Genius User Guide ================= Overview -------- The Genius project provides generic network interfaces, utilities and services. Any OpenDaylight application can use these to achieve interference-free co-existence with other applications using Genius. Modules and Interfaces ---------------------- In the the first phase delivered in OpenDaylight Boron release, Genius provides following modules —  - Modules providing a common view of network interfaces for different services - **Interface (logical port) Manager** - *Allows bindings/registration of multiple services to logical ports/interfaces* - *Ability to plug in different types of southbound protocol renderers* - **Overlay Tunnel Manager** - *Creates and maintains overlay tunnels between configured Tunnel Endpoints (TEPs)* - Modules providing commonly used functions as shared services to avoid duplication of code and waste of resources - **Liveness Monitor** - *Provides tunnel/nexthop liveness monitoring services* - **ID Manager** - *Generates persistent unique integer IDs* - **MD-SAL Utils** - *Provides common generic APIs for interaction with MD-SAL* Interface Manager Operations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Creating interfaces ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The YANG file Data Model `odl-interface.yang `__ contains the interface configuration data-model. You can create interfaces at the MD-SAL Data Node Path **/config/if:interfaces/interface**, with the following attributes —  ***Common attributes*** - **name** — unique interface name, can be any unique string (e.g., UUID string) - **type** — interface type, currently supported *iana-if-type:l2vlan and iana-if-type:tunnel* - **enabled** — admin status, possible values *true* or *false* - **parent-refs** : used to specify references to parent interface/port feeding to this interface - datapath-node-identifier — identifier for a fixed/physical dataplane node, can be physical switch identifier - parent-interface — can be a physical switch port (in conjunction of above), virtual switch port (e.g., neutron port) or another interface - list node-identifier — identifier of the dependant underlying configuration protocol - *topology-id* — can be ovsdb configuration protocol - *node-id* — can be hwvtep node-id ***Type specific attributes*** - when type = l2vlan - **vlan-id** — VLAN id for trunk-member l2vlan interfaces - **l2vlan-mode** — currently supported ones are *transparent*, *trunk* or *trunk-member* - when type = stacked\_vlan (Not supported yet) - **stacked-vlan-id** — VLAN-Id for additional/second VLAN tag - when type = tunnel - **tunnel-interface-type** — tunnel type, currently supported ones are: - tunnel-type-vxlan - tunnel-type-gre - tunnel-type-mpls-over-gre - **tunnel-source** — tunnel source IP address - **tunnel-destination** — tunnel destination IP address - **tunnel-gateway** — gateway IP address - **monitor-enabled** — tunnel monitoring enable control - **monitor-interval** — tunnel monitoring interval in millisiconds - when type = mpls (Not supported yet) - **list labelStack** — list of lables - **num-labels** — number of lables configured Supported REST calls are **GET, PUT, DELETE, POST** Creating L2 port interfaces ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Interfaces on normal L2 ports (e.g. Neutron tap ports) are created with type *l2vlan* and *l2vlan-mode* as *transparent*. This type of interfce classifies packets passing through a particular L2 (OpenFlow) port. In dataplane, packets belonging to this interface are classified by matching in-port against the of-port-id assigned to the base port as specified in parent-interface. **URL:** /restconf/config/ietf-interfaces:interfaces **Sample JSON data** :: "interfaces": { "interface": [ { "name": "4158408c-942b-487c-9a03-0b603c39d3dd", "type": "iana-if-type:l2vlan", <--- interface type 'l2vlan' for normal L2 port "odl-interface:l2vlan-mode": "transparent", <--- 'transparent' VLAN port mode allows any (tagged, untagged) ethernet packet "odl-interface:parent-interface": "tap4158408c-94", <--- port-name as it appears on southbound interface "enabled": true } ] } Creating VLAN interfaces ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A VLAN interface is created as a *l2vlan* interface in *trunk-member* mode, by configuring a VLAN-Id and a particular L2 (vlan trunk) interface. Parent VLAN trunk interface is created in the same way as the *transparent* interface as specified above. A *trunk-member* interface defines a flow on a particular L2 port and having a particular VLAN tag. On ingress, after classification the VLAN tag is popped out and corresponding unique dataplane-id is associated with the packet, before delivering the packet to service processing. When a service module delivers the packet to this interface for egress, it pushes corresponding VLAN tag and sends the packet out of the parent L2 port. **URL:** /restconf/config/ietf-interfaces:interfaces **Sample JSON data** :: "interfaces": { "interface": [ { "name": "4158408c-942b-487c-9a03-0b603c39d3dd:100", "type": "iana-if-type:l2vlan", "odl-interface:l2vlan-mode": "trunk-member", <--- for 'trunk-member', flow is classified with particular vlan-id on an l2 port "odl-interface:parent-interface": "4158408c-942b-487c-9a03-0b603c39d3dd", <--- Parent 'trunk' iterface name "odl-interface:vlan-id": "100", "enabled": true } ] } Creating Overlay Tunnel Interfaces ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An overlay tunnel interface is created with type *tunnel* and particular *tunnel-interface-type*. Tunnel interfaces are created on a particular data plane node (virtual switches) with a pair of (local, remote) IP addresses. Currently supported tunnel interface types are VxLAN, GRE and MPLSoverGRE. **URL:** /restconf/config/ietf-interfaces:interfaces **Sample JSON data** :: "interfaces": { "interface": [ { "name": "MGRE_TUNNEL:1", "type": "iana-if-type:tunnel", "odl-interface:tunnel-interface-type": "odl-interface:tunnel-type-mpls-over-gre", "odl-interface:datapath-node-identifier": 156613701272907, "odl-interface:tunnel-source": "", "odl-interface:tunnel-destination": "", "odl-interface:monitor-enabled": false, "odl-interface:monitor-interval": 10000, "enabled": true } ] } Binding services on interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The YANG