Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) Services =========================================================== Overview -------- Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) is a term for a framework controlling access to resources, enforcing policies to use those resources and auditing their usage. These processes are the fundamental building blocks for effective network management and security. Authentication provides a way of identifying a user, typically by having the user enter a valid user name and valid password before access is granted. The process of authentication is based on each user having a unique set of criteria for gaining access. The AAA framework compares a user's authentication credentials with other user credentials stored in a database. If the credentials match, the user is granted access to the network. If the credentials don't match, authentication fails and access is denied. Authorization is the process of finding out what an authenticated user is allowed to do within the system, which tasks can do, which API can call, etc. The authorization process determines whether the user has the authority to perform such actions. Accounting is the process of logging the activity of an authenticated user, for example, the amount of data a user has sent and/or received during a session, which APIs called, etc. Terms And Definitions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting. Token A claim of access to a group of resources on the controller. Domain A group of resources, direct or indirect, physical, logical, or virtual, for the purpose of access control. User A person who either owns or has access to a resource or group of resources on the controller. Role Opaque representation of a set of permissions, which is merely a unique string as admin or guest. Credential Proof of identity such as user name and password, OTP, biometrics, or others. Client A service or application that requires access to the controller. Claim A data set of validated assertions regarding a user, e.g. the role, domain, name, etc. IdP Identity Provider. Security Framework for AAA services ----------------------------------- Since Boron release, the OpenDaylight's AAA services are based on the `Apache Shiro `_ Java Security Framework. The main configuration file for AAA is located at “etc/shiro.ini” relative to the OpenDaylight Karaf home directory. How to enable AAA ----------------- AAA is enabled through installing the odl-aaa-shiro feature. The vast majority of OpenDaylight's northbound APIs (and all RESTCONF APIs) are protected by AAA by default when installing the +odl-restconf+ feature, since the odl-aaa-shiro is automatically installed as part of them. In the cases that APIs are *not* protected by AAA, this will be noted in the per-project release notes. How to disable AAA ------------------ Edit the “etc/shiro.ini” file and replace the following: :: /** = authcBasic with :: /** = anon Then restart the Karaf process. AAA Realms ---------- AAA plugin utilizes the Shiro Realms to support pluggable authentication & authorization schemes. There are two parent types of realms: - AuthenticatingRealm - Provides no Authorization capability. - Users authenticated through this type of realm are treated equally. - AuthorizingRealm - AuthorizingRealm is a more sophisticated AuthenticatingRealm, which provides the additional mechanisms to distinguish users based on roles. - Useful for applications in which roles determine allowed capabilities. OpenDaylight contains four implementations: - TokenAuthRealm - An AuthorizingRealm built to bridge the Shiro-based AAA service with the h2-based AAA implementation. - Exposes a RESTful web service to manipulate IdM policy on a per-node basis. If identical AAA policy is desired across a cluster, the backing data store must be synchronized using an out of band method. - A python script located at “etc/idmtool” is included to help manipulate data contained in the TokenAuthRealm. - Enabled out of the box. This is the realm configured by default. - ODLJndiLdapRealm - An AuthorizingRealm built to extract identity information from IdM data contained on an LDAP server. - Extracts group information from LDAP, which is translated into OpenDaylight roles. - Useful when federating against an existing LDAP server, in which only certain types of users should have certain access privileges. - Disabled out of the box. - ODLJndiLdapRealmAuthNOnly - The same as ODLJndiLdapRealm, except without role extraction. Thus, all LDAP users have equal authentication and authorization rights. - Disabled out of the box. - ODLActiveDirectoryRealm - Wraps the generic ActiveDirectoryRealm provided by Shiro. This allows for enhanced logging as well as isolation of all realms in a single package, which enables easier import by consuming servlets. .. note:: More than one Realm implementation can be specified. Realms are attempted in order until authentication succeeds or all realm sources are exhausted. TokenAuthRealm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ How it works ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The TokenAuthRealm is the default Authorization Realm deployed in OpenDaylight. TokenAuthRealm uses a direct authentication mechanism as shown in the following picture: .. figure:: ./images/aaa/direct-authentication.png :alt: TokenAuthRealm direct authentication mechanism TokenAuthRealm direct authentication mechanism A user presents some credentials (e.g., username/password) directly to the OpenDaylight controller token endpoint /oauth2/token and receives an access token, which then can be used to access protected resources on the controller. Configuring TokenAuthRealm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The TokenAuthRealm stores IdM data in an h2 database on each node. Thus, configuration of a cluster currently requires configuring the desired IdM policy on each node. There are two supported methods to manipulate the TokenAuthRealm IdM configuration: - idmtool configuration tool - RESTful Web Service configuration **Idmtool** ########### A utility script located at “etc/idmtool” is used to manipulate the TokenAuthRealm IdM policy. idmtool assumes a single domain, the default one (sdn), since multiple domains are not supported in the Boron release. General usage information for idmtool is derived through issuing the following command: :: $ python etc/idmtool -h usage: idmtool [-h] [--target-host TARGET_HOST] user {list-users,add-user,change-password,delete-user,list-domains,list-roles,add-role,delete-role,add-grant,get-grants,delete-grant} ... positional arguments: user username for BSC node {list-users,add-user,change-password,delete-user,list-domains,list-roles,add-role,delete-role,add-grant,get-grants,delete-grant} sub-command help list-users list all users add-user add a user change-password change a password delete-user delete a user list-domains list all domains list-roles list all roles add-role add a role delete-role delete a role add-grant add a grant get-grants get grants for userid on sdn delete-grant delete a grant optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --target-host TARGET_HOST target host node Add a user '''''''''' :: python etc/idmtool admin add-user newUser Password: Enter new password: Re-enter password: add_user(admin) command succeeded! json: { "description": "", "domainid": "sdn", "email": "", "enabled": true, "name": "newUser", "password": "**********", "salt": "**********", "userid": "newUser@sdn" } .. note:: AAA redacts the password and salt fields for security purposes. Delete a user ''''''''''''' :: $ python etc/idmtool admin delete-user newUser@sdn Password: delete_user(newUser@sdn) command succeeded! List all users '''''''''''''' :: $ python etc/idmtool admin list-users Password: list_users command succeeded! json: { "users": [ { "description": "user user", "domainid": "sdn", "email": "", "enabled": true, "name": "user", "password": "**********", "salt": "**********", "userid": "user@sdn" }, { "description": "admin user", "domainid": "sdn", "email": "", "enabled": true, "name": "admin", "password": "**********", "salt": "**********", "userid": "admin@sdn" } ] } Change a user’s password '''''''''''''''''''''''' :: $ python etc/idmtool admin change-password admin@sdn Password: Enter new password: Re-enter password: change_password(admin) command succeeded! json: { "description": "admin user", "domainid": "sdn", "email": "", "enabled": true, "name": "admin", "password": "**********", "salt": "**********", "userid": "admin@sdn" } Add a role '''''''''' :: $ python etc/idmtool admin add-role network-admin Password: add_role(network-admin) command succeeded! json: { "description": "", "domainid": "sdn", "name": "network-admin", "roleid": "network-admin@sdn" } Delete a role ''''''''''''' :: $ python etc/idmtool admin delete-role network-admin@sdn Password: delete_role(network-admin@sdn) command succeeded! List all roles '''''''''''''' :: $ python etc/idmtool admin list-roles Password: list_roles command succeeded! json: { "roles": [ { "description": "a role for admins", "domainid": "sdn", "name": "admin", "roleid": "admin@sdn" }, { "description": "a role for users", "domainid": "sdn", "name": "user", "roleid": "user@sdn" } ] } List all domains '''''''''''''''' :: $ python etc/idmtool admin list-domains Password: list_domains command succeeded! json: { "domains": [ { "description": "default odl sdn domain", "domainid": "sdn", "enabled": true, "name": "sdn" } ] } Add a grant ''''''''''' :: $ python etc/idmtool admin add-grant user@sdn admin@sdn Password: add_grant(userid=user@sdn,roleid=admin@sdn) command succeeded! json: { "domainid": "sdn", "grantid": "user@sdn@admin@sdn@sdn", "roleid": "admin@sdn", "userid": "user@sdn" } Delete a grant '''''''''''''' :: $ python etc/idmtool admin delete-grant user@sdn admin@sdn Password: http://localhost:8181/auth/v1/domains/sdn/users/user@sdn/roles/admin@sdn delete_grant(userid=user@sdn,roleid=admin@sdn) command succeeded! Get grants for a user ''''''''''''''''''''' :: python