Milestone Readouts ================== M0: Declare Intent ------------------ (Project Name) #. A statement to the effect: "The project formally joins the OpenDaylight Carbon Simultaneous Release and agrees to the activities and timeline documented on the Carbon Release Plan Page:" #. Project Offset: (Offset 0/Offset 1/Offset 2) #. Project Category: (Kernel/Protocol/Services/Application/Support) #. Project Labels: (List keywords and tags and fit the description of your project comma separated) #. Project PTL: (name/email/IRC) #. Do you confirm that the list of Project Committers is updated and accurate? (Yes/No) [1] M1: Draft Plan -------------- (Project Name) #. Project Lead Contact: (name/email/IRC) #. Review PTL Requirements [1]. #. Project Contact: (name/email/IRC) #. Test Contact: (name/email/IRC) #. Documentation Contact (name/email/IRC) #. Draft Release Plan: (wiki link) ** FOR NEW PROJECTS ONLY ** #. Project Main Page: (wiki link) Use Project Facts Template [2]. [1] Be sure to read the responsibilities of being a project lead under Leadership & Communication in the Requirements for Participation section of the release plan: [2] M2: Final Release Plan ---------------------- (Project Name) 1. Does your project have any updates on any previously-incomplete items from prior milestone readouts? (Yes/No) * (If yes, list updates) 2. Were project-specific deliverables planned for this milestone delivered successfully? (No Deliverables/Yes/No) * (If no, list incomplete deliverables) 3. Does your project have any special needs in CI Infrastructure [2]? (Yes/No) * (If yes, link to helpdesk ticket number) 4. Is your project release plan finalized? (Yes/No) * (If yes, link to final release plan wiki page) * (If no, ETA to finalize release plan) 5. Do you have all APIs intended to be externally consumable listed? (Yes/No) * Does each API have a useful short name? (Yes/No) * Are the Java interface and/or YANG files listed for each API? (Yes/No) * Are they labeled as tentative, provisional, or stable as appropriate for each API? (Yes/No) * Do you call out the OSGi bundles and/or Karaf features providing the API for each API? (Yes/No) 6. Have all project dependencies requests on other project's release plans been acknowledged and documented by upstream projects? (Yes/No) * (List of all project dependencies and if they have been acknowledged, unacknowledged) 7. Will your project have top-level features not requiring system test? (Yes/No) * (If yes, link to system test waiver request email) 8. Will your project use the OpenDaylight CI infrastructure for testing top-level features requiring system test? (Yes/No) * (If no, link to system test plan explaining why [3]) * (If no, link to system test plan identifying external lab testing [4]) ** FOR NEW PROJECTS ONLY ** 9. Have you completed the project checklist [1]? (Yes/No) * (link to a merged patch in gerrit) * (link to a mail from your mailing list) * (link to a bug for your project; you can create a dummy one and close it if need be) * (link to an artifact published from your project in nexus) * (link to a sonar report) * (link to your root pom file) [0] [1] [2] Special needs include tools or configuration. Note that generally, the only available tools in CI are basic RHEL/CentOS linux images with Java. You should note and ask for anything beyond that here. Email [3] It is recommended to use the OpenDaylight CI infrastructure unless there is some HW or SW resource that cannot be installed there. Update the test plan with explanation on why your top-level features will not be using the OpenDaylight CI Infrastructure: [4] Projects running system test in external Labs are required to report system test results in a timely fashion after release creations, e.g., weekly, RC, and formal releases. Update the test plan with plans on testing in external lab: M3: Functionality Freeze ------------------------ Please provide updates on any previously-incomplete items from prior milestone readouts. Functionality Freeze: #. Final list of externally consumable APIs defined: Yes/No * If you had an Tentative APIs, have they been moved to Provisional or dropped? Yes/No (link to release plan) * If any of your Tentative APIs were dropped, have you notified all projects that were expecting them? Yes/No (link to e-mail) * Also please list all dropped APIs. #. Are all your inter-project dependencies are resolved (i.e., have the other projects you were counting on given you what you needed)? Yes/No * If no, please list the features you were expecting that haven't been delivered and the project you were expecting to receive them from. * Note that you can only reasonably hold a a project to something if you formally asked for it during the release planning