================= LISP Flow Mapping ================= Major Features ============== odl-lispflowmapping-msmr ------------------------ * **Feature URL:** https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=lispflowmapping.git;a=blob;f=features/odl-lispflowmapping-msmr/pom.xml * **Feature Description:** This is the core feature that provides the Mapping Services and includes the LISP southbound plugin feature as well. * **Top Level:** Yes * **User Facing:** Yes * **Experimental:** No * **CSIT Test:** https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/lispflowmapping/job/lispflowmapping-csit-1node-msmr-all-oxygen/ odl-lispflowmapping-neutron --------------------------- * **Feature URL:** https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=lispflowmapping.git;a=blob;f=features/odl-lispflowmapping-neutron/pom.xml;hb=stable/oxygen * **Feature Description:** This feature provides Neutron integration. * **Top Level:** Yes * **User Facing:** Yes * **Experimental:** Yes odl-lispflowmapping-ui ---------------------- * **Feature URL:** https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=lispflowmapping.git;a=blob;f=features/odl-lispflowmapping-ui/pom.xml;hb=stable/oxygen * **Feature Description:** This feature provides a GUI to access the Mapping Service data. * **Top Level:** Yes * **User Facing:** Yes * **Experimental:** Yes Documentation ============= * **User Guide(s):** :ref:`lispflowmapping-user-guide` Security Considerations ======================= * Do you have any external interfaces other than RESTCONF? * Yes, the southbound plugin * If so, how are they secure? * LISP southbound plugin follows LISP `RFC6833 `_ security guidelines. * What port numbers do they use? * Port used: 4342 * Other security issues? * None Quality Assurance ================= * `Link to Sonar Report `_ (59.5%) * `Link to CSIT Jobs `_ * All modules have been unit tested. Integration tests have been performed for all major features. System tests have been performed on most major features. * Registering and retrieval of basic mappings have been tested more thoroughly. More complicated mapping policies have gone through less testing. Migration --------- * Is it possible to migrate from the previous release? If so, how? * LISP Flow Mapping service will auto-populate the datastructures from existing MD-SAL data upon service start if the data has already been migrated separately. No automated way for transfering the data is provided in this release. Compatibility ------------- * Is this release compatible with the previous release? * Yes * Any API changes? * No * Any configuration changes? * No Bugs Fixed ---------- * `LISPMAP-151 `_ Subscribers from both Northbound and Southbound origin are stored in SimpleMapCache * `LISPMAP-152 `_ Integration tests: multi-site doesn't send SMR-invoked Map-Request on SMR * `LISPMAP-155 `_ SMR scheduler task tracking unreliable * `LISPMAP-163 `_ Merging of negative prefixes is incorrect * `LISPMAP-164 `_ Negative mapping in SB masking overlapping more specific positive added later to NB * `LISPMAP-165 `_ Adding a less specific NB mapping when an included more specific SB exists leads to SB taking preference * `LISPMAP-166 `_ Integration tests receiveMap(Request|Notify) don't check for packet type before deserializing * `LISPMAP-168 `_ When lazy removing expired mappings, the mapping system doesn't check for less specifics * `LISPMAP-169 `_ MapServer should not send SMR for when source EID was AFI=0 (No Address) * `LISPMAP-171 `_ Karaf CLI commands should trigger expired mapping removal * `LISPMAP-173 `_ NPE in MappingSystem#removeMapping() Known Issues ------------ * Clustering is still an experimental feature and may have some issues particularly related to operational datastore consistency. * `Link to Open Bugs `_ End-of-life =========== * None Standards ========= * The LISP implementation module and southbound plugin conforms to the IETF `RFC6830 `_ and `RFC6833 `_ , with the following exceptions: - In Map-Request message, M bit(Map-Reply Record exist in the MapRequest) is processed but any mapping data at the bottom of a Map-Request are discarded. - LISP LCAFs are limited to only up to one level of recursion, as described in the IETF `LISP YANG draft `_. - No standards exist for the LISP Mapping System northbound API as of this date. Release Mechanics ================= * `Link to release plan `_ * No major shifts from the release plan.