OpenDaylight with Openstack Guide ================================= Overview -------- OpenStack_ is a popular open source Infrastructure as a service project, covering compute, storage and network management. OpenStack can use OpenDaylight as its network management provider through the Modular Layer 2 (ML2) north-bound plug-in. OpenDaylight manages the network flows for the OpenStack compute nodes via the OVSDB south-bound plug-in. This page describes how to set that up, and how to tell when everything is working. Installing OpenStack -------------------- Installing OpenStack is out of scope for this document, but to get started, it is useful to have a minimal multi-node OpenStack deployment. The reference deployment we will use for this document is a 3 node cluster: * One control node containing all of the management services for OpenStack_ (Nova, Neutron, Glance, Swift, Cinder, Keystone) * Two compute nodes running nova-compute * Neutron using the OVS back-end and vxlan for tunnels Once you have installed OpenStack_, verify that it is working by connecting to Horizon and performing a few operations. To check the Neutron configuration, create two instances on a private subnet bridging to your public network, and verify that you can connect to them, and that they can see each other. Installing OpenDaylight ----------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 openstack-with-ovsdb openstack-with-gbp openstack-with-vtn .. _OpenStack: