OpenStack with OVSDB ==================== **Prerequisites**: OpenDaylight requires Java 1.7.0. * On the control host, `Download the latest OpenDaylight release `_ (at the time of writing, this is Boron) * Uncompress it as root, and start OpenDaylight (you can start OpenDaylight by running karaf directly, but exiting from the shell will shut it down): .. code-block:: bash tar xvfz distribution-karaf-0.5.0-Boron.tar.gz cd distribution-karaf-0.5.0-Boron ./bin/start # Start OpenDaylight as a server process * Connect to the Karaf shell, and install the odl-ovsdb-openstack bundle, dlux and their dependencies: .. code-block:: bash ./bin/client # Connect to OpenDaylight with the client opendaylight-user@root> feature:install odl-base-all odl-aaa-authn odl-restconf odl-nsf-all odl-adsal-northbound odl-mdsal-apidocs odl-ovsdb-openstack odl-ovsdb-northbound odl-dlux-core * If everything is installed correctly, you should now be able to log in to the dlux interface on http://$CONTROL_HOST:8181/dlux/index.html - the default username and password is "admin/admin" (see screenshot below) .. figure:: images/dlux-default.png Ensuring OpenStack network state is clean ----------------------------------------- When using OpenDaylight as the Neutron back-end, ODL expects to be the only source of truth for Open vSwitch configuration. Because of this, it is necessary to remove existing OpenStack and Open vSwitch configurations to give OpenDaylight a clean slate. * Delete instances .. code-block:: bash nova list nova delete * Remove link from subnets to routers .. code-block:: bash neutron subnet-list neutron router-list neutron router-port-list neutron router-interface-delete * Delete subnets, nets, routers .. code-block:: bash neutron subnet-delete neutron net-list neutron net-delete neutron router-delete * Check that all ports have been cleared - at this point, this should be an empty list .. code-block:: bash neutron port-list Ensure Neutron is stopped ------------------------- While Neutron is managing the OVS instances on compute and control nodes, OpenDaylight and Neutron can be in conflict. To prevent issues, we turn off Neutron server on the network controller, and Neutron's Open vSwitch agents on all hosts. * Turn off neutron-server on control node .. code-block:: bash systemctl stop neutron-server * On each node in the cluster, shut down and disable Neutron's agent services to ensure that they do not restart after a reboot: .. code-block:: bash systemctl stop neutron-openvswitch-agent systemctl disable neutron-openvswitch-agent Configuring Open vSwitch to be managed by OpenDaylight ------------------------------------------------------ On each host (both compute and control nodes) we will clear the pre-existing Open vSwitch config and set OpenDaylight to manage the switch: * Stop the Open vSwitch service, and clear existing OVSDB (ODL expects to manage vSwitches completely) .. code-block:: bash systemctl stop openvswitch rm -rf /var/log/openvswitch/* rm -rf /etc/openvswitch/conf.db systemctl start openvswitch * At this stage, your Open vSwitch configuration should be empty: .. code-block:: bash [root@dneary-odl-compute2 ~]# ovs-vsctl show 9f3b38cb-eefc-4bc7-828b-084b1f66fbfd ovs_version: "2.1.3" * Set OpenDaylight as the manager on all nodes .. code-block:: bash ovs-vsctl set-manager tcp:${CONTROL_HOST}:6640 * You should now see a new section in your Open vSwitch configuration showing that you are connected to the OpenDaylight server, and OpenDaylight will automatically create a br-int bridge: .. code-block:: bash [root@dneary-odl-compute2 ~]# ovs-vsctl show 9f3b38cb-eefc-4bc7-828b-084b1f66fbfd Manager "tcp:" is_connected: true Bridge br-int Controller "tcp:" fail_mode: secure Port br-int Interface br-int ovs_version: "2.1.3" * (BUG WORKAROUND) If SELinux is enabled, you may not have a security context in place which allows Open vSwitch remote administration. If you do not see the result above (specifically, if you do not see "is_connected: true" in the Manager section), set SELinux to Permissive mode on all nodes and ensure it stays that way after boot: .. code-block:: bash setenforce 0 sed -i -e 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=permissive/g' /etc/selinux/config * Make sure all nodes, including the control node, are connected to OpenDaylight * If you reload DLUX, you should now see that all of your Open vSwitch nodes are now connected to OpenDaylight .. figure:: images/dlux-with-switches.png * If something has gone wrong, check ``data/log/karaf.log`` under the OpenDaylight distribution directory. If you do not see any interesting log entries, set logging for OVSDB to TRACE level inside Karaf and try again: .. code-block:: bash log:set TRACE ovsdb Configuring Neutron to use OpenDaylight --------------------------------------- Once you have configured the vSwitches to connect to OpenDaylight, you can now ensure that OpenStack Neutron is using OpenDaylight. First, ensure that port 8080 (which will be used by OpenDaylight to listen for REST calls) is available. By default, swift-proxy-service listens on the same port, and you may need to move it (to another port or another host), or disable that service. I moved it to port 8081 by editing ``/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf`` and ``/etc/cinder/cinder.conf``, modifying iptables appropriately, and restarting swift-proxy-service and OpenDaylight. * Configure Neutron to use OpenDaylight's ML2 driver: .. code-block:: bash crudini --set /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini ml2 mechanism_drivers opendaylight crudini --set /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini ml2 tenant_network_types vxlan cat <> /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini [ml2_odl] password = admin username = admin url = http://${CONTROL_HOST}:8080/controller/nb/v2/neutron EOT * Reset Neutron's ML2 database .. code-block:: bash mysql -e "drop database if exists neutron_ml2;" mysql -e "create database neutron_ml2 character set utf8;" mysql -e "grant all on neutron_ml2.* to 'neutron'@'%';" neutron-db-manage --config-file /usr/share/neutron/neutron-dist.conf --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf \ --config-file /etc/neutron/plugin.ini upgrade head * Restart neutron-server: .. code-block:: bash systemctl start neutron-server Verifying it works ------------------ * Verify that OpenDaylight's ML2 interface is working: .. code-block:: bash curl -u admin:admin http://${CONTROL_HOST}:8080/controller/nb/v2/neutron/networks { "networks" : [ ] } If this does not work or gives an error, check Neutron's log file in ``/var/log/neutron/server.log``. Error messages here should give some clue as to what the problem is in the connection with OpenDaylight * Create a net, subnet, router, connect ports, and start an instance using the Neutron CLI: .. code-block:: bash neutron router-create router1 neutron net-create private neutron subnet-create private --name=private_subnet neutron router-interface-add router1 private_subnet nova boot --flavor --image --nic net-id= test1 nova boot --flavor --image --nic net-id= test2 At this point, you have confirmed that OpenDaylight is creating network end-points for instances on your network and managing traffic to them. Congratulations! You're done! .. _ODL_Downloads: