======================== Integration/Distribution ======================== 1. Do you have any previously-incomplete items from prior milestone readouts? No 2. Has your project met code freeze [1]_? Yes 3. Are all externally visible strings frozen to allow for translation & documentation? Yes 4. Is your documentation complete [2]_? Yes - :doc:`../../../user-guide/distribution-version-user-guide` - :doc:`../../../developer-guide/distribution-version` - :doc:`../../../developer-guide/distribution-test-features` - :doc:`../../../getting-started-guide/common-features/clustering` - :doc:`../../../getting-started-guide/common-features/persistence_and_backup` 5. Were project-specific deliverables planned for this milestone delivered successfully? No Deliverables 6. Are you running at least one basic automated system test job for each top-level feature? Yes - https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/distribution 7. Do you have any CLM violations? Yes - The CLM job reports every violation from upstream OpenDaylight projects pulled in by Distribution. Those violations should be addressed by upstream projects themselves. .. [1] Only bug fixes are allowed from now on .. [2] Only editing and enhancing should take place from now on .. [3] Unit and/or integration test coverage of at least 75% .. [4] These test jobs include functionality, cluster, scalability, performance, longevity/stability