.. _daexim-user-guide: Data Export/Import User Guide ============================= Overview -------- Data Export/Import is known as "daexim" (pronounced 'deck-sim') for short. The intended audience are administrators responsible for operations of OpenDaylight. Data Export/Import provides an API (via RPCs) to request the bulk transfer of OpenDaylight system data between its internal data stores and the local file system. This can be used for scheduling data exports, checking the status of data being exported, canceling data export jobs, importing data from files in the file systems, and checking the import status. Such export and import of data can be used during system upgrade, enabling the development of administrative procedures that make reconfigurations of the base system without concern of internal data loss. Data Export produces a models declaration file and one or more data files. The models declaration file records exactly which YANG models were loaded (by module name, revision date and namespace). The data file(s) contain data store data as per the draft-ietf-netmod-yang-json RFC. Data Import takes a models declaration file and zero or more data files. The models declaration file is used to check that the listed models are loaded before importing any data. Data is imported into each data store in turn with one transaction executed for each data store, irrespective of the number of files for that data store, as inter-module data dependencies may exist. Existing data store data may be cleared before importing. Data Export Import Architecture ------------------------------- The daexim feature is a single feature. This feature leverages the existing infrastructure provided by MD-SAL and yangtools. Installing the Feature ---------------------- To install the feature perform the following steps. .. code:: bash karaf > feature:install odl-daexim-all The interactions with this feature are via Restconf RPCs. The details are provided in the `Tutorials`. Tutorials --------- The following tutorials provide examples of REST API that are supported by the Data Export/Import feature. As for all ODL RESTCONF calls, the following are the common setting for REST calls: * **Headers:** * **Content-Type:** ``application/json`` * **Accept:** ``application/json`` * **Authentication:** ``admin:admin`` * **Method:** ``HTTP POST`` * : Host (or IP) where OpenDaylight controller is running, e.g. localhost * : TCP port where RESTCONF has been configured to listen, e.g. 8181 by default The files created by export are placed in a subdirectory called ``daexim/`` in the installation directory of OpenDaylight. Similarly files to import must be placed in this ``daexim/`` subdirectory. Scheduling Export ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The **schedule-export** RPC exports the data at a specific time in the future. The ``run-at`` time may be specified as an absolute UTC time or a relative offset from the server clock. Attempts to schedule an export in the past times are rejected. Each file has a JSON-encoded object that contains module data from the corresponding data store. Module data is not included in the object for any module identified in the exclusion list. Each file contains at least one empty JSON object. In a clustered environment, if *local-node-only* is provided with a value of *true*, the export operation is performed only on the node on which the RPC was received; otherwise, the export operation is performed on all nodes in the cluster. **URL:** ``http://:/restconf/operations/data-export-import:schedule-export`` **Payload:** .. code:: json { "input": { "data-export-import:run-at": 500 } } Checking Export Status ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The **status-export** RPC checks the status of the exported data. If the status has the value of ``initial``, an export has not been scheduled. If the status has the value of ``scheduled``, ``run-at`` indicates the time at which the next export runs. If the status has the value of ``in-progress``, ``run-at`` indicates the time at which the running export was scheduled to start. A status of ``tasks`` indicates activities that are scheduled and currently being performed. The ``tasks`` status serves as an indicator of progress and success of the activity. If the status has any other value, ``run-at`` indicates the time at which the last export was scheduled to start; and ``tasks`` indicates the activities that were undertaken. If the status for any node has failed, the corresponding reason for failure is listed. **URL:** ``http://:/restconf/operations/data-export-import:status-export`` **Payload:** No payload Canceling Scheduled Export ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The **cancel-export** RPC cancels an already scheduled data export job. To cancel the export, the server stops the tasks that are running (where possible, immediately), clears any scheduled export time value, and releases the associated resources. This RPC may be called at any time, whether an export is in progress, scheduled or not yet scheduled. The returned result is ``True`` when the server has successfully cleared tasks, the state, and resources. The status is ``False`` on failure to do so. Note that if no export is scheduled or running, there is no tasks for the server to clear. Therefore, the return result is ``True`` because the server cannot fail. **URL:** ``http://:/restconf/operations/data-export-import:cancel-export`` **Payload:** No payload Importing from a file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The **immediate-import** RPC imports data from files already present in the file system. **URL:** ``http://:/restconf/operations/data-export-import:immediate-import`` **Payload:** .. code:: json { "input" : { "check-models" : true, "clear-stores" : "all" } } Status of Import ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The **status-import** RPC checks the last import status. If the status has the value of ``initial``, an import has not taken place. For all other values of status, ``imported-at`` indicates the time at which the restoration has taken place. List nodes hold status about the restoration for each node. **URL:** ``http://:/restconf/operations/data-export-import:status-import`` **Payload:** No payload Importing from a file automatically on boot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Any files placed inside the ``daexim/boot`` subdirectory are automatically imported on start-up. The import performed is the exact same as the one by explicit **immediate-import** RPC, which imports from files ``daexim/``, except it happens automatically. The import on boot happens after all other ODL OSGi bundles have successfully started. The INFO log and **status import** automatically reflect when the boot import is planned (via ``boot-import-scheduled``), when the boot import is ongoing (via ``boot-import-in-progress``), and when the boot import fails (via ``boot-import-failed``). Upon completion or failure of this boot import, the files inside the ``daexim/boot`` directory are renamed to ``.imported`` in order to avoid another import on the next start.