============ Project Name ============ 1. Please provide updates on any previously-incomplete items from prior milestone readouts. 2. Has your project achieved API freeze such that all externally accessible Stable or Provisional APIs will not be modified after now? (Yes/No) - (Link to gerrit search for patches modifying the API [1]_) 3. Do you have content in your project documentation? (Yes/No) - (For each document, provide current word count) - (For each document, link to the file in gerrit) - (Link to pending gerrit patches waiting approval) 4. Has your project met the requirements to be included in Maven Central [2]_? (Yes/No) 5. Were project-specific deliverables planned for this milestone delivered successfully? (No Deliverables/Yes/No) 6. Have you started automated system testing for your top-level features. (Yes/No) - (If yes, link to test report) - (If no, explain why) 7. Does your project use any ports, including for testing? (Yes/No) - (If yes, list of ports used) - (If yes, have you updated the wiki [3]_ with all ports used? Yes/No) 8. Does your project build successful in Autorelease? - (If yes, link to successful autorelease job [4]_) - (If not, explain why) .. [1] Provide a link to a gerrit search for patches modifying the files defined as specifying the API. For example: https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/q/file:%255Eopendaylight/md-sal/sal-binding-api/.%252B+status:merged+project:controller .. [2] http://central.sonatype.org/pages/requirements.html .. [3] https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/Ports .. [4] https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/RelEng/Autorelease/Project_Autorelease_Requirements