NETCONF User Guide ================== Overview -------- NETCONF is an XML-based protocol used for configuration and monitoring devices in the network. The base NETCONF protocol is described in `RFC-6241 `__. **NETCONF in OpenDaylight:.** OpenDaylight supports the NETCONF protocol as a northbound server as well as a southbound plugin. It also includes a set of test tools for simulating NETCONF devices and clients. Southbound (netconf-connector) ------------------------------ The NETCONF southbound plugin is capable of connecting to remote NETCONF devices and exposing their configuration/operational datastores, RPCs and notifications as MD-SAL mount points. These mount points allow applications and remote users (over RESTCONF) to interact with the mounted devices. In terms of RFCs, the connector supports: - `RFC-6241 `__ - `RFC-5277 `__ - `RFC-6022 `__ **Netconf-connector is fully model-driven (utilizing the YANG modeling language) so in addition to the above RFCs, it supports any data/RPC/notifications described by a YANG model that is implemented by the device.** **Tip** NETCONF southbound can be activated by installing ``odl-netconf-connector-all`` Karaf feature. Netconf-connector configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are 2 ways for configuring netconf-connector: NETCONF or RESTCONF. This guide focuses on using RESTCONF. Default configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The default configuration contains all the necessary dependencies (file: 01-netconf.xml) and a single instance of netconf-connector (file: 99-netconf-connector.xml) called **controller-config** which connects itself to the NETCONF northbound in OpenDaylight in a loopback fashion. The connector mounts the NETCONF server for config-subsystem in order to enable RESTCONF protocol for config-subsystem. This RESTCONF still goes via NETCONF, but using RESTCONF is much more user friendly than using NETCONF. Spawning additional netconf-connectors while the controller is running ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Preconditions: 1. OpenDaylight is running 2. In Karaf, you must have the netconf-connector installed (at the Karaf prompt, type: ``feature:install odl-netconf-connector-all``); the loopback NETCONF mountpoint will be automatically configured and activated 3. Wait until log displays following entry: RemoteDevice{controller-config}: NETCONF connector initialized successfully To configure a new netconf-connector you need to send following request to RESTCONF: POST http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/controller-config/yang-ext:mount/config:modules Headers: - Accept application/xml - Content-Type application/xml :: prefix:sal-netconf-connector new-netconf-device
830 admin admin false prefix:netty-event-executor global-event-executor prefix:binding-broker-osgi-registry binding-osgi-broker prefix:dom-broker-osgi-registry dom-broker prefix:netconf-client-dispatcher global-netconf-dispatcher prefix:threadpool global-netconf-processing-executor prefix:scheduled-threadpool global-netconf-ssh-scheduled-executor
This spawns a new netconf-connector which tries to connect to (or mount) a NETCONF device at and port 830. You can check the configuration of config-subsystem’s configuration datastore. The new netconf-connector will now be present there. Just invoke: GET http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/controller-config/yang-ext:mount/config:modules The response will contain the module for new-netconf-device. Right after the new netconf-connector is created, it writes some useful metadata into the datastore of MD-SAL under the network-topology subtree. This metadata can be found at: GET http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/ Information about connection status, device capabilities, etc. can be found there. Connecting to a device not supporting NETCONF monitoring ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The netconf-connector in OpenDaylight relies on ietf-netconf-monitoring support when connecting to remote NETCONF device. The ietf-netconf-monitoring support allows netconf-connector to list and download all YANG schemas that are used by the device. NETCONF connector can only communicate with a device if it knows the set of used schemas (or at least a subset). However, some devices use YANG models internally but do not support NETCONF monitoring. Netconf-connector can also communicate with these devices, but you have to side load the necessary yang models into OpenDaylight’s YANG model cache for netconf-connector. In general there are 2 situations you might encounter: **1. NETCONF device does not support ietf-netconf-monitoring but it does list all its YANG models as capabilities in HELLO message** This could be a device that internally uses only ietf-inet-types YANG model with revision 2010-09-24. In the HELLO message that is sent from this device there is this capability reported: :: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-inet-types?module=ietf-inet-types&revision=2010-09-24 **For such devices you only need to put the schema into folder cache/schema inside your Karaf distribution.** **Important** The file with YANG schema for ietf-inet-types has to be called ietf-inet-types@2010-09-24.yang. It is the required naming format of the cache. **2. NETCONF device does not support ietf-netconf-monitoring and it does NOT list its YANG models as capabilities in HELLO message** Compared to device that lists its YANG models in HELLO message, in this case there would be no capability with ietf-inet-types in the HELLO message. This type of device basically provides no information about the YANG schemas it uses so its up to the user of OpenDaylight to properly configure netconf-connector for this device. Netconf-connector has an optional configuration attribute called yang-module-capabilities and this attribute can contain a list of "YANG module based" capabilities. So by setting this configuration attribute, it is possible to override the "yang-module-based" capabilities reported in HELLO message of the device. To do this, we need to modify the configuration of netconf-connector by adding this XML (It needs to be added next to the address, port, username etc. configuration elements): :: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-inet-types?module=ietf-inet-types&revision=2010-09-24 **Remember to also put the YANG schemas into the cache folder.** .. note:: For putting multiple capabilities, you just need to replicate the capability xml element inside yang-module-capability element. Capability element is modeled as a leaf-list. With this configuration, we would make the remote device report usage of ietf-inet-types in the eyes of netconf-connector. Reconfiguring Netconf-Connector While the Controller is Running ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It is possible to change the configuration of a running module while the whole controller is running. This example will continue where the last left off and will change the configuration for the brand new netconf-connector after it was spawned. Using one RESTCONF request, we will change both username and password for the netconf-connector. To update an existing netconf-connector you need to send following request to RESTCONF: PUT http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/controller-config/yang-ext:mount/config:modules/module/odl-sal-netconf-connector-cfg:sal-netconf-connector/new-netconf-device :: prefix:sal-netconf-connector new-netconf-device bob passwd false prefix:netty-event-executor global-event-executor prefix:binding-broker-osgi-registry binding-osgi-broker prefix:dom-broker-osgi-registry dom-broker prefix:netconf-client-dispatcher global-netconf-dispatcher prefix:threadpool global-netconf-processing-executor prefix:scheduled-threadpool global-netconf-ssh-scheduled-executor Since a PUT is a replace operation, the whole configuration must be specified along with the new values for username and password. This should result in a 2xx response and the instance of netconf-connector called new-netconf-device will be reconfigured to use username bob and password passwd. New configuration can be verified by executing: GET http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/controller-config/yang-ext:mount/config:modules/module/odl-sal-netconf-connector-cfg:sal-netconf-connector/new-netconf-device With new configuration, the old connection will be closed and a new one established. Destroying Netconf-Connector While the Controller is Running ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Using RESTCONF one can also destroy an instance of a module. In case of netconf-connector, the module will be destroyed, NETCONF connection dropped and all resources will be cleaned. To do this, simply issue a request to following URL: DELETE http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/controller-config/yang-ext:mount/config:modules/module/odl-sal-netconf-connector-cfg:sal-netconf-connector/new-netconf-device The last element of the URL is the name of the instance and its predecessor is the type of that module (In our case the type is **sal-netconf-connector** and name **new-netconf-device**). The type and name are actually the keys of the module list. Netconf-connector configuration with MD-SAL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is also possible to configure new NETCONF connectors directly through MD-SAL with the usage of the network-topology model. You can configure new NETCONF connectors both through the NETCONF server for MD-SAL (port 2830) or RESTCONF. This guide focuses on RESTCONF. **Tip** To enable NETCONF connector configuration through MD-SAL install either the ``odl-netconf-topology`` or ``odl-netconf-clustered-topology`` feature. We will explain the difference between these features later. Preconditions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. OpenDaylight is running 2. In Karaf, you must have the ``odl-netconf-topology`` or ``odl-netconf-clustered-topology`` feature installed. 