etc/idmtool admin get-grants admin@sdn Password: get_grants(admin@sdn) command succeeded! json: { "roles": [ { "description": "a role for users", "domainid": "sdn", "name": "user", "roleid": "user@sdn" }, { "description": "a role for admins", "domainid": "sdn", "name": "admin", "roleid": "admin@sdn" } ] } **Configuration using the RESTful Web Service** ############################################### The TokenAuthRealm IdM policy is fully configurable through a RESTful web service. Full documentation for manipulating AAA IdM data is located online (, and a few examples are included in this guide: Get All Users ''''''''''''' :: curl -u admin:admin http://localhost:8181/auth/v1/users OUTPUT: { "users": [ { "description": "user user", "domainid": "sdn", "email": "", "enabled": true, "name": "user", "password": "**********", "salt": "**********", "userid": "user@sdn" }, { "description": "admin user", "domainid": "sdn", "email": "", "enabled": true, "name": "admin", "password": "**********", "salt": "**********", "userid": "admin@sdn" } ] } Create a User ''''''''''''' :: curl -u admin:admin -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary @./user.json http://localhost:8181/auth/v1/users PAYLOAD: { "name": "ryan", "userid": "ryan@sdn", "password": "ryan", "domainid": "sdn", "description": "Ryan's User Account", "email": "" } OUTPUT: { "userid":"ryan@sdn", "name":"ryan", "description":"Ryan's User Account", "enabled":true, "email":"", "password":"**********", "salt":"**********", "domainid":"sdn" } Create an OAuth2 Token For Admin Scoped to SDN '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' :: curl -d 'grant_type=password&username=admin&password=a&scope=sdn' http://localhost:8181/oauth2/token OUTPUT: { "expires_in":3600, "token_type":"Bearer", "access_token":"5a615fbc-bcad-3759-95f4-ad97e831c730" } Use an OAuth2 Token ''''''''''''''''''' :: curl -H "Authorization: Bearer 5a615fbc-bcad-3759-95f4-ad97e831c730" http://localhost:8181/auth/v1/domains { "domains": [ { "domainid":"sdn", "name":"sdn”, "description":"default odl sdn domain", "enabled":true } ] } **Token Store Configuration Parameters** ######################################## Edit the file “etc/opendaylight/karaf/08-authn-config.xml” and edit the following: .\ **timeToLive**: Configure the maximum time, in milliseconds, that tokens are to be cached. Default is 360000. Save the file. ODLJndiLdapRealm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ How it works ~~~~~~~~~~~~ LDAP integration is provided in order to externalize identity management. This configuration allows federation with an external LDAP server. The user’s OpenDaylight role parameters are mapped to corresponding LDAP attributes as specified by the groupRolesMap. Thus, an LDAP operator can provision attributes for LDAP users that support different OpenDaylight role structures. Configuring ODLJndiLdapRealm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To configure LDAP parameters, modify "etc/shiro.ini" parameters to include the ODLJndiLdapRealm: :: # OpenDaylight provides a few LDAP implementations, which are disabled out of the box. # ODLJndiLdapRealm includes authorization functionality based on LDAP elements # extracted through and LDAP search. This requires a bit of knowledge about # how your LDAP system is setup. An example is provided below: ldapRealm = ldapRealm.userDnTemplate = uid={0},ou=People,dc=DOMAIN,dc=TLD ldapRealm.contextFactory.url = ldap://:389 ldapRealm.searchBase = dc=DOMAIN,dc=TLD ldapRealm.ldapAttributeForComparison = objectClass ldapRealm.groupRolesMap = "Person":"admin" # ... # further down in the file... # Stacked realm configuration; realms are round-robbined until authentication succeeds or realm sources are exhausted. securityManager.realms = $tokenAuthRealm, $ldapRealm ODLJndiLdapRealmAuthNOnly ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ How it works ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is useful for setups where all LDAP users are allowed equal access. Configuring ODLJndiLdapRealmAuthNOnly ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edit the "etc/shiro.ini" file and modify the following: :: ldapRealm = ldapRealm.userDnTemplate = uid={0},ou=People,dc=DOMAIN,dc=TLD ldapRealm.contextFactory.url = ldap://:389 # ... # further down in the file... # Stacked realm configuration; realms are round-robbined until authentication succeeds or realm sources are exhausted. securityManager.realms = $tokenAuthRealm, $ldapRealm Authorization Configuration --------------------------- OpenDaylight supports two authorization engines at present, both of which are roughly similar in behavior: - Shiro-Based Authorization - MDAL-Based Dynamic Authorization .. note:: The preferred mechanism for configuring AAA Authentication is the MDSAL-Based Dynamic Authorization. Read the following section. Shiro-Based Static Authorization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ OpenDaylight AAA has support for Role Based Access Control (RBAC) based on the Apache Shiro permissions