process and they acknowledged that ask saying they would do it. #. Were there any project-specific deliverables planned for this milestone? Yes/No * If so, were they delivered? Yes/No Karaf Features Defined: 4. Are all your project's features that are intended for release added to the features.xml and checked into integration git repository. Yes/No (please provide link to the gerrit patch) #. List all top-level, user-facing, and stable Karaf features for your project. * For top-level and user-facing features, please provide a one-sentence description which a developer and/or user would find helpful. Documentation: 6. List the kinds of documentation you will provide including at least: * One user/operator guide section per user-facing feature. * One developer guide per top-level feature. * An installation guide for any top-level features that require more than ``feature:install `` to install. * Optional tutorials and how tos. #. Have you checked in an AsciiDoc outline to the docs repository? Yes/No (link to gerrit patch) Integration and Test: 8. Have you started automated system testing for your top-level features. Yes/No * If yes, link to test report * If no, why? #. Have you filled out basic system test plan template for each top-level feature (karaf and not karaf) and a comprehensive system test plan template including functionality, cluster, scalability, performance, longevity/stability for each stable feature? Yes/No * If yes, link to test plans * If no, why? Project Specific: 10. Were there any project-specific deliverables planned for this milestone? Yes/No * If so, were they delivered? Yes/No #. Have you updated your project facts with the project type category? Yes/No #. Do you acknowledge the changes to the RC Blocking Bug Policy for Carbon Release [1]? Yes/No [1] M4: API Freeze -------------- #. Please provide updates on any previously-incomplete items from prior milestone readouts. #. Has your project achieved API freeze such that all externally accessible Stable or Provisional APIs will not be modified after now? (Yes/No) * (Link to gerrit search for patches modifying the API [1]) #. Do you have content in your project documentation? (Yes/No) * (For each document, provide current word count) * (For each document, link to the file in gerrit) * (Link to pending gerrit patches waiting approval) #. Has your project met the requirements to be included in Maven Central [2]? (Yes/No) #. Were project-specific deliverables planned for this milestone delivered successfully? (No Deliverables/Yes/No) #. Have you started automated system testing for your top-level features. (Yes/No) * (If yes, link to test report) * (If no, explain why) #. Does your project use any ports, including for testing? (Yes/No) * (If yes, list of ports used) * (If yes, have you updated the wiki [3] with all ports used? Yes/No) #. Does your project build successful in Autorelease? * (If yes, link to successful autorelease job [4]) * (If not, explain why) [1] Provide a link to a gerrit search for patches modifying the files defined as specifying the API. For example: [2] [3] [4] M5: Code Freeze --------------- #. Please provide updates on any previously-incomplete items from prior milestone readouts. #. Has your project met code freeze, i.e., only bug fixes are allowed from now on? (Yes/No) #. Are all externally visible strings frozen to allow for translation & documentation? (Yes/No) #. Is your documentation complete such that only editing and enhancing should take place after this point? (Yes/No) * (For each document, link to the file in gerrit) * (Link to pending gerrit patches waiting approval) #. Were project-specific deliverables planned for this milestone delivered successfully? (No Deliverables/Yes/No) #. Are you running at least one basic automated system test job for each top-level feature? (Yes/No) * (If yes, link to test report) * (If not, explain why) Stables Features (Only for Projects with Stable Features) 7. Do your stable features fulfill quality requirements (i.e. unit and/or integration test coverage of at least 75%)? (Yes/No) * (If yes, link to sonar report) * (If not, explain why) #. Are you running several automated system test jobs including functionality, cluster, scalability, performance, longevity/stability for each stable feature? (Yes/No) * (If yes, link to test reports) * (If not, explain why) RCX: Release Candidate Testing ------------------------------ #. Have you tested your code in the release candidate? Yes/No (provide a link to the release candidate you tested) * If yes, did you find any issues? * If you found issues, do you believe any of them should block this release of OpenDaylight until they are resolved? * Please list all the issues and note if they are blocking.