======== l2switch ======== Functionality Freeze: --------------------- 1. Final list of externally consumable APIs defined: **Yes, available in documentation. No change from previous releases.** - If you had Tentative APIs, have they been moved to Provisional or dropped? **N/A** - If any of your Tentative APIs were dropped, have you notified all projects that were expecting them? **N/A** - Also please list all dropped APIs. 2. Are all your inter-project dependencies resolved (i.e., have the other projects you were counting on given you what you needed)? **Yes** 3. Were there any project-specific deliverables planned for this milestone? **No** Karaf Features Defined: ----------------------- 1. Are all your project's features that are intended for release added to the features.xml and checked into integration git repository? **Yes** 2. List all top-level, user-facing, and stable Karaf features for your project. :odl-l2switch-packethandler: Decodes the packets coming to the controller and dispatches them to the other modules :odl-l2switch-loopremover: Runs STP and marks NodeConnectors as forwarding or blocking in the node inventory :odl-l2switch-arphandler: Responds to incoming ARP requests with learned addresses. In proactive-flood mode, floods traffic to all ports. :odl-l2switch-addresstracker: Observes IPv4, IPv6, and ARP traffic incoming via packethandler. Observations are written into the datastore for consumption :odl-l2switch-hosttracker: Translates address observations from the network (via addresstracker) into Hosts in the datastore :odl-l2switch-switch: Installs bi-directional MAC to MAC flows based on incoming ARP traffic Documentation: -------------- 1. List the kinds of documentation you will provide including at least: - **User guide** http://docs.opendaylight.org/en/latest/user-guide/l2switch-user-guide.html - **Developer guide**, sections per feature http://docs.opendaylight.org/en/latest/developer-guide/l2switch-developer-guide.html - **Release notes** (mandatory) [2]_. 2. Have you checked in a reStructuredText outline to the docs repository? **No** Integration and Test: --------------------- 1. Have you started automated system testing for your top-level features? **Yes** - https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/l2switch/job/l2switch-csit-1node-switch-all-oxygen/ 2. Have you filled out basic system test plan template for each top-level feature (karaf and not karaf) and a comprehensive system test plan template including functionality, cluster, scalability, performance, longevity/stability for each stable feature? **No** - (If no, why?) **This project is in maintenance mode, and is used mostly as an introductory project to ODL. We don't consider any features as stable. For each top-level feature we maintain a CSIT test suite, but no test plan template as such** Project Specific: ----------------- 1. Were there any project-specific deliverables planned for this milestone? **No** 2. Have you updated your project facts with the project type category? **Yes** 3. Do you acknowledge the changes to the RC Blocking Bug Policy [3]_? **Yes** .. [2] Release notes must be updated prior to a major release. It is a good idea to keep release notes as a living document when significant changes are made. .. [3] https://lists.opendaylight.org/pipermail/tsc/2016-December/006468.html