system. Configuration of the authorization system is done off-line; authorization currently cannot be configured after the controller is started. The Authorization provided by this mechanism is aimed towards supporting coarse-grained security policies, the MDSAL-Based mechanism allows for a more robust configuration capabilities. `Shiro-based Authorization `_ describes how to configure the Authentication feature in detail. .. notes:: The Shiro-Based Authorization that uses the *shiro.ini* URLs section to define roles requirements is **deprecated** and **discouraged** since the changes made to the file are only honored on a controller restart. Shiro-Based Authorization is not **cluster-aware**, so the changes made on the *shiro.ini* file have to be replicated on every controller instance belonging to the cluster. The URL patterns are matched relative to the Servlet context leaving room for ambiguity, since many endpoints may match (i.e., "/restconf/modules" and "/auth/modules" would both match a "/modules/\**" rule). Enable “admin” Role Based Access to the IdMLight RESTful web service ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edit the “etc/shiro.ini” configuration file and add “/auth/v1/\**= authcBasic, roles[admin]” above the line “/\** = authcBasic” within the “urls” section. :: /auth/v1/** = authcBasic, roles[admin] /** = authcBasic This will restrict the idmlight rest endpoints so that a grant for admin role must be present for the requesting user. .. note:: The ordering of the authorization rules above is important! MDSAL-Based Dynamic Authorization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The MDSAL-Based Dynamic authorization uses the MDSALDynamicAuthorizationFilter engine to restrict access to particular URL endpoint patterns. Users may define a list of policies that are insertion-ordered. Order matters for that list of policies, since the first matching policy is applied. This choice was made to emulate behavior of the Shiro-Based Authorization mechanism. A **policy** is a key/value pair, where the key is a **resource** (i.e., a "URL pattern") and the value is a list of **permissions** for the resource. The following describes the various elements of a policy: - **Resource**: the resource is a string URL pattern as outlined by Apache Shiro. For more information, see - **Description**: an optional description of the URL endpoint and why it is being secured. - **Permissions list**: a list of permissions for a particular policy. If more than one permission exists in the permissions list they are evaluated using logical "OR". A permission describes the prerequisites to perform HTTP operations on a particular endpoint. The following describes the various elements of a permission: + **Role**: the role required to access the target URL endpoint. + **Actions list**: a leaf-list of HTTP permissions that are allowed for a Subject possessing the required role. This an example on how to limit access to the modules endpoint: :: HTTP Operation: put URL: /restconf/config/aaa:http-authorization/policies headers: Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json body: { "aaa:policies": { "aaa:policies": [ { "aaa:resource": "/restconf/modules/**", "aaa:permissions": [ { "aaa:role": "admin", "aaa:actions": [ "get", "post", "put", "patch", "delete" ] } ] } ] } } The above example locks down access to the modules endpoint (and any URLS available past modules) to the "admin" role. Thus, an attempt from the OOB *admin* user will succeed with 2XX HTTP status code, while an attempt from the OOB *user* user will fail with HTTP status code 401, as the user *user* is not granted the "admin" role. Accounting Configuration ------------------------ Accounting is handled through the standard slf4j logging mechanisms used by the rest of OpenDaylight. Thus, one can control logging verbosity through manipulating the log levels for individual packages and classes directly through the Karaf console, JMX, or etc/org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg. In normal operations, the default levels exposed do not provide much information about AAA services; this is due to the fact that logging can severely degrade performance. All AAA logging is output to the standard karaf.log file. For debugging purposes (i.e., to enable maximum verbosity), issue the following command: :: log:set TRACE Enable Successful/Unsuccessful Authentication Attempts Logging ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ By default, successful/unsuccessful authentication attempts are NOT logged. This is due to the fact that logging can severely decrease REST performance. To enable logging of successful/unsuccessful REST attempts, issue the following command in Karaf's console: :: log:set DEBUG It is possible to add custom AuthenticationListener(s) to the Shiro-based configuration, allowing different ways to listen for successful/unsuccessful authentication attempts. Custom AuthenticationListener(s) must implement the org.apache.shiro.authc.AuthenticationListener interface.