============= OVSDB Project ============= Major Features ============== odl-ovsdb-southbound-api ------------------------ * **Feature URL:** https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=ovsdb.git;a=blob;f=southbound/southbound-features/odl-ovsdb-southbound-api/pom.xml;h=7baad461a78e7dd311516ec03b7dbf7c9a0679aa;hb=refs/heads/stable/nitrogen * **Feature Description:** This feature provides the YANG models for northbound users to configure the OVSDB device. These YANG models are designed based on the `OVSDB schema `_. This feature does not provide the implementation of YANG models. If user/developer prefer to write their own implementation they can use this feature to load the YANG models in the controller. * **Top Level:** Yes * **User Facing:** Yes * **Experimental:** No * **CSIT Test:** * https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/ovsdb/job/ovsdb-csit-1node-upstream-southbound-all-nitrogen/ * https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/ovsdb/job/ovsdb-csit-3node-upstream-clustering-only-nitrogen/ odl-ovsdb-southbound-impl ------------------------- * **Feature URL:** https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=ovsdb.git;a=blob;f=southbound/southbound-features/odl-ovsdb-southbound-impl/pom.xml;h=261a85eacef24c1985a11f60d018816b1f880b10;hb=refs/heads/stable/nitrogen * **Feature Description:** This feature is the main feature of the OVSDB Southbound plugin. This plugin handle the OVS device that supports the `OVSDB schema `_ and uses the `OVSDB protocol `_. This feature provides the implementation of the defined YANG models. Developers developing the in-controller application and want to leverage OVSDB for device configuration can add dependency on this feature and it will load all the required modules. * **Top Level:** Yes * **User Facing:** No * **Experimental:** No * **CSIT Test:** * https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/ovsdb/job/ovsdb-csit-1node-upstream-southbound-all-nitrogen/ * https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/ovsdb/job/ovsdb-csit-3node-upstream-clustering-only-nitrogen/ odl-ovsdb-southbound-impl-rest ------------------------------ * **Feature URL:** https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=ovsdb.git;a=blob;f=southbound/southbound-features/odl-ovsdb-southbound-impl-rest/pom.xml;h=6a14e3f90fceba595695d69cdab2571e1a306999;hb=refs/heads/stable/nitrogen * **Feature Description:** This feature is the wrapper feature that installs the odl-ovsdb-southbound-api & odl-ovsdb-southbound-impl feature with other required features for restconf access to provide a functional OVSDB southbound plugin. Users, who want to develop application that manages the OVSDB supported devices but want to runs the application outside of the OpenDaylight controller must install this feature. * **Top Level:** Yes * **User Facing:** Yes * **Experimental:** No * **CSIT Test:** * https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/ovsdb/job/ovsdb-csit-1node-upstream-southbound-all-nitrogen/ * https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/ovsdb/job/ovsdb-csit-3node-upstream-clustering-only-nitrogen/ odl-ovsdb-hwvtepsouthbound-api ------------------------------ * **Feature URL:** https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=ovsdb.git;a=blob;f=hwvtepsouthbound/hwvtepsouthbound-features/odl-ovsdb-hwvtepsouthbound-api/pom.xml;h=e08f4233a6025da2d84dc1d87b6fb220a187e070;hb=refs/heads/stable/nitrogen * **Feature Description:** This feature provides the YANG models for northbound users to configure the device that supports OVSDB Hardware vTEP schema. These YANG models are designed based on the `OVSDB Hardware vTEP schema `_. This feature does not provide the implementation of YANG models. If user/developer prefer to write their own implementation of the defined YANG model, they can use this feature to install the YANG models in the controller. * **Top Level:** Yes * **User Facing:** Yes * **Experimental:** Yes * **CSIT Test:** Minimal set of CSIT test is already in place. More work is in progress and will have better functional coverage in Oxygen release. * https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/Patch-Test/job/ovsdb-patch-test-l2gw-nitrogen/ odl-ovsdb-hwvtepsouthbound -------------------------- * **Feature URL:** https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=ovsdb.git;a=blob;f=hwvtepsouthbound/hwvtepsouthbound-features/odl-ovsdb-hwvtepsouthbound/pom.xml;h=3bb0d9f0093d83d0a82b3b8edffc0acfc93ee93c;hb=refs/heads/stable/nitrogen * **Feature Description:** This feature is the main feature of the OVSDB Hardware vTep