file `odl-interface-service-bindings.yang `__ contains the service binding configuration data model. An application can bind services to a particular interface by configuring MD-SAL data node at path /config/interface-service-binding. Binding services on interface allows particular service to pull traffic arriving on that interafce depending upon the a service priority. Service modules can specify openflow-rules to be applied on the packet belonging to the inetrface. Usually these rules include sending the packet to specific service table/pipeline. Service modules are responsible for sending the packet back (if not consumed) to service dispatcher table, for next service to process the packet. **URL:**/restconf/config/interface-service-bindings:service-bindings/ **Sample JSON data** :: "service-bindings": { "services-info": [ { "interface-name": "4152de47-29eb-4e95-8727-2939ac03ef84", "bound-services": [ { "service-name": "ELAN", "service-type": "interface-service-bindings:service-type-flow-based" "service-priority": 3, "flow-priority": 5, "flow-cookie": 134479872, "instruction": [ { "order": 2, "go-to-table": { "table_id": 50 } }, { "order": 1, "write-metadata": { "metadata": 83953188864, "metadata-mask": 1099494850560 } } ], }, { "service-name": "L3VPN", "service-type": "interface-service-bindings:service-type-flow-based" "service-priority": 2, "flow-priority": 10, "flow-cookie": 134217729, "instruction": [ { "order": 2, "go-to-table": { "table_id": 21 } }, { "order": 1, "write-metadata": { "metadata": 100, "metadata-mask": 4294967295 } } ], } ] } ] } Interface Manager RPCs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In addition to the above defined configuration interfaces, Interface Manager also provides several RPCs to access interface operational data and other helpful information. Interface Manger RPCs are defined in `odl-interface-rpc.yang `__ The following RPCs are available —  get-dpid-from-interface ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This RPC is used to retrieve dpid/switch hosting the root port from given interface name. :: rpc get-dpid-from-interface { description "used to retrieve dpid from interface name"; input { leaf intf-name { type string; } } output { leaf dpid { type uint64; } } } get-port-from-interface ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This RPC is used to retrieve south bound port attributes from the interface name. :: rpc get-port-from-interface { description "used to retrieve south bound port attributes from the interface name"; input { leaf intf-name { type string; } } output { leaf dpid { type uint64; } leaf portno { type uint32; } leaf portname { type string; } } } get-egress-actions-for-interface ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This RPC is used to retrieve group actions to use from interface name. :: rpc get-egress-actions-for-interface { description "used to retrieve group actions to use from interface name"; input { leaf intf-name { type string; mandatory true; } leaf tunnel-key { description "It can be VNI for VxLAN tunnel ifaces, Gre Key for GRE tunnels, etc."; type uint32; mandatory false; } } output { uses action:action-list; } } get-egress-instructions-for-interface ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This RPC is used to retrieve flow instructions to use from interface name. :: rpc get-egress-instructions-for-interface { description "used to retrieve flow instructions to use from interface name"; input { leaf intf-name { type string; mandatory true; } leaf tunnel-key { description "It can be VNI for VxLAN tunnel ifaces, Gre Key for GRE tunnels, etc."; type uint32; mandatory false; } } output { uses offlow:instruction-list; } } get-endpoint-ip-for-dpn ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This RPC is used to get the local ip of the tunnel/trunk interface on a particular DPN (Data Plane Node). :: rpc get-endpoint-ip-for-dpn { description "to get the local ip of the tunnel/trunk interface"; input { leaf dpid { type uint64; } } output { leaf-list local-ips { type inet:ip-address; } } } get-interface-type ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This RPC is used to get the type of the interface (vlan/vxlan or gre). :: rpc get-interface-type { description "to get the type of the interface (vlan/vxlan or gre)"; input { leaf intf-name { type string; } } output { leaf interface-type { type identityref { base if:interface-type; } } } } get-tunnel-type ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This RPC is used to get the type of the tunnel interface(vxlan or gre). :: rpc get-tunnel-type { description "to get the type of the tunnel interface (vxlan or gre)"; input { leaf intf-name { type string; } } output { leaf tunnel-type { type identityref { base odlif:tunnel-type-base; } } } } get-nodeconnector-id-from-interface ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This RPC is used to get node-connector-id associated with an interface. :: rpc get-nodeconnector-id-from-interface { description "to get nodeconnector id associated with an interface"; input { leaf intf-name { type string; } } output { leaf nodeconnector-id { type inv:node-connector-id; } } } get-interface-from-if-index ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This RPC is used to get interface associated with an if-index (dataplane interface id). :: rpc get-interface-from-if-index { description "to get interface associated with an if-index"; input { leaf if-index { type int32; } } output { leaf interface-name { type string; } } } create-terminating-service-actions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This RPC is used to create the tunnel termination service table entries. :: rpc create-terminating-service-actions { description "create the ingress terminating service table entries"; input { leaf dpid { type uint64; } leaf tunnel-key { type uint64; } leaf interface-name { type string; } uses offlow:instruction-list; } } remove-terminating-service-actions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This RPC is used to remove the tunnel termination service table entries. :: rpc remove-terminating-service-actions { description "remove the ingress terminating service table entries"; input { leaf dpid { type uint64; } leaf interface-name { type string; } leaf tunnel-key { type uint64; } } } ID Manager ---------- TBD.