******************** Simultaneous Release ******************** This page explains how the OpenDaylight release process works once the TSC has approved a release. Preparations ============ After release candidate is built gpg sign artifacts using the `lftools sign `_ command. .. code-block:: bash STAGING_REPO=autorelease-1903 STAGING_PROFILE_ID=abc123def456 # This Profile ID is listed in Nexus > Staging Profiles lftools sign deploy-nexus https://nexus.opendaylight.org $STAGING_REPO $STAGING_PROFILE_ID Verify the distribution-karaf file with the signature. .. code-block:: bash gpg2 --verify distribution-karaf-x.y.z-${RELEASE}.tar.gz.asc distribution-karaf-x.y.z-${RELEASE}.tar.gz Releasing OpenDaylight ====================== - Block submit permissions for registered users and elevate RE's committer rights on Gerrit. **(Helpdesk)** .. figure:: images/gerrit-update-committer-rights.png .. note:: Enable **Exclusive** checkbox for the submit button to override any existing persmissions. Code-Review and Verify permissions are only needed during version bumping. DO NOT enable it during code freeze. - Nexus: click release for staging repo **(Helpdesk)** - Nexus: click release for gpgsign repo (created above in Preparations) **(Helpdesk)** - Pull latest autorelease repository **(Release Engineering Team)** .. note:: If you already cloned autorelease the clone line can be skipped below. .. code-block:: bash export BRANCH=origin/stable/oxygen git clone --recursive https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/releng/autorelease cd autorelease git fetch origin # Ensure we are on the right branch. Note that we are wiping out all # modifications in the repo so backup unsaved changes before doing this. git checkout -f git clean -fdx git checkout ${BRANCH,,} git submodule update --init # Ensure git review is setup git review -s git submodule foreach 'git review -s' - Make sure the latest lftools is installed **(Release Engineering Team)** .. note:: If you already created an lftools virtualenv you can skip the mkvirtualenv step below. .. code-block:: bash mkvirtualenv lftools workon lftools pip install --upgrade lftools - Publish release tags **(Release Engineering Team)** .. code-block:: bash export RELEASE=Beryllium-SR4 export STREAM=${RELEASE//-*} export BUILD_NUM=55 export PATCH_URL="https://logs.opendaylight.org/releng/jenkins092/autorelease-release-${STREAM,,}/${BUILD_NUM}/patches.tar.gz" ./scripts/release-tags.sh "${RELEASE}" /tmp/patches "$PATCH_URL" - Run autorelease-version-bump-${STREAM} job **(Release Engineering Team)** - Send email to Helpdesk with binary URL to update website **(Helpdesk)** - Send email to TSC and Release mailing lists announcing release binaries location **(Release Engineering Team)** - Merge all patches generated by the job **(Release Engineering Team)** - Re-enable submit permissions for registered users and disable elevated RE committer rights on gerrit **(Helpdesk)** - Send email to release/tsc/dev notifying tagging and version bump complete **(Release Engineering Team)** - Run autorelease-generate-release-notes-${STREAM} job **(Release Engineering Team)** Trigger this job by leaving a Gerrit comment `generate-release-notes Carbon-SR2` .. important:: This job can only be used to generate service releases. For major releases the notes come from the projects themselves in the docs repo via the `docs/releaset-notes/projects` directory. Release notes can also be manually generated with the script: .. code-block:: bash git checkout stable/${BRANCH,,} ./scripts/release-notes-generator.sh Carbon-SR2 A `release-notes.rst` will be generated in the working directory.