=========== PacketCable =========== 1. Project PTL: Steve Pisarski, s.pisarski@cablelabs.com, N/A - Yes, I have reviewed the PTL Requirements. 2. Project Contact: Kevin Kershaw, k.kershaw@cablelabs.com, N/A 3. Test Contact: Kevin Kershaw, k.kershaw@cablelabs.com, N/A 4. Documentation Contact: Kevin Kershaw, k.kershaw@cablelabs.com, N/A 5. Does your project have any updates on any previously-incomplete items from prior milestone readouts? No 6. Were project-specific deliverables planned for this milestone delivered successfully? No planned deliverables 7. Does your project have any special needs in CI Infrastructure? No 8. Is your project release plan finalized? Yes - `Release plan `_ 9. Do you have all APIs intended to be externally consumable listed? - Does each API have a useful short name? *Yes* - Are the Java interface and/or YANG files listed for each API? *Yes* - Are they labeled as tentative, provisional, or stable as appropriate for each API? *Yes* - Do you call out the OSGi bundles and/or Karaf features providing the API for each API? *Yes* 10. Have all project dependencies requests on other projects' release plans been acknowledged and documented by upstream projects? Not Applicable 11. Will your project have top-level features not requiring system test? No 12. Will your project use the OpenDaylight CI infrastructure for testing top-level features requiring system test? Yes