Centinel Installation Guide =========================== This document is for the user to install the artifacts that are needed for using Centinel functionality in the OpenDaylight by enabling the default Centinel feature. Centinel is a distributed reliable framework for collection, aggregation and analysis of streaming data which is added in OpenDaylight Beryllium Release. Overview -------- The Centinel project aims at providing a distributed, reliable framework for efficiently collecting, aggregating and sinking streaming data across Persistence DB and stream analyzers (e.g., Graylog, Elasticsearch, Spark, Hive). This framework enables SDN applications/services to receive events from multiple streaming sources (e.g., Syslog, Thrift, Avro, AMQP, Log4j, HTTP/REST). In Beryllium, we develop a "Log Service" and plug-in for log analyzer (e.g., Graylog). The Log service process real time events coming from log analyzer. Additionally, we provide stream collector (Flume- and Sqoop-based) that collects logs from OpenDaylight and sinks them to persistence service (integrated with TSDR). Centinel also includes a RESTCONF interface to inject events to north bound applications for real-time analytic/network configuration. Further, a Centinel User Interface (web interface) will be available to operators to enable rules/alerts/dashboard etc. Pre Requisites for Installing Centinel -------------------------------------- * Recent Linux distribution - 64bit/16GB RAM * Java Virtual Machine 1.7 or above * Apache Maven 3.1.1 or above Preparing for Installation -------------------------- There are some additional pre-requisites for Centinel, which can be done by integrate Graylog server, Apache Drill, Apache Flume and HBase. Graylog server2 Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Install MongoDB * import the MongoDB public GPG key into apt:: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 7F0CEB10 * Create the MongoDB source list:: echo 'deb http://downloads-distro.mongodb.org/repo/debian-sysvinit dist 10gen' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb.list * Update your apt package database:: sudo apt-get update * Install the latest stable version of MongoDB with this command:: sudo apt-get install mongodb-org * Install Elasticsearch * Graylog2 v0.20.2 requires Elasticsearch v.0.90.10. Download and install it with these commands:: cd ~; wget https://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-0.90.10.deb sudo dpkg -i elasticsearch-0.90.10.deb * We need to change the Elasticsearch cluster.name setting. Open the Elasticsearch configuration file:: sudo vi /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml * Find the section that specifies cluster.name. Uncomment it, and replace the default value with graylog2:: cluster.name: graylog2 * Find the line that specifies network.bind_host and uncomment it so it looks like this:: network.bind_host: localhost script.disable_dynamic: true * Save and quit. Next, restart Elasticsearch to put our changes into effect:: sudo service elasticsearch restart * After a few seconds, run the following to test that Elasticsearch is running properly:: curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty=true' * Install Graylog2 server * Download the Graylog2 archive to /opt with this command:: cd /opt; sudo wget https://github.com/Graylog2/graylog2-server/releases/download/0.20.2/graylog2-server-0.20.2.tgz * Then extract the archive:: sudo tar xvf graylog2-server-0.20.2.tgz * Let's create a symbolic link to the newly created directory, to simplify the directory name:: sudo ln -s graylog2-server-0.20.2 graylog2-server * Copy the example configuration file to the proper location, in /etc:: sudo cp /opt/graylog2-server/graylog2.conf.example /etc/graylog2.conf * Install pwgen, which we will use to generate password secret keys:: sudo apt-get install pwgen * Now must configure the admin password and secret key. The password secret key is configured in graylog2.conf, by the password_secret parameter. Generate a random key and insert it into the Graylog2 configuration with the following two commands:: SECRET=$(pwgen -s 96 1) sudo -E sed -i -e 's/password_secret =.*/password_secret = '$SECRET'/' /etc/graylog2.conf PASSWORD=$(echo -n password | shasum -a 256 | awk '{print $1}') sudo -E sed -i -e 's/root_password_sha2 =.*/root_password_sha2 = '$PASSWORD'/' /etc/graylog2.conf * Open the Graylog2 configuration to make a few changes: (sudo vi /etc/graylog2.conf):: rest_transport_uri = elasticsearch_shards = 1 * Now let's install the Graylog2 init script. Copy graylog2ctl to /etc/init.d:: sudo cp /opt/graylog2-server/bin/graylog2ctl /etc/init.d/graylog2 * Update the startup script to put the Graylog2 logs in /var/log and to look for the Graylog2 server JAR file in /opt/graylog2-server by running the two following sed commands:: sudo sed -i -e 's/GRAYLOG2_SERVER_JAR=\${GRAYLOG2_SERVER_JAR:=graylog2-server.jar}/GRAYLOG2_SERVER_JAR=\${GRAYLOG2_SERVER_JAR:=\/opt\/graylog2-server\/graylog2-server.jar}/' /etc/init.d/graylog2 sudo sed -i -e 's/LOG_FILE=\${LOG_FILE:=log\/graylog2-server.log}/LOG_FILE=\${LOG_FILE:=\/var\/log\/graylog2-server.log}/' /etc/init.d/graylog2 * Install the startup script:: sudo update-rc.d graylog2 defaults * Start the Graylog2 server with the service command:: sudo service graylog2 start Install Graylog Server using Virtual Machine ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Download the OVA image from link given below and save it to your disk locally: https://github.com/Graylog2/graylog2-images/tree/master/ova * Run the OVA in many systems like VMware or VirtualBox. HBase Installation ------------------ * Download hbase-0.98.15-hadoop2.tar.gz * Unzip the tar file using below command:: tar -xvf hbase-0.98.15-hadoop2.tar.gz * Create directory using below command:: sudo mkdir /usr/lib/hbase * Move hbase-0.98.15-hadoop2 to hbase using below command:: mv hbase-0.98.15-hadoop2/usr/lib/hbase/hbase-0.98.15-hadoop2 hbase * Configuring HBase with java * Open your hbase/conf/hbase-env.sh and set the path to the java installed in your system:: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_25 * Set the HBASE_HOME path in bashrc file * Open bashrc file using this command:: gedit ~/.bashrc * In bashrc file append the below 2 statements:: export HBASE_HOME=/usr/lib/hbase/hbase-0.98.15-hadoop2 export PATH=$PATH:$HBASE_HOME/bin * To start HBase issue following commands:: HBASE_PATH$ bin/start-hbase.sh HBASE_PATH$ bin/hbase shell * Create centinel table in HBase with stream,alert,dashboard and stringdata as column families using below command:: create 'centinel','stream','alert','dashboard','stringdata' * To stop HBase issue following command:: HBASE_PATH$ bin/stop-hbase.sh Apache Flume Installation ------------------------- * Download apache-flume-1.6.0.tar.gz * Copy the downloaded file to the directory where you want to install Flume. * Extract the contents of the apache-flume-1.6.0.tar.gz file using below command. Use sudo if necessary:: tar -xvzf apache-flume-1.6.0.tar.gz * Starting flume * Navigate to the Flume installation directory. * Issue the following command to start flume-ng agent:: ./flume-ng agent --conf conf --conf-file multiplecolumn.conf --name a1 -Dflume.root.logger=INFO,console Apache Drill Installation ------------------------- * Download apache-drill-1.1.0.tar.gz * Copy the downloaded file to the directory where you want to install Drill. * Extract the contents of the apache-drill-1.1.0.tar.gz file using below command:: tar -xvzf apache-drill-1.1.0.tar.gz * Starting Drill: * Navigate to the Drill installation directory. * Issue the following command to launch Drill in embedded mode:: bin/drill-embedded * Access the Apache Drill UI on link: http://localhost:8047/ * Go to "Storage" tab and enable "HBase" storage plugin. Deploying plugins ----------------- * Use the following command to download git repository of Centinel:: git clone https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/p/centinel * Navigate to the installation directory and build the code using maven by running below command:: mvn clean install * After building the maven project, a jar file named ``centinel-SplittingSerializer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar`` will be created in ``centinel/plugins/centinel-SplittingSerializer/target`` inside the workspace directory. Copy and rename this jar file to ``centinel-SplittingSerializer.jar`` (as mentioned in configuration file of flume) and save at location ``apache-flume-1.6.0-bin/lib`` inside flume directory. * After successful build, copy the jar files present at below locations to ``/opt/graylog/plugin`` in graylog server(VM):: centinel/plugins/centinel-alertcallback/target/centinel-alertcallback-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar centinel/plugins/centinel-output/target/centinel-output-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar * Restart the server after adding plugin using below command:: sudo graylog-ctl restart graylog-server Configure rsyslog ----------------- Make changes to following file:: /etc/rsyslog.conf * Uncomment ``$InputTCPServerRun 1514`` * Add the following lines:: module(load="imfile" PollingInterval="10") #needs to be done just once input(type="imfile" File="" #location of log file StateFile="statefile1" Tag="tag1") *.* @@ # @@used for TCP * Use the following format and comment the previous one:: $ActionFileDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_SyslogProtocol23Format * Use the below command to send Centinel logs to a port:: tail -f /karaf.log|logger * Restart rsyslog service after making above changes in configuration file:: sudo service rsyslog restart Install the following feature ----------------------------- Finally, from the Karaf console install the Centinel feature with this command:: feature:install odl-centinel-all Verifying your Installation --------------------------- If the feature install was successful you should be able to see the following Centinel commands added:: centinel:list centinel:purgeAll Troubleshooting --------------- Check the ``../data/log/karaf.log`` for any exception related to Centinel related features Upgrading From a Previous Release --------------------------------- Beryllium being the first release supporting Centinel functionality, only fresh installation is possible. Uninstalling Centinel --------------------- To uninstall the Centinel functionality, you need to do the following from Karaf console:: feature:uninstall centinel-all Its recommended to restart the Karaf container after uninstallation of the Centinel functionality.