.. _opflex-agent-ovs-install-guide: OpFlex agent-ovs Install Guide ============================== Required Packages ----------------- You'll need to install the following packages and their dependencies: * libuv * openvswitch * libopflex * libmodelgbp * agent-ovs Packages are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Some of the examples below are specific to RHEL7 but you can run the equivalent commands for upstart instead of systemd. Note that many of these steps may be performed automatically if you're deploying this along with a larger orchestration system. Host Networking Configuration ----------------------------- You'll need to set up your VM host uplink interface. You should ensure that the MTU of the underlying network is sufficient to handle tunneled traffic. We will use an example of setting up *eth0* as your uplink interface with a vlan of 4093 used for the networking control infrastructure and tunnel data plane. We just need to set the MTU and disable IPv4 and IPv6 autoconfiguration. The MTU needs to be large enough to allow both the VXLAN header and VLAN tags to pass through without fragmenting for best performance. We'll use 1600 bytes which should be sufficient assuming you are using a default 1500 byte MTU on your virtual machine traffic. If you already have any NetworkManager connections configured for your uplink interface find the connection name and proceed to the next step. Otherwise, create a connection with (be sure to update the variable UPLINK_IFACE as needed):: UPLINK_IFACE=eth0 nmcli c add type ethernet ifname $UPLINK_IFACE Now, configure your interface as follows:: CONNECTION_NAME="ethernet-$UPLINK_IFACE" nmcli connection mod "$CONNECTION_NAME" connection.autoconnect yes \ ipv4.method link-local \ ipv6.method ignore \ 802-3-ethernet.mtu 9000 \ ipv4.routes ' 2000' Then bring up the interface with:: nmcli connection up "$CONNECTION_NAME" Next, create the infrastructure interface using the infrastructure VLAN (4093 by default). We'll need to create a vlan subinterface of your uplink interface, the configure DHCP on that interface. Run the following commands. Be sure to replace the variable values if needed. If you're not using NIC teaming, replace the variable team0 below:: UPLINK_IFACE=team0 INFRA_VLAN=4093 nmcli connection add type vlan ifname $UPLINK_IFACE.$INFRA_VLAN dev $UPLINK_IFACE id $INFRA_VLAN nmcli connection mod vlan-$UPLINK_IFACE.$INFRA_VLAN \ ethernet.mtu 1600 ipv4.routes ' 1000' sed "s/CLIENT_ID/01:$(ip link show $UPLINK_IFACE | awk '/ether/ {print $2}')/" \ > /etc/dhcp/dhclient-$UPLINK_IFACE.$INFRA_VLAN.conf <