==== eman ==== Major Features ============== odl-eman -------- * **Feature URL:** https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=eman.git;a=blob;f=features/features-eman/src/main/features/features.xml;hb=stable/carbon * **Feature Description:** This provides a Northbound API to the eman Information Model * **Top Level:** Yes * **User Facing:** Yes * **Experimental:** Yes * **CSIT Test:** none Documentation ============= * **User Guide(s):** * :ref:`eman-user-guide` * **Developer Guide(s):** * :ref:`eman-dev-guide` Security Considerations ======================= * Do you have any external interfaces other than RESTCONF? While eman does not expose other external interfaces, it does rely upon the external interfaces exposed by the SNMP plugin. * Other security issues? None Quality Assurance ================= * `Link to Sonar Report - `_ * Link to CSIT Jobs - No CSIT jobs for this experimental release * Other manual testing and QA information - Manual testing via RESTCONF and DLUX * Testing methodology. How extensive was it? What should be expected to work? What hasn't been tested as much? Testing has been manual interaction via DLUX using an SNMP simulator as described in :ref:`eman-user-guide`. Migration --------- * Is it possible to migrate from the previous release? If so, how? N/A as this is first release Compatibility ------------- N/A as this is first release Bugs Fixed ---------- * List of bugs fixed since the previous release N/A as this is first release Known Issues ------------ * List key known issues with workarounds no known issues * Link to Open Bugs no open bugs End-of-life =========== * List of features/APIs which are EOLed, deprecated, and/or removed in this release N/A as this is first release Standards ========= * List of standards implemented and to what extent * `IETF Energy Management (eman) standards. `_ Only powerMeasurement table currently implemented. Release Mechanics ================= * `Link to release plan `_ * Describe any major shifts in release schedule from the release plan None