======== Cardinal ======== Major Features ============== odl-cardinal ------------ * **Feature URL:** https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=cardinal.git;a=blob;f=features/odl-cardinal/pom.xml * **Feature Description:** This feature installs the odl-cardinal application which provides OpenDaylight health statistics, Karaf and Bundle statistics, Openflow/NETCONF specific statistics to a NMS server via SNMP protocol. And it also provides REST service to expose these statistics. * **Top Level:** Yes * **User Facing:** Yes * **Experimental:** Yes * **CSIT Test:** NA odl-cardinal-api ---------------- * **Feature URL:** https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=cardinal.git;a=blob;f=features/odl-cardinal-api/pom.xml * **Feature Description:** This feature contains the dependencies to use MDSAL features in CARDINAL. * **Top Level:** Yes * **User Facing:** Yes * **Experimental:** Yes * **CSIT Test:** NA odl-cardinal-rest ----------------- * **Feature URL:** https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=cardinal.git;a=blob;f=features/odl-cardinal-rest/pom.xml * **Feature Description:** Implements a South Bound Rest interface to send configuration to REST-capable switches. * **Top Level:** Yes * **User Facing:** Yes * **Experimental:** Yes * **CSIT Test:** NA odl-cardinal-ui --------------- * **Feature URL:** https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=cardinal.git;a=blob;f=features/odl-cardinal-ui/pom.xml * **Feature Description:** This feature is the CARDINAL User Interface. * **Top Level:** Yes * **User Facing:** Yes * **Experimental:** Yes * **CSIT Test:** NA Documentation ============= * **User Guide(s):** * :ref:`cardinal-user-guide` * **Developer Guide(s):** * :ref:`cardinal-dev-guide` Security Considerations ======================= * SNMP agent runs on port 161,2001,2003 * Current support is for SNMPv2c (no encryption or authentication) * Are all interfaces exposed using RESTCONF? * Cardinal supports two interfaces - SNMP and RESTCONF * Cardinal REST APIs are RESTCONF (authentication) enabled * Cardinal SNMP support is through SNMP Agent (SNMPv2c as mentioned above) * :ref:`Link to all RESTCONF API ` Quality Assurance ================= * `Link to Sonar Report `_ (25.8%) * `Link to CSIT Jobs `_ * All modules have been unit tested. Integration tests have been performed for all major features. System tests have been performed on most major features. Migration --------- * Is it possible to migrate from the previous release? If so, how? Yes. Migration to this release involves migrating features to Karaf 4; see `the wiki `_ for details. Compatibility ------------- * Is this release compatible with the previous release? No. * Any API changes? All Karaf 3 features have been removed in favour of (compatible) Karaf 4 features Bugs Fixed ---------- None. Known Issues ------------ No known issues. End-of-life =========== * N/A. Standards ========= * MIB OIDS were compiled for generating java classes using 3rd party library Open-DMK(mib-gen) Release Mechanics ================= * `ODL CARDINAL Nitrogen release plan `_ * No major shifts in the release schedule from the release plan