Using Groupbasedpolicy's Neutron VPP Mapper =========================================== Overview -------- Neutron VPP Mapper implements features for support policy-based routing for OpenStack Neutron interface involving VPP devices. It allows using of policy-based schemes defined in GBP controller in a network consisting of OpenStack-provided nodes routed by a VPP node. Architecture ------------ Neutron VPP Mapper listens to Neutron data store change events, as well as being able to access directly the store. If the data changed match certain criteria (see `Processing Neutron Configuration`_), Neutron VPP Mapper converts Neutron data specifically required to render a VPP node configuration with a given End Point, e.g., the virtual host interface name assigned to a ``vhostuser`` socket. Then the mapped data is stored in the VPP info data store. Administering Neutron VPP Mapper -------------------------------- To use the Neutron VPP Mapper in Karaf, at least the following Karaf features must be installed: * odl-groupbasedpolicy-neutron-vpp-mapper * odl-vbd-ui Initial pre-requisites ---------------------- A topology should exist in config datastore, it is necessary to define a node with a particular ``node-id``. Later, ``node-id`` will be used as a physical location reference in VPP renderer's bridge domain:: GET http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/ { "network-topology":{ "topology":[ { "topology-id":"datacentre", "node":[ { "node-id":"dut2", "vlan-tunnel:super-interface":"GigabitEthernet0/9/0", "termination-point":[ { "tp-id":"GigabitEthernet0/9/0", "neutron-provider-topology:physical-interface":{ "interface-name":"GigabitEthernet0/9/0" } } ] } ] } ] } } Processing Neutron Configuration -------------------------------- ``NeutronListener`` listens to the changes in Neutron datatree in config datastore. It filters the changes, processing only ``network`` and ``port`` entities. For a ``network`` entity it is checked that it has ``physical-network`` parameter set (i.e., it is backed-up by a physical network), and that ``network-type`` is ``vlan-network`` or ``"flat"``, and if this check has passed, a related bridge domain is created in VPP Renderer config datastore (``http://{{controller}}:{{port}}/restconf/config/vpp-renderer:config``), referenced to network by ``vlan`` field. In case of ``"vlan-network"``, the ``vlan`` field contains the same value as ``neutron-provider-ext:segmentation-id`` of network created by Neutron. In case of ``"flat"``, the VLAN specific parameters are not filled out. .. note:: In case of VXLAN network (i.e. ``network-type`` is ``"vxlan-network"``), no information is actually written into VPP Renderer datastore, as VXLAN is used for tenant-network (so no packets are going outside). Instead, VPP Renderer looks up GBP flood domains corresponding to existing VPP bridge domains trying to establish a VXLAN tunnel between them. For a ``port`` entity it is checked that ``vif-type`` contains ``"vhostuser"`` substring, and that ``device-owner`` contains a specific substring, namely ``"compute"``, ``"router"`` or ``"dhcp"``. In case of ``"compute"`` substring, a ``vhost-user`` is written to VPP Renderer config datastore. In case of ``"dhcp"`` or ``"router"``, a ``tap`` is written to VPP Renderer config datastore. Input/output examples --------------------- OpenStack is creating network, and these data are being put into the data store:: PUT http://{{controller}}:{{port}}/restconf/config/neutron:neutron/networks { "networks": { "network": [ { "uuid": "43282482-a677-4102-87d6-90708f30a115", "tenant-id": "94836b88-0e56-4150-aaa7-60f1c2b67faa", "neutron-provider-ext:segmentation-id": "2016", "neutron-provider-ext:network-type": "neutron-networks:network-type-vlan", "neutron-provider-ext:physical-network": "datacentre", "neutron-L3-ext:external": true, "name": "drexternal", "shared": false, "admin-state-up": true, "status": "ACTIVE" } ] } } Checking bridge domain in VPP Renderer config data store. Note that ``physical-location-ref`` is referring to ``"dut2"``, paired by ``neutron-provider-ext:physical-network`` -> ``topology-id``:: GET http://{{controller}}:{{port}}/restconf/config/vpp-renderer:config { "config": { "bridge-domain": [ { "id": "43282482-a677-4102-87d6-90708f30a115", "type": "vpp-renderer:vlan-network", "description": "drexternal", "vlan": 2016, "physical-location-ref": [ { "node-id": "dut2", "interface": [ "GigabitEthernet0/9/0" ] } ] } ] } } Port (compute):: PUT http://{{controller}}:{{port}}/restconf/config/neutron:neutron/ports { "ports": { "port": [ { "uuid": "3d5dff96-25f5-4d4b-aa11-dc03f7f8d8e0", "tenant-id": "94836b88-0e56-4150-aaa7-60f1c2b67faa", "device-id": "dhcp58155ae3-f2e7-51ca-9978-71c513ab02ee-a91437c0-8492-47e2-b9d0-25c44aef6cda", "neutron-binding:vif-details": [ { "details-key": "somekey" } ], "neutron-binding:host-id": "devstack-control", "neutron-binding:vif-type": "vhostuser", "neutron-binding:vnic-type": "normal", "mac-address": "fa:16:3e:4a:9f:c0", "name": "", "network-id": "a91437c0-8492-47e2-b9d0-25c44aef6cda", "neutron-portsecurity:port-security-enabled": false, "device-owner": "network:compute", "fixed-ips": [ { "subnet-id": "0a5834ed-ed31-4425-832d-e273cac26325", "ip-address": "" } ], "admin-state-up": true } ] } } GET http://{{controller}}:{{port}}/restconf/config/vpp-renderer:config { "config": { "vpp-endpoint": [ { "context-type": "l2-l3-forwarding:l2-bridge-domain", "context-id": "a91437c0-8492-47e2-b9d0-25c44aef6cda", "address-type": "l2-l3-forwarding:mac-address-type", "address": "fa:16:3e:4a:9f:c0", "vpp-node-path": "/network-topology:network-topology/network-topology:topology[network-topology:topology-id='topology-netconf']/network-topology:node[network-topology:node-id='devstack-control']", "vpp-interface-name": "neutron_port_3d5dff96-25f5-4d4b-aa11-dc03f7f8d8e0", "socket": "/tmp/socket_3d5dff96-25f5-4d4b-aa11-dc03f7f8d8e0", "description": "neutron port" } ] } } Port (dhcp):: PUT http://{{controller}}:{{port}}/restconf/config/neutron:neutron/ports { "ports": { "port": [ { "uuid": "3d5dff96-25f5-4d4b-aa11-dc03f7f8d8e0", "tenant-id": "94836b88-0e56-4150-aaa7-60f1c2b67faa", "device-id": "dhcp58155ae3-f2e7-51ca-9978-71c513ab02ee-a91437c0-8492-47e2-b9d0-25c44aef6cda", "neutron-binding:vif-details": [ { "details-key": "somekey" } ], "neutron-binding:host-id": "devstack-control", "neutron-binding:vif-type": "vhostuser", "neutron-binding:vnic-type": "normal", "mac-address": "fa:16:3e:4a:9f:c0", "name": "", "network-id": "a91437c0-8492-47e2-b9d0-25c44aef6cda", "neutron-portsecurity:port-security-enabled": false, "device-owner": "network:dhcp", "fixed-ips": [ { "subnet-id": "0a5834ed-ed31-4425-832d-e273cac26325", "ip-address": "" } ], "admin-state-up": true } ] } } GET http://{{controller}}:{{port}}/restconf/config/vpp-renderer:config { "config": { "vpp-endpoint": [ { "context-type": "l2-l3-forwarding:l2-bridge-domain", "context-id": "a91437c0-8492-47e2-b9d0-25c44aef6cda", "address-type": "l2-l3-forwarding:mac-address-type", "address": "fa:16:3e:4a:9f:c0", "vpp-node-path": "/network-topology:network-topology/network-topology:topology[network-topology:topology-id='topology-netconf']/network-topology:node[network-topology:node-id='devstack-control']", "vpp-interface-name": "neutron_port_3d5dff96-25f5-4d4b-aa11-dc03f7f8d8e0", "physical-address": "fa:16:3e:4a:9f:c0", "name": "tap3d5dff96-25", "description": "neutron port" } ] } }