3. Feature ``odl-restconf`` must be installed 4. Wait until log displays following entry: :: Successfully pushed configuration snapshot 02-netconf-topology.xml(odl-netconf-topology,odl-netconf-topology) or until :: GET http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/ returns a non-empty response, for example: :: topology-netconf Spawning new NETCONF connectors ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To create a new NETCONF connector you need to send the following request to RESTCONF: :: PUT http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/new-netconf-device Headers: - Accept: application/xml - Content-Type: application/xml Payload: :: new-netconf-device 17830 admin admin false false 20000 0 2000 1.5 120 Note that the device name in element must match the last element of the restconf URL. Reconfiguring an existing connector ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The steps to reconfigure an existing connector are exactly the same as when spawning a new connector. The old connection will be disconnected and a new connector with the new configuration will be created. Deleting an existing connector ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To remove an already configured NETCONF connector you need to send the following: :: DELETE http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/new-netconf-device Clustered NETCONF connector ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To spawn NETCONF connectors that are cluster-aware you need to install the ``odl-netconf-clustered-topology`` karaf feature. **Warning** The ``odl-netconf-topology`` and ``odl-netconf-clustered-topology`` features are considered **INCOMPATIBLE**. They both manage the same space in the datastore and would issue conflicting writes if installed together. Configuration of clustered NETCONF connectors works the same as the configuration through the topology model in the previous section. When a new clustered connector is configured the configuration gets distributed among the member nodes and a NETCONF connector is spawned on each node. From these nodes a master is chosen which handles the schema download from the device and all the communication with the device. You will be able to read/write to/from the device from all slave nodes due to the proxy data brokers implemented. You can use the ``odl-netconf-clustered-topology`` feature in a single node scenario as well but the code that uses akka will be used, so for a scenario where only a single node is used, ``odl-netconf-topology`` might be preferred. Netconf-connector utilization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once the connector is up and running, users can utilize the new mount point instance. By using RESTCONF or from their application code. This chapter deals with using RESTCONF and more information for app developers can be found in the developers guide or in the official tutorial application **ncmount** that can be found in the coretutorials project: - Reading data from the device ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Just invoke (no body needed): GET http://localhost:8080/restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/new-netconf-device/yang-ext:mount/ This will return the entire content of operation datastore from the device. To view just the configuration datastore, change **operational** in this URL to **config**. Writing configuration data to the device ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In general, you cannot simply write any data you want to the device. The data have to conform to the YANG models implemented by the device. In this example we are adding a new interface-configuration to the mounted device (assuming the device supports Cisco-IOS-XR-ifmgr-cfg YANG model). In fact this request comes from the tutorial dedicated to the **ncmount** tutorial app. POST http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/new-netconf-device/yang-ext:mount/Cisco-IOS-XR-ifmgr-cfg:interface-configurations :: act mpls Interface description 32 Should return 200 response code with no body. **Tip** This call is transformed into a couple of NETCONF RPCs. Resulting NETCONF RPCs that go directly to the device can be found in the OpenDaylight logs after invoking ``log:set TRACE org.opendaylight.controller.sal.connect.netconf`` in the Karaf shell. Seeing the NETCONF RPCs might help with debugging. This request is very similar to the one where we spawned a new netconf device. That’s because we used the loopback netconf-connector to write configuration data into config-subsystem datastore and config-subsystem picked it up from there. Invoking custom RPC ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Devices can implement any additional RPC and as long as it provides YANG models for it, it can be invoked from OpenDaylight. Following example shows how to invoke the get-schema RPC (get-schema is quite common among netconf devices). Invoke: POST http://localhost:8181/restconf/operations/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/new-netconf-device/yang-ext:mount/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema :: ietf-yang-types 2013-07-15 This call should fetch the source for ietf-yang-types YANG model from the mounted device. Netconf-connector + Netopeer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `Netopeer `__ (an open-source NETCONF server) can be used for testing/exploring NETCONF southbound in OpenDaylight. Netopeer installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A `Docker `__ container with netopeer will be used in this guide. To install Docker and start the `netopeer image `__ perform following steps: 1. Install docker 2. Start the netopeer image: :: docker run -rm -t -p 1831:830 dockeruser/netopeer 