BGP User Guide ============== Configuring BGP --------------- The OpenDaylight Karaf distribution comes pre-configured with a baseline BGP configuration. You can find it in the ``etc/opendaylight/karaf`` directory and it consists of two files: ``31-bgp.xml`` defines the basic parser and RIB support ``41-bgp-example.xml`` contains a sample configuration which needs to be customized to your deployment) The next sections will describe how to configure BGP manually or using RESTCONF. RIB ~~~ The configuration of the Routing Information Base (RIB) is specified using a block in the ``41-bgp-example.xml`` file. .. code:: xml prefix:rib-impl example-bgp-rib example-bgp-rib 64496 ... - **type** - should always be set to ``prefix:rib-impl`` - **name** and **rib-id** - BGP RIB Identifier, you can specify multiple BGP RIBs by having multiple the above ``module`` blocks. Each such RIB must have a unique rib-id and name. - **local-as** - the local AS number (where OpenDaylight is deployed), we use this in best path selection - **bgp-id** - the local BGP identifier (the IP of the VM where OpenDaylight is deployed), we use this in best path selection. - **cluster-id** - cluster identifier, optional, if not specified, BGP Identifier will be used Depending on your BGP router, you might need to switch from linkstate attribute type 99 to 29. Check with your router vendor. Change the field iana-linkstate-attribute-type to true if your router supports type 29. This snippet is located in ``31-bgp.xml`` file. .. code:: xml prefix:bgp-linkstate bgp-linkstate true - **iana-linkstate-attribute-type** - IANA has issued an early allocation for the BGP linkstate path attribute (=29). To preserve he old value (=99) set this to to false; to use IANA assigned type set the value to true or remove it as it’s true by default. BGP Peer ~~~~~~~~ The initial configuration is written so that it will be ignored to prevent the client from starting with default configuration. Therefore the first step is to uncomment the module containing bgp-peer. .. code:: xml prefix:bgp-peer example-bgp-peer 180 ibgp prefix:rib-instance example-bgp-rib ... - **name** - BGP Peer name, in this configuration file you specify multiple BGP Peers by replicating the above ``module`` block. Each peers must have a unique name. - **host** - IP address or hostname of BGP speaker where OpenDaylight should connect to the peer - **holdtimer** - hold time in seconds - **peer-role** - If peer role is not present, default value "ibgp" will be used (other allowed values are "ebgp" and "rr-client"). This field is case-sensitive. - **rib** - BGP RIB identifier Configure Connection Attributes (Optional) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: xml prefix:timed-reconnect-strategy example-reconnect-strategy 1000 180000 2.00 5000 netty:netty-event-executor global-event-executor - **min-sleep** - minimum sleep time (miliseconds) in between reconnect tries - **max-sleep** - maximum sleep time (miliseconds) in between reconnect tries - **sleep-factor** - power factor of the sleep time between reconnect tries, i.e., the previous sleep time will be multiplied by this number to determine the next sleep time, but never exceed **max-sleep** - **connect-time** - how long BGP should wait (miliseconds) for the TCP connect attempt, overrides default connection timeout dictated by TCP. BGP Speaker Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The previous entries described configuration of a BGP connections initiated by OpenDaylight. OpenDaylight can also accept incoming BGP connections. The configuration of BGP speaker is located in: ``41-bgp-example.xml``: .. code:: xml prefix:bgp-peer-acceptor bgp-peer-server ... prefix:bgp-peer-registry global-bgp-peer-registry - Changing binding address: Uncomment tag binding-address and change the address to e.g. **. The default binding address is **. - Changing binding port: Uncomment tag binding-port and change the port to e.g. *1790*. The default binding port is *179* as specified in `RFC 4271 `__. Incomming BGP Connections ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **The BGP speaker drops all BGP connections from unknown BGP peers.