========== Infrautils ========== Major Features ============== We have done a lot of clean-up and minor fixes for bugs reported via Bugzilla. Major changes delivered in this release are: * Job Coordinator: enables executing jobs in a parallel/sequential fashion, based on their keys (contribution from genius project) * Ready Framework: new framework to indicate system readiness, initial version * New JUnit Test Rules RunUntilFailureRule, LogCaptureRule, and LogRule odl-infrautils-all ------------------ * **Feature URL:** https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=infrautils.git;a=blob;f=common/features/infrautils-features/src/main/features/features.xml;hb=stable/carbon * **Feature Description:** This feature exposes all infrautils framework features * **Top Level:** Yes * **User Facing:** No * **Experimental:** Yes * **CSIT Test:** none .. note that this is experimental until the system test waiver is granted .. on this thread: .. https://lists.opendaylight.org/pipermail/infrautils-dev/2017-May/000322.html Documentation ============= * **User Guide(s):** * Infrautils provides low-level technical framework utilities and therefore has no user guide. * **Developer Guide(s):** * :ref:`infrautils-dev-guide` Security Considerations ======================= * No external interfaces Quality Assurance ================= * `Link to Sonar Report `_ (43.6% line coverage) * Project infrautils provides low-level technical framework utilities and therefore no CSIT automated system testing is available Migration --------- * No additional migration steps needed Compatibility ------------- * This release is compatible with previous release * Async API was removed (dead code, not used by any odl projects) * No configuration changes made Bugs Fixed ---------- * `List of bugs fixed since the previous release: `_ Known Issues ------------ * There are no currently known issues End-of-life =========== * This section is N/A Standards ========= * This section is N/A Release Mechanics ================= * `Link to release plan `_