3. Verify netopeer is running by invoking (netopeer should send its HELLO message right away: :: ssh root@localhost -p 1831 -s netconf (password root) Mounting netopeer NETCONF server ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Preconditions: - OpenDaylight is started with features ``odl-restconf-all`` and ``odl-netconf-connector-all``. - Netopeer is up and running in docker Now just follow the chapter: `Spawning netconf-connector <#_spawning_additional_netconf_connectors_while_the_controller_is_running>`__. In the payload change the: - name, e.g., to netopeer - username/password to your system credentials - ip to localhost - port to 1831. After netopeer is mounted successfully, its configuration can be read using RESTCONF by invoking: GET http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/netopeer/yang-ext:mount/ Northbound (NETCONF servers) ---------------------------- OpenDaylight provides 2 types of NETCONF servers: - **NETCONF server for config-subsystem (listening by default on port 1830)** - Serves as a default interface for config-subsystem and allows users to spawn/reconfigure/destroy modules (or applications) in OpenDaylight - **NETCONF server for MD-SAL (listening by default on port 2830)** - Serves as an alternative interface for MD-SAL (besides RESTCONF) and allows users to read/write data from MD-SAL’s datastore and to invoke its rpcs (NETCONF notifications are not available in the Beryllium release of OpenDaylight) .. note:: The reason for having 2 NETCONF servers is that config-subsystem and MD-SAL are 2 different components of OpenDaylight and require different approach for NETCONF message handling and data translation. These 2 components will probably merge in the future. NETCONF server for config-subsystem ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This NETCONF server is the primary interface for config-subsystem. It allows the users to interact with config-subsystem in a standardized NETCONF manner. In terms of RFCs, these are supported: - `RFC-6241 `__ - `RFC-5277 `__ - `RFC-6470 `__ - (partially, only the schema-change notification is available in Beryllium release) - `RFC-6022 `__ For regular users it is recommended to use RESTCONF + the controller-config loopback mountpoint instead of using pure NETCONF. How to do that is spesific for each component/module/application in OpenDaylight and can be found in their dedicated user guides. NETCONF server for MD-SAL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This NETCONF server is just a generic interface to MD-SAL in OpenDaylight. It uses the stadard MD-SAL APIs and serves as an alternative to RESTCONF. It is fully model driven and supports any data and rpcs that are supported by MD-SAL. In terms of RFCs, these are supported: - `RFC-6241 `__ - `RFC-6022 `__ Notifications over NETCONF are not supported in the Beryllium release. **Tip** Install NETCONF northbound for MD-SAL by installing feature: ``odl-netconf-mdsal`` in karaf. Default binding port is **2830**. Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The default configuration can be found in file: *08-netconf-mdsal.xml*. The file contains the configuration for all necessary dependencies and a single SSH endpoint starting on port 2830. There is also a (by default disabled) TCP endpoint. It is possible to start multiple endpoints at the same time either in the initial configuration file or while OpenDaylight is running. The credentials for SSH endpoint can also be configured here, the defaults are admin/admin. Credentials in the SSH endpoint are not yet managed by the centralized AAA component and have to be configured separately. Verifying MD-SAL’s NETCONF server ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After the NETCONF server is available it can be examined by a command line ssh tool: :: ssh admin@localhost -p 2830 -s netconf The server will respond by sending its HELLO message and can be used as a regular NETCONF server from then on. Mounting the MD-SAL’s NETCONF server ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To perform this operation, just spawn a new netconf-connector as described in `Spawning netconf-connector <#_spawning_additional_netconf_connectors_while_the_controller_is_running>`__. Just change the ip to "" port to "2830" and its name to "controller-mdsal". Now the MD-SAL’s datastore can be read over RESTCONF via NETCONF by invoking: GET http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/controller-mdsal/yang-ext:mount .. note:: This might not seem very useful, since MD-SAL can be accessed directly from RESTCONF or from Application code, but the same method can be used to mount and control other OpenDaylight instances by the "master OpenDaylight". NETCONF testtool ---------------- **NETCONF testtool is a set of standalone runnable jars that can:** - Simulate NETCONF devices (suitable for scale testing) - Stress/Performance test NETCONF devices - Stress/Performance test RESTCONF devices These jars are part of OpenDaylight’s controller project and are built from the NETCONF codebase in OpenDaylight. **Tip** Download testtool from OpenDaylight Nexus at: **Nexus contains 3 executable tools:** - executable.jar - device simulator - stress.client.tar.gz - NETCONF stress/performance measuring tool - perf-client.jar - RESTCONF stress/performance measuring tool **Tip** Each executable tool provides help. Just invoke ``java -jar --help`` NETCONF device simulator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NETCONF testtool (or NETCONF device simulator) is a tool that - Simulates 1 or more NETCONF devices - Is suitable for scale, performance or crud testing - Uses core implementation of NETCONF server from OpenDaylight - Generates configuration files for controller so that the OpenDaylight distribution (Karaf) can easily connect to all simulated devices - Provides broad configuration options - Can start a fully fledged MD-SAL datastore - Supports notifications Building testtool ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Check out latest NETCONF repository from `git `__ 2. Move into the ``opendaylight/netconf/tools/netconf-testtool/`` folder 3. Build testtool using the ``mvn clean install`` command Downloading testtool ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Netconf-testtool is now part of default maven build profile for controller and can be also downloaded from nexus. The executable jar for testtool can be found at: `nexus-artifacts `__ Running testtool ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. After successfully building or downloading, move into the ``opendaylight/netconf/tools/netconf-testtool/target/`` folder and there is file ``netconf-testtool-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT-executable.jar`` (or if downloaded from nexus just take that jar file) 2. Execute this file using, e.g.: :: java -jar netconf-testtool-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT-executable.jar This execution runs the testtool with default for all parameters and you should see this log output from the testtool : :: 10:31:08.206 [main] INFO o.o.c.n.t.t.NetconfDeviceSimulator - Starting 1, SSH simulated devices starting on port 17830 10:31:08.675 [main] INFO o.o.c.n.t.t.NetconfDeviceSimulator - All simulated devices started successfully from port 17830 to 17830 Default Parameters '''''''''''''''''' The default parameters for testtool are: - Use SSH - Run 1 simulated device - Device port is 17830 - YANG modules used by device are only: ietf-netconf-monitoring, ietf-yang-types, ietf-inet-types (these modules are required for device in order to support NETCONF monitoring and are included in the netconf-testtool) - Connection timeout is set to 30 minutes (quite high, but when testing with 10000 devices it might take some time for all of them to fully establish a connection) - Debug level is set to false - No distribution is modified to connect automatically to the NETCONF testtool Verifying testtool ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To verify that the simulated device is up and running, we can try to connect to it using command line ssh tool. Execute this command to connect to the device: :: ssh admin@localhost -p 17830 -s netconf Just accept the server with yes (if required) and provide any password (testtool accepts all users with all passwords). You should see the hello message sent by simulated device. Testtool help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: usage: netconf testool [-h] [--device-count DEVICES-COUNT] [--devices-per-port DEVICES-PER-PORT] [--schemas-dir SCHEMAS-DIR] [--notification-file NOTIFICATION-FILE] [--initial-config-xml-file INITIAL-CONFIG-XML-FILE] [--starting-port STARTING-PORT] [--generate-config-connection-timeout GENERATE-CONFIG-CONNECTION-TIMEOUT] [--generate-config-address GENERATE-CONFIG-ADDRESS] [--generate-configs-batch-size GENERATE-CONFIGS-BATCH-SIZE] [--distribution-folder DISTRO-FOLDER] [--ssh SSH] [--exi EXI] [--debug DEBUG] [--md-sal MD-SAL] NETCONF device simulator. Detailed info can be found at optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --device-count DEVICES-COUNT Number of simulated netconf devices to spin. This is the number of actual ports open for the devices. --devices-per-port DEVICES-PER-PORT Amount of config files generated per port to spoof more devices then are actually running --schemas-dir SCHEMAS-DIR Directory containing yang schemas to describe simulated devices. Some schemas e.g. netconf monitoring and inet types are included by default --notification-file NOTIFICATION-FILE Xml file containing notifications that should be sent to clients after create subscription is called --initial-config-xml-file INITIAL-CONFIG-XML-FILE Xml file containing initial simulatted configuration to be returned via get-config rpc --starting-port STARTING-PORT First port for simulated device. Each other device will have previous+1 port number --generate-config-connection-timeout GENERATE-CONFIG-CONNECTION-TIMEOUT Timeout to be generated in initial config files --generate-config-address GENERATE-CONFIG-ADDRESS Address to be placed in generated configs --generate-configs-batch-size GENERATE-CONFIGS-BATCH-SIZE Number of connector configs per generated file --distribution-folder DISTRO-FOLDER Directory where the karaf distribution for controller is located --ssh SSH Whether to use ssh for transport or just pure tcp --exi EXI Whether to use exi to transport xml content --debug DEBUG Whether to use debug log level instead of INFO --md-sal MD-SAL Whether to use md-sal