** The decision is made in component bgp-peer-registry that is injected into the speaker (The registry is configured in ``31-bgp.xml``). To add a BGP Peer configuration into the registry, it is necessary to configure regular BGP peer just like in example in ``41-bgp-example.xml``. Notice that the BGP peer depends on the same bgp-peer-registry as bgp-speaker: .. code:: xml prefix:bgp-peer example-bgp-peer ... prefix:bgp-peer-registry global-bgp-peer-registry ... The BGP peer registers itself into the registry, which allows incoming BGP connections handled by the bgp-speaker. (Config attribute peer-registry is optional for now to preserve backwards compatibility). With this configuration, the connection to is initiated by OpenDaylight but will also be accepted from In case both connections are being established, only one of them will be preserved and the other will be dropped. The connection initiated from device with lower BGP id will be dropped by the registry. Each BGP peer must be configured in its own ``module`` block. Note, that the name of the module needs to be unique, so if you are configuring more peers, when changing the **host**, also change the **name**. To configure a peer that only listens for incoming connections and instruct OpenDaylight not to initiate the connection, add the initiate-connection attribute to peer’s configuration and set it to false: .. code:: xml prefix:bgp-peer example-bgp-peer // IP address or hostname of the speaker 180 false // Connection will not be initiated by ODL ... - **initiate-connection** - if set to false OpenDaylight will not initiate connection to this peer. Default value is true. BGP Application Peer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A BGP speaker needs to register all peers that can be connected to it (meaning if a BGP peer is not configured, the connection with OpenDaylight won’t be successful). As a first step, configure RIB. Then, instead of configuring regular peer, configure this application peer, with its own application RIB. Change the bgp-peer-id, which is your local BGP ID that will be used in BGP best path selection algorithm. .. code:: xml x:bgp-application-peer example-bgp-peer-app x:rib-instance example-bgp-rib example-app-rib ... - **bgp-peer-id** - the local BGP identifier (the IP of the VM where OpenDaylight is deployed), we use this in best path selection - **target-rib** - RIB ID of existing RIB where the data should be transferred - **application-rib-id** - RIB ID of local application RIB (all the routes that you put to OpenDaylight will be displayed here) Configuration through RESTCONF ------------------------------ Another method to configure BGP is dynamically through RESTCONF. Instead of restarting Karaf, install another feature, that provides you the access to *restconf/config/* URLs. :: feature:install odl-netconf-connector-all To check what modules you have currently configured, check following link: http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/controller-config/yang-ext:mount/config:modules/ This URL is also used to POST new configuration. If you want to change any other configuration that is listed here, make sure you include the correct namespaces. RESTCONF will tell you if some namespace is wrong. To update an existing configuration use **PUT** and give the full path to the element you wish to update. It is vital that you respect the order of steps described in user guide. RIB ~~~ First, configure the RIB. This module is already present in the configuration, therefore we change only the parameters we need. In this case, it’s **bgp-rib-id** and **local-as**. **URL:** ** **PUT:** .. code:: xml x:rib-impl example-bgp-rib x:reconnect-strategy-factory example-reconnect-strategy-factory example-bgp-rib x:extensions global-rib-extensions x:binding-codec-tree-factory runtime-mapping-singleton x:reconnect-strategy-factory example-reconnect-strategy-factory x:binding-async-data-broker pingpong-binding-data-broker 64496 bgp-dispatcher global-bgp-dispatcher x:dom-async-data-broker pingpong-broker bgp-table-type ipv4-unicast bgp-table-type ipv6-unicast bgp-table-type linkstate bgp-table-type ipv4-flowspec bgp-table-type ipv6-flowspec bgp-table-type labeled-unicast x:bgp-openconfig-provider openconfig-bgp Depending on your BGP router, you might need to switch from linkstate attribute type 99 to 29. Check with your router vendor. Change the field iana-linkstate-attribute-type to true if your router supports type 29. You can do that with the following RESTCONF operation: **URL:** ** **PUT:** .. code:: xml x:bgp-linkstate bgp-linkstate true BGP Peer ~~~~~~~~ We also need to add a new module to configuration (bgp-peer). In this case, the whole module needs to be configured. Please change values **host**, **holdtimer** and **peer-role** (if necessary). **URL:** ** **POST:** .. code:: xml