Southbound plugin. This plugin handle the OVS device that supports the `OVSDB Hardware vTEP schema `_ and uses the `OVSDB protocol `_. This feature provides the implementation of the defined YANG models. Developers developing the in-controller application and want to leverage OVSDB Hardware vTEP plugin for device configuration can add dependency on this feature and it will load all the required modules. * **Top Level:** Yes * **User Facing:** No * **Experimental:** Yes * **CSIT Test:** Minimal set of CSIT test is already in place. More work is in progress and will have better functional coverage in Oxygen release. * https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/Patch-Test/job/ovsdb-patch-test-l2gw-nitrogen/ odl-ovsdb-hwvtepsouthbound-rest ------------------------------- * **Feature URL:** https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=ovsdb.git;a=blob;f=hwvtepsouthbound/hwvtepsouthbound-features/odl-ovsdb-hwvtepsouthbound-rest/pom.xml;h=8691103618cbe430994657016229b23c9b372d9d;hb=refs/heads/stable/nitrogen * **Feature Description:** This feature is the wrapper feature that installs the odl-ovsdb-hwvtepsouthbound-api & odl-ovsdb-hwvtepsouthbound feature with other required features for restconf access to provide a functional OVSDB Hardware vTEP plugin. Users, who want to develop application that manages the hardware vTEP supported devices but want to runs the application outside of the OpenDaylight controller must install this feature. * **Top Level:** Yes * **User Facing:** Yes * **Experimental:** Yes * **CSIT Test:** Minimal set of CSIT test is already in place. More work is in progress and will have better functional coverage in Oxygen release. * https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/Patch-Test/job/ovsdb-patch-test-l2gw-nitrogen/ odl-ovsdb-library ----------------- * **Feature URL:** https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=ovsdb.git;a=blob;f=library/features/odl-ovsdb-library/pom.xml;h=58002499237ac290071a89ca5e0b9c9297974400;hb=refs/heads/stable/nitrogen * **Feature Description:** Encode/decoder library for OVSDB and Hardware vTEP schema. * **Top Level:** Yes * **User Facing:** No * **Experimental:** No * **CSIT Test:** * https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/ovsdb/job/ovsdb-csit-1node-upstream-southbound-all-nitrogen/ * https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/ovsdb/job/ovsdb-csit-3node-upstream-clustering-only-nitrogen/ Documentation ============= * **User Guide(s):** * :doc:`OVSDB User Guide <../../user-guide/ovsdb-user-guide>` * **Developer Guide(s):** * :doc:`OVSDB Developer Guide <../../developer-guide/ovsdb-developer-guide>` Security Considerations ======================= * Do you have any external interfaces other than RESTCONF? Yes, Southbound Connection to OVSDB/Hardware vTEP devices. * Other security issues? Plugin's connection to device is by default unsecured. User need to explicitly enable the TLS support through ovsdb library configuration file. User can refer to the wiki page `here `_ for the instructions. Quality Assurance ================= * `Link to Sonar Report `_ (57%) * `Link to CSIT Jobs `_ * * OVSDB southbound plugin is extensively tested through Unit Tests, IT test and system tests. OVSDB southbound plugin is tested in both single node setup as well as three node cluster setup. Hardware vTEP plugin is currently tested through (1) Unit testing (2) CSIT Tests (3) NetVirt project L2 Gateway features CSIT tests and (4) Manual Testing. (3) https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/netvirt/job/netvirt-csit-hwvtep-1node-openstack-newton-nodl-v2-upstream-stateful-nitrogen/ Migration --------- * Is it possible to migrate from the previous release? If so, how? Yes. User facing features and interfaces are not changed, only enhancements are done. Compatibility ------------- * Is this release compatible with the previous release? Yes * Any API changes? No changes in the YANG models from previous release. * Any configuration changes? No Bugs Fixed ---------- * List of bugs fixed since the previous release https://bugs.opendaylight.org/buglist.cgi?chfieldfrom=2017-05-25&chfieldto=2017-09-10&list_id=78767&product=ovsdb&query_format=advanced&resolution=FIXED Known Issues ------------ * List key known issues with workarounds None * `Link to Open Bugs `_ End-of-life =========== * List of features/APIs which are EOLed, deprecated, and/or removed in thisrelease None Standards ========= * `Open vSwitch Database Management Protocol `_ * `OVSDB Schema `_ * `Hardware vTep Schema `_ Release Mechanics ================= * `Link to release plan `_