.. _alto-user-guide ALTO User Guide =============== Overview -------- The ALTO project is aimed to provide support for **Application Layer Traffic Optimization** services defined in `RFC 7285 `__ in OpenDaylight. This user guide will introduce the three basic services (namely ``simple-ird``, ``manual-maps`` and ``host-tracker``) which are implemented since the Beryllium release, and give instructions on how to configure them to provide corresponding ALTO services. A new feature named ``simple-pce`` (**Simple Path Computation Engine**) is added into Boron release as an ALTO extension service. How to Identify ALTO Resources ------------------------------ Each ALTO resource can be uniquely identified by a tuple . For each resource, a *version-tag* is used to support historical look-ups. The formats of *resource-id* and *version-tag* are defined in `section 10.2 `__ and `section 10.3 `__ respectively. The *context-id* is not part of the protocol and we choose the same format as a *universal unique identifier* (UUID) which is defined in `RFC 4122 `__. A context is like a namespace for ALTO resources, which eliminates *resource-id* collisions. For simplicity, we also provide a default context with the id **000000000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000**. How to Use Simple IRD --------------------- The simple IRD feature provides a simple *information resource directory* (IRD) service defined in `RFC 7285 `__. Install the Feature ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To enable simple IRD, run the following command in the karaf CLI: .. code:: bash karaf > feature:install odl-alto-simpleird After the feature is successfully installed, a special context will be created for all simple IRD resources. The id for this context can be seen by executing the following command in a terminal: .. code:: bash curl -X GET -u admin:admin http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/alto-simple-ird:information/ Create a new IRD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To create a new IRD resource, two fields MUST be provided: - Field **instance-id**: the *resource-id* of the IRD resource; - Field **entry-context**: the context-id for non-IRD entries managed by this IRD resource. Using the following script, one can create an empty IRD resource: .. code:: bash #!/bin/bash # filename: ird-create INSTANCE_ID=$1 if [ $2 ]; then CONTEXT_ID=$2 else CONTEXT_ID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" fi URL="`http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/alto-simple-ird:ird-instance-configuration/"$INSTANCE_ID"/[`http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/alto-simple-ird:ird-instance-configuration/"$INSTANCE_ID"/`]`" DATA=$(cat template \ | sed 's/\$1/'$CONTEXT_ID'/g' \ | sed 's/\$2/'$INSTANCE_ID'/g') curl -4 -D - -X PUT -u admin:admin \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$(echo $DATA)"\ $URL For example, the following command will create a new IRD named *ird* which can accept entries with the default context-id: .. code:: bash $ ./ird-create ird 000000000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000 And below is the what the template file looks like: .. code:: json { "ird-instance-configuration": { "entry-context": "/alto-resourcepool:context[alto-resourcepool:context-id='$1']", "instance-id": "$2" } } Remove an IRD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To remove an existing IRD (and all the entries in it), one can use the following command in a terminal: .. code:: bash curl -X DELETE -u admin:admin http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/alto-simple-ird:ird-instance-configuration/$INSTANCE_ID Add a new entry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are several ways to add entries to an IRD and in this section we introduce only the simplest method. Using the following script, one can add a new entry to the target IRD. For each new entry, four parameters MUST be provided: - Parameter *ird-id*: the *resource-id* of the target IRD; - Parameter *entry-id*: the *resource-id* of the ALTO service to be added; - Parameter *context-id*: the *context-id* of the ALTO service to be added, which MUST be identical to the target IRD’s *entry-context*; - Parameter *location*: either a URI or a relative path to the ALTO service. The following script can be used to add one entry to the target IRD, where the relative path is used: .. code:: bash #!