x:bgp-peer example-bgp-peer 180 ibgp x:rib-instance example-bgp-rib x:bgp-peer-registry global-bgp-peer-registry x:bgp-table-type ipv4-unicast x:bgp-table-type ipv6-unicast x:bgp-table-type linkstate x:bgp-table-type ipv4-flowspec x:bgp-table-type ipv6-flowspec x:bgp-table-type labeled-unicast This is all necessary information that you need to get ODL connect to your speaker. BGP Application Peer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Change the value **bgp-peer-id** which is your local BGP ID that will be used in BGP Best Path Selection algorithm. **URL:** ** **POST:** .. code:: xml x:bgp-application-peer example-bgp-peer-app x:rib-instance example-bgp-rib example-app-rib x:dom-async-data-broker pingpong-broker Tutorials --------- Viewing BGP Topology ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section summarizes how data from BGP can be viewed through RESTCONF. Currently it is the only way to view the data. Network Topology View ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The URL for network topology is: http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/ If BGP is configured properly, it should display output similar to: .. code:: xml pcep-topology true example-ipv4-topology true example-linkstate-topology BGP topology information as learned from BGP peers are is in three topologies (if all three are configured): - **example-linkstate-topology** - displays links and nodes advertised through linkstate update messages - http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/example-linkstate-topology - **example-ipv4-topology** - display IPv4 addresses of nodes in the topology - http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/example-ipv4-topology - **example-ipv6-topology** - display IPv6 addresses of nodes in the topology - http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/example-ipv6-topology Route Information Base (RIB) View ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Another view of BGP data is through **BGP RIBs**, located here: http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/bgp-rib:bgp-rib/ There are multiple RIBs configured: - AdjRibsIn (per Peer) : Adjacency RIBs In, BGP routes as they come from BGP Peer - EffectiveRib (per Peer) : BGP routes after applying Import policies - LocRib (per RIB) : Local RIB, BGP routes from all peers - AdjRibsOut (per Peer) : BGP routes that will be advertizes, after applying Export policies This is how the empty output looks like, when address families for IPv4 Unicast, IPv6 Unicast, IPv4 Flowspec, IPv6 Flowspec, IPv4 Labeled Unicast and Linkstate were configured: .. code:: xml x:ipv6-address-family x:unicast-subsequent-address-family false x:ipv4-address-family x:unicast-subsequent-address-family false x:ipv4-address-family x:flowspec-subsequent-address-family false x:ipv6-address-family x:flowspec-subsequent-address-family false x:ipv4-address-family x:labeled-unicast-subsequent-address-family false x:linkstate-address-family x:linkstate-subsequent-address-family false You can see details for each AFI by expanding the RESTCONF link: - **IPv4 Unicast** : http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/bgp-rib:bgp-rib/rib/example-bgp-rib/loc-rib/tables/bgp-types:ipv4-address-family/bgp-types:unicast-subsequent-address-family/ipv4-routes - **IPv6 Unicast** : http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/bgp-rib:bgp-rib/rib/example-bgp-rib/loc-rib/tables/bgp-types:ipv6-address-family/bgp-types:unicast-subsequent-address-family/ipv6-routes - **IPv4 Labeled Unicast** : http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/bgp-rib:bgp-rib/rib/example-bgp-rib/loc-rib/tables/bgp-types:ipv4-address-family/bgp-labeled-unicast:labeled-unicast-subsequent-address-family/bgp-labeled-unicast:labeled-unicast-routes - **IPv4 Flowspec** : http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/bgp-rib:bgp-rib/rib/example-bgp-rib/loc-rib/tables/bgp-types:ipv4-address-family/bgp-flowspec:flowspec-subsequent-address-family/bgp-flowspec:flowspec-routes - **IPv6 Flowspec** : http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/bgp-rib:bgp-rib/rib/example-bgp-rib/loc-rib/tables/bgp-types:ipv6-address-family/bgp-flowspec:flowspec-subsequent-address-family/bgp-flowspec:flowspec-ipv6-routes - **Linkstate** : http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/bgp-rib:bgp-rib/rib/example-bgp-rib/loc-rib/tables/bgp-linkstate:linkstate-address-family/bgp-linkstate:linkstate-subsequent-address-family/linkstate-routes