.. _bgp-monitoring-protocol-user-guide: BGP Monitoring Protocol User Guide ================================== This guide contains information on how to use the OpenDaylight BGP Monitoring Protocol (BMP) plugin. It covers BMP basic concepts, supported capabilities, configuration and operations. .. contents:: Contents :depth: 1 :local: Overview -------- This section provides high-level overview of the BMP plugin, OpenDaylight implementation and BMP usage for SDN. .. contents:: Contents :depth: 2 :local: BGP Monitoring Protocol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The BGP Monitoring Protocol (BMP) serves to monitor BGP sessions. The BMP can be used to obtain route view instead of screen scraping. The BMP provides access to unprocessed routing information (Adj-RIB-In) and processed routes (applied inbound policy) of monitored router's peer. In addition, monitored router can provide periodic dump of statistics. The BMP runs over TCP. Both monitored router and monitoring station can be configured as active or passive party of the connection. The passive party listens at particular port. The router can be monitored by multiple monitoring stations. BMP messages are sent by monitored router only, monitoring station supposed to collect and process data received over BMP. .. figure:: ./images/bgpcep/bmp.png :align: center :alt: BMP The BMP overview - Monitoring Station, Monitored Router and Monitored Peers. BMP in SDN ^^^^^^^^^^ The main concept of BMP is to monitor BGP sessions - monitoring station is aware of monitored peer's status, collects statistics and analyzes them in order to provide valuable information for network operators. Moreover, BMP provides provides peer RIBs visibility, without need to establish BGP sessions. Unprocessed routes may serve as a source of information for software-driven routing optimization. In this case, SDN controller, a BMP monitoring station, collects routing information from monitored routers. The routes are used in subsequent optimization procedures. OpenDaylight BMP plugin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The OpenDaylight BMP plugin provides monitoring station implementation. The plugin can establish BMP session with one or more monitored routers in order to collect routing and statistical information. * Runtime configurable monitoring station * Read-only routes and statistics view * Supports various routing information types .. figure:: ./images/bgpcep/bmp-plugin.png :align: center :alt: BMP plugin OpenDaylight BMP plugin overview. .. important:: The BMP plugin is not storing historical data, it provides current snapshot only. List of supported capabilities ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The BMP plugin implementation is based on Internet standards: * `RFC7854 `_ - BGP Monitoring Protocol (BMP) .. note:: The BMP plugin is capable to process various types of routing information (IP Unicast, EVPN, L3VPN, Link-State,...). Please, see complete list in BGP user guide. Running BMP ----------- This section explains how to install BMP plugin. 1. Install BMP feature - ``odl-bgpcep-bmp``. Also, for sake of this sample, it is required to install RESTCONF. In the Karaf console, type command: .. code-block:: console feature:install odl-restconf odl-bgpcep-bmp 2. The BMP plugin contains a default configuration, which is applied after the feature starts up. One instance of BMP monitoring station is created (named *example-bmp-monitor*), and its presence can be verified via REST: **URL:** ``/restconf/config/odl-bmp-monitor-config:odl-bmp-monitors/bmp-monitor-config/example-bmp-monitor`` **Method:** ``GET`` **Response Body:** .. code-block:: xml example-bmp-monitor 12345 BMP Monitoring Station ---------------------- The following section shows how to configure BMP basics, how to verify functionality and presents essential components of the plugin. Next samples demonstrate the plugin’s runtime configuration capability. The monitoring station is responsible for received BMP PDUs processing and storage. The default BMP server is listening at port *12345*. .. contents:: Contents :depth: 2 :local: Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This section shows the way to configure the BMP monitoring station via REST API. Monitoring station configuration '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' In order to change default's BMP monitoring station configuration, use following request. **URL:** ``/restconf/config/odl-bmp-monitor-config:odl-bmp-monitors/bmp-monitor-config/example-bmp-monitor`` **Method:** ``PUT`` **Content-Type:** ``application/xml`` **Request Body:** .. code-block:: xml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 4,5 example-bmp-monitor 12345 @line 4: **binding-port** - The BMP server listening port. @line 5: **binding-address** - The BMP server biding address. .. note:: User may create multiple BMP monitoring station instances at runtime. Active mode configuration ''''''''''''''''''''''''' In order to enable active connection, use following request. **URL:** ``/restconf/config/odl-bmp-monitor-config:odl-bmp-monitors/bmp-monitor-config/example-bmp-monitor`` **Method:** ``PUT`` **Content-Type:** ``application/xml`` **Request Body:** .. code-block:: xml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 8,9,10 example-bmp-monitor 12345
1234 true
@line 8: **address** - The monitored router's IP address. @line 9: **port** - The monitored router's port. @line 10: **active** - Active mode set. .. note:: User may configure active session establishment for multiple monitored routers. MD5 authentication configuration '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' In order to enable active connection, use following request. **URL:** ``/restconf/config/odl-bmp-monitor-config:odl-bmp-monitors/bmp-monitor-config/example-bmp-monitor`` **Method:** ``PUT`` **Content-Type:** ``application/xml`` **Request Body:** .. code-block:: xml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 8,9 example-bmp-monitor 12345
@line 8: **address** - The monitored router's IP address. @line 9: **password** - The TCP MD5 signature. BMP Monitors Configuration Loader ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BMP Monitors Configuration Loader allows user to define static initial configuration for a BMP protocol instance. This service will detect the creation of new configuration files following the pattern "odl-bmp-monitors-*.xml" under the path "etc/opendaylight/bgpcep". Once the file is processed, the defined configuration will be available from the configuration Data Store. .. note:: If the BMP Monitor instance is already present, no update or configuration will be applied. **PATH:** ``etc/opendaylight/bgpcep/odl-bmp-monitors-config.xml`` .. code-block:: xml example-bmp-monitor 12345 BMP Monitor Configuration Example ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' BGP provides a feature providing a BMP Monitor configuration file example. Once feature is installed defined configuration will be loaded and setup. .. code-block:: console feature:install odl-bgpcep-bmp-config-example Collector DB Tree ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: console module: bmp-monitor +--rw bmp-monitor +--ro monitor* [monitor-id] +--ro monitor-id monitor-id +--ro router* [router-id] +--ro name? string +--ro description? string +--ro info? string +--ro router-id router-id +--ro status? status +--ro peer* [peer-id] +--ro peer-id rib:peer-id +--ro type peer-type x--ro distinguisher | +--ro distinguisher-type? distinguisher-type | +--ro distinguisher? string +--ro peer-distinguisher? union +--ro address inet:ip-address +--ro as inet:as-number +--ro bgp-id inet:ipv4-address +--ro router-distinguisher? string +--ro peer-session | +--ro local-address inet:ip-address | +--ro local-port inet:port-number | +--ro remote-port inet:port-number | +--ro sent-open | | +--ro version? protocol-version | | +--ro my-as-number? uint16 | | +--ro hold-timer uint16 | | +--ro bgp-identifier inet:ipv4-address | | +--ro bgp-parameters* | | +--ro optional-capabilities* | | +--ro c-parameters | | +--ro as4-bytes-capability | | | +--ro as-number? inet:as-number | | +--ro bgp-extended-message-capability! | | +--ro