/bin/bash # filename: ird-add-entry IRD_ID=$1 ENTRY_ID=$2 CONTEXT_ID=$3 BASE_URL=$4 URL="`http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/alto-simple-ird:ird-instance-configuration/"$IRD_ID"/ird-configuration-entry/"$ENTRY_ID"/" DATA=$(cat template \ | sed 's/\$1/'$ENTRY_ID'/g' \ | sed 's/\$2/'$CONTEXT_ID'/g' \ | sed 's/\$3/'$BASE_URL'/g' ) curl -4 -D - -X PUT -u admin:admin \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$(echo $DATA)" \ $URL For example, the following command will add a new resource named *networkmap*, whose context-id is the default context-id and the base URL is /alto/networkmap, to the IRD named *ird*: .. code:: bash $ ./ird-add-entry ird networkmap 000000000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000 /alto/networkmap And below is the template file: .. code:: json { "ird-configuration-entry": { "entry-id": "$1", "instance": "/alto-resourcepool:context[alto-resourcepool:context-id='$2']/alto-resourcepool:resource[alto-resourcepool:resource-id='$1']", "path": "$3/$1" } } Remove an entry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To remove an entry from an IRD, one can use the following one-line command: .. code:: bash curl -X DELETE -u admin:admin http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/alto-simple-ird:ird-instance-configuration/$IRD_ID/ird-configuration-entry/$ENTRY_ID/ How to Use Host-tracker-based ECS --------------------------------- As a real instance of ALTO services, ***alto-hosttracker*** reads data from ***l2switch*** and generates a network map with resource id ***hosttracker-network-map*** and a cost map with resource id ***hostracker-cost-map***. It can only work with OpenFlow-enabled networks. After installing the ***odl-alto-hosttracker*** feature, the corresponding network map and cost map will be inserted into the data store. Managing Resource with ``alto-resourcepool`` -------------------------------------------- After installing ``odl-alto-release`` feature in Karaf, ``alto-resourcepool`` feature will be installed automatically. And you can manage all resources in ALTO via RESTCONF APIs provided by ``alto-resourcepool``. With the example bash script below you can get any resource infomation in a given context. .. code:: bash #!/bin/bash RESOURCE_ID=$1 if [ $2 ] ; then CONTEXT_ID=$2 else CONTEXT_ID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" fi URL="http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/alto-resourcepool:context/"$CONTEXT_ID"/alto-resourcepool:resource/"$RESOURCE_ID curl -X GET -u admin:admin $URL | python -m json.tool | sed -n '/default-tag/p' | sed 's/.*:.*\"\(.*\)\".*/\1/g' Manual Configuration -------------------- Using RESTCONF API ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After installing ``odl-alto-release`` feature in Karaf, it is possible to manage network-maps and cost-maps using RESTCONF. Take a look at all the operations provided by ``resource-config`` at the API service page which can be found at ``http://localhost:8181/apidoc/explorer/index.html``. The easiest method to operate network-maps and cost-maps is to modify data broker via RESTCONF API directly. Using RPC ~~~~~~~~~ The ``resource-config`` package also provides a query RPC to config the resources. You can CREATE, UPDATE and DELETE **network-maps** and **cost-maps** via query RPC. Simple Path Computation Engine ------------------------------ The ``simple-pce`` module provides a simple path computation engine for ALTO and other projects. It supports basic CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations to manage L2 and L3 routing with/without rate limitation. This module is an independent feature, so you can follow the instruction below to install it independently. .. code:: bash karaf > feature:install odl-alto-extenstion .. note:: The rate limitation meter requires OpenFlow 1.3 support. Basic Usage with RESTCONF API ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can use the simple path computation engine with RESTCONF API, which is defined in the YANG model `here `__. Use Case -------- Server Selection ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One of the key use case for ALTO is server selection. For example, a client (with IP address sends a data transferring request to Data Transferring Service (DTS). And there are three data replica servers (with IP address, and which can response the request. In this case, DTS can send a query request to ALTO server to make server selection decision. Following is an example ALTO query: :: POST /alto/endpointcost HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8080 Content-Type: application/alto-endpointcostparams+json Accept: application/alto-endpointcost+json,application/alto-error+json { "cost-type": { "cost-mode": "ordinal", "cost-metric": "hopcount" }, "endpoints": { "srcs": [ "ipv4:" ], "dsts": [ "ipv4:", "ipv4:", "ipv4:" ] } }