Populate RIB ~~~~~~~~~~~~ If an application peer is configured, you can populate its RIB by making POST calls to RESTCONF like the following. IPv4 Unicast ^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Add route:** **URL:** http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/bgp-rib:application-rib/example-app-rib/tables/bgp-types:ipv4-address-family/bgp-types:unicast-subsequent-address-family/bgp-inet:ipv4-routes/ - where example-app-rib is your application RIB id (that you specified in the configuration) and tables specifies AFI and SAFI of the data that you want to add. **Method:** POST **Content-Type:** application/xml .. code:: xml 0 100 igp The request results in **204 No content**. This is expected. **Delete route:** **URL:** http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/bgp-rib:application-rib/example-app-rib/tables/bgp-types:ipv4-address-family/bgp-types:unicast-subsequent-address-family/bgp-inet:ipv4-routes/bgp-inet:ipv4-route/ **Method:** DELETE IPv6 Unicast ^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Add route:** **URL:** http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/bgp-rib:application-rib/example-app-rib/tables/bgp-types:ipv6-address-family/bgp-types:unicast-subsequent-address-family/bgp-inet:ipv6-routes/ **Method:** POST **Content-Type:** application/xml .. code:: xml 2001:db8:30::3/128 2001:db8:1::6 egp The request results in **204 No content**. This is expected. **Delete route:** **URL:** http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/bgp-rib:application-rib/example-app-rib/tables/bgp-types:ipv6-address-family/bgp-types:unicast-subsequent-address-family/bgp-inet:ipv6-routes/bgp-inet:ipv6-route/ **Method:** DELETE IPv4 Labeled Unicast ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Add route:** **URL:** http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/bgp-rib:application-rib/example-app-rib/tables/bgp-types:ipv4-address-family/bgp-labeled-unicast:labeled-unicast-subsequent-address-family/bgp-labeled-unicast:labeled-unicast-routes **Method:** POST **Content-Type:** application/xml .. code:: xml label1 123 456 342 igp 100 The request results in **204 No content**. This is expected. **Delete route:** **URL:** http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/bgp-rib:application-rib/example-app-rib/tables/bgp-types:ipv4-address-family/bgp-labeled-unicast:labeled-unicast-subsequent-address-family/bgp-labeled-unicast:labeled-unicast-routes/bgp-labeled-unicast:labeled-unicast-route/ **Method:** DELETE IPv4 Flowspec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Add route:** **URL:** http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/bgp-rib:application-rib/example-app-rib/tables/bgp-types:ipv4-address-family/bgp-flowspec:flowspec-subsequent-address-family/bgp-flowspec:flowspec-routes **Method:** POST **Content-Type:** application/xml .. code:: xml flow1 equals end-of-list 6 equals end-of-list 80 greater-than 8080 and-bit less-than end-of-list 8088 greater-than end-of-list 1024 equals end-of-list 0 equals end-of-list 0 match end-of-list 32 greater-than 400 and-bit less-than end-of-list 500 equals end-of-list 20 match end-of-list first igp 100 .... **Flowspec Extended Communities (Actions):** .. code:: xml true 123 AAAAAA== true true false true 123 AAAAew== true 12345 true 64495 12345 true false true 20 The request results in **204 No content**. This is expected. **Delete route:** **URL:** http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/bgp-rib:application-rib/example-app-rib/tables/bgp-types:ipv4-address-family/bgp-flowspec:flowspec-subsequent-address-family/bgp-flowspec:flowspec-routes/bgp-flowspec:flowspec-route/ **Method:** DELETE IPv6 Flowspec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Add route:** **URL:** http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/bgp-rib:application-rib/example-app-rib/tables/bgp-types:ipv6-address-family/bgp-flowspec:flowspec-subsequent-address-family/bgp-flowspec:flowspec-ipv6-routes **Method:** POST **Content-Type:** application/xml .. code:: xml flow-v6 2001:db8:30::3/128 2001:db8:31::3/128 equals end-of-list 1 2001:db8:1::6 12345 igp 100 The request results in **204 No content**. This is expected. **Delete route:** **URL:** http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/bgp-rib:application-rib/example-app-rib/tables/bgp-types:ipv6-address-family/bgp-flowspec:flowspec-subsequent-address-family/bgp-flowspec:flowspec-ipv6-routes/bgp-flowspec:flowspec-route/ **Method:** DELETE