multiprotocol-capability | | | +--ro afi? identityref | | | +--ro safi? identityref | | +--ro graceful-restart-capability | | | +--ro restart-flags bits | | | +--ro restart-time uint16 | | | +--ro tables* [afi safi] | | | +--ro afi identityref | | | +--ro safi identityref | | | +--ro afi-flags bits | | +--ro add-path-capability | | | +--ro address-families* | | | +--ro afi? identityref | | | +--ro safi? identityref | | | +--ro send-receive? send-receive | | +--ro route-refresh-capability! | +--ro received-open | | +--ro version? protocol-version | | +--ro my-as-number? uint16 | | +--ro hold-timer uint16 | | +--ro bgp-identifier inet:ipv4-address | | +--ro bgp-parameters* | | +--ro optional-capabilities* | | +--ro c-parameters | | +--ro as4-bytes-capability | | | +--ro as-number? inet:as-number | | +--ro bgp-extended-message-capability! | | +--ro multiprotocol-capability | | | +--ro afi? identityref | | | +--ro safi? identityref | | +--ro graceful-restart-capability | | | +--ro restart-flags bits | | | +--ro restart-time uint16 | | | +--ro tables* [afi safi] | | | +--ro afi identityref | | | +--ro safi identityref | | | +--ro afi-flags bits | | +--ro add-path-capability | | | +--ro address-families* | | | +--ro afi? identityref | | | +--ro safi? identityref | | | +--ro send-receive? send-receive | | +--ro route-refresh-capability! | +--ro information | | +--ro string-information* | | +--ro string-tlv | | +--ro string-info? string | +--ro status? status | +--ro timestamp-sec? yang:timestamp | +--ro timestamp-micro? yang:timestamp +--ro stats | +--ro rejected-prefixes? yang:counter32 | +--ro duplicate-prefix-advertisements? yang:counter32 | +--ro duplicate-withdraws? yang:counter32 | +--ro invalidated-cluster-list-loop? yang:counter32 | +--ro invalidated-as-path-loop? yang:counter32 | +--ro invalidated-originator-id? yang:counter32 | +--ro invalidated-as-confed-loop? yang:counter32 | +--ro adj-ribs-in-routes? yang:gauge64 | +--ro loc-rib-routes? yang:gauge64 | +--ro per-afi-safi-adj-rib-in-routes | | +--ro afi-safi* [afi safi] | | +--ro afi identityref | | +--ro safi identityref | | +--ro count? yang:gauge64 | +--ro per-afi-safi-loc-rib-routes | | +--ro afi-safi* [afi safi] | | +--ro afi identityref | | +--ro safi identityref | | +--ro count? yang:gauge64 | +--ro updates-treated-as-withdraw? yang:counter32 | +--ro prefixes-treated-as-withdraw? yang:counter32 | +--ro duplicate-updates? yang:counter32 | +--ro timestamp-sec? yang:timestamp | +--ro timestamp-micro? yang:timestamp +--ro pre-policy-rib | +--ro tables* [afi safi] | +--ro afi identityref | +--ro safi identityref | +--ro attributes | | +--ro uptodate? boolean | +--ro (routes)? +--ro post-policy-rib | +--ro tables* [afi safi] | +--ro afi identityref | +--ro safi identityref | +--ro attributes | | +--ro uptodate? boolean | +--ro (routes)? +--ro mirrors +--ro information? bmp-msg:mirror-information-code +--ro timestamp-sec? yang:timestamp +--ro timestamp-micro? yang:timestamp Operations ^^^^^^^^^^ The BMP plugin offers view of collected routes and statistical information from monitored peers. To get top-level view of monitoring station: **URL:** ``/restconf/operational/bmp-monitor:bmp-monitor/monitor/example-bmp-monitor`` **Method:** ``GET`` **Response Body:** .. code-block:: xml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 3,5,11,12,13,14,15,17,20,21,22,27,33,50,53 example-bmp-monitor name monitored-router monitored router; up 65000 global 1790 0 up 2200 180 65000 180 65000 65000 x:ipv4-address-family x:unicast-subsequent-address-family ... true ... 0 0 0 100 0 0 10 0 0 8
@line 3: **monitor-id** - The BMP monitoring station instance identifier. @line 5: **router-id** - The monitored router IP address, serves as an identifier. @line 11: **peer-id** - The monitored peer's BGP identifier, serves a an identifier. @line 12: **address** - The IP address of the peer, associated with the TCP session. @line 13: **bgp-id** - The BGP Identifier of the peer. @line 14: **as** - The Autonomous System number of the peer. @line 15: **type** - Identifies type of the peer - *Global Instance*, *RD Instance* or *Local Instance* @line 17: **remote-port** - The peer's port number associated with TCP session. @line 20: **local-address** - The IP address of the monitored router associated with the peering TCP session. @line 21: **local-port** - The port number of the monitored router associated with the peering TCP session. @line 22: **received-open** - The full OPEN message received by monitored router from the peer. @line 27: **sent-open** - The full OPEN message send by monitored router to the peer. @line 33: **pre-policy-rib** - The Adj-RIB-In that contains unprocessed routing information. @line 50: **post-policy-rib** - The Post-Policy Ad-RIB-In that contains routes filtered by inbound policy. @line 53: **stats** - Contains various statistics, periodically updated by the router. ----- * To view collected information from particular monitored router: **URL:** ``/restconf/operational/bmp-monitor:bmp-monitor/monitor/example-bmp-monitor/router/`` * To view collected information from particular monitored peer: **URL:** ``/restconf/operational/bmp-monitor:bmp-monitor/monitor/example-bmp-monitor/router/`` Test tools ---------- BMP test tool serves to test basic BMP functionality, scalability and performance. BMP mock ^^^^^^^^ The BMP mock is a stand-alone Java application purposed to simulate a BMP-enabled router(s) and peers. The simulator is capable to report dummy routes and statistics. This application is not part of the OpenDaylight Karaf distribution, however it can be downloaded from OpenDaylight's Nexus (use latest release version): ``https://nexus.opendaylight.org/content/repositories/opendaylight.release/org/opendaylight/bgpcep/bgp-bmp-mock`` Usage ''''' The application can be run from command line: .. code-block:: console java -jar bgp-bmp-mock-*-executable.jar with optional input parameters: .. code-block:: console --local_address
(optional, default The IPv4 address where BMP mock is bind to. -ra , --remote_address A list of IP addresses of BMP monitoring station, by default --passive (optional, not present by default) This flags enables passive mode for simulated routers. --routers_count <0..N> (optional, default 1) An amount of BMP routers to be connected to the BMP monitoring station. --peers_count <0..N> (optional, default 0) An amount of peers reported by each BMP router. --pre_policy_routes <0..N> (optional, default 0) An amount of "pre-policy" simple IPv4 routes reported by each peer. --post_policy_routes <0..N> (optional, default 0) An amount of "post-policy" simple IPv4 routes reported by each peer. --log_level (optional, default INFO) Set logging level for BMP mock. Troubleshooting --------------- This section offers advices in a case OpenDaylight BMP plugin is not working as expected. .. contents:: Contents :depth: 2 :local: BMP is not working... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * First of all, ensure that all required features are installed, local monitoring station and monitored router/peers configuration is correct. To list all installed features in OpenDaylight use the following command at the Karaf console: .. code-block:: console feature:list -i * Check OpenDaylight Karaf logs: From Karaf console: .. code-block:: console log:tail or open log file: ``data/log/karaf.log`` Possibly, a reason/hint for a cause of the problem can be found there. * Try to minimize effect of other OpenDaylight features, when searching for a reason of the problem. * Try to set DEBUG severity level for BMP logger via Karaf console commands, in order to collect more information: .. code-block:: console log:set DEBUG org.opendaylight.protocol.bmp Bug reporting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Before you report a bug, check `BGPCEP Bugzilla `_ to ensure same/similar bug is not already filed there. Write an e-mail to bgpcep-users@lists.opendaylight.org and provide following information: #. State OpenDaylight version #. Describe your use-case and provide as much details related to BMP as possible #. Steps to reproduce #. Attach Karaf log files, optionally packet captures, REST input/output