended components (multicost, incremental update and RSA service). Migration --------- Migration with data from Boron to Carbon isn't supported. Compatibility ------------- This release is not compatible with the previous release from the developer's point of view because we have changed the namespaces for most YANG models, which involves both API changes and configuration changes (blueprint configuration files). Java projects using the ALTO classes generated by yangtools MUST change the packages for the classes because of the namespace migration. The incompatibility can be fixed using regex replacement. Projects using RESTCONF or the customized ALTO service do not need to migrate. Since ALTO is migrating services to Blueprint, services depending on ALTO may also need to migrate to Blueprint instead of using CONFIG subsystem. Bugs Fixed ---------- No bug is fixed in this release. Known Issues ------------ * `Bug 5753 `_ Both Jersey 1.0 and 2.0 are imported in karaf. This seems like a general bug which resides in several projects. End-of-life =========== * Namespaces: * urn:opendaylight:alto:core * urn:opendaylight:alto:basic * Packages: * org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.alto.core.* * org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.alto.basic.* Standards ========= * ALTO protocols are not compatible with YANG model * Message types for RFC 7285 have been implemented * ALTO project provides several basic services in RFC 7285 * Work-in-progress Internet drafts for multi-cost, incremental updates and RSA service are also scheduled but not fully implemented. Release Mechanics ================= * `Link to release plan `_ * Major shifts: * Unable to finish the extensions (multi-cost, incremental update and RSA service) * Unable to reach the goal of improving code quality