========== Controller ========== 1. Project PTL: - Tom Pantelis - tompantelis@gmail.com - Yes, I have reviewed the PTL Requirements 2. Project Contact: - Tom Pantelis - tompantelis@gmail.com 3. Test Contact: - Vratko Polak - vrpolak@cisco.com - vrpolak 4. Documentation Contact - Tom Pantelis - tompantelis@gmail.com 5. Does your project have any updates on any previously-incomplete items from prior milestone readouts? (Yes/No) - No 6. Were project-specific deliverables planned for this milestone delivered successfully? (No Deliverables/Yes/No) - No Deliverables 7. Does your project have any special needs in CI Infrastructure? (Yes/No) - No 8. Is your project release plan finalized? (Yes/No) - Yes https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/OpenDaylight_Controller:Oxygen:Release_Plan 9. Do you have all APIs intended to be externally consumable listed? (Yes/No) - Not Applicable 10. Have all project dependencies requests on other projects' release plans been acknowledged and documented by upstream projects? (Yes/No) - Yes 11. Will your project have top-level features not requiring system test? (Yes/No) - No 12. Will your project use the OpenDaylight CI infrastructure for testing top-level features requiring system test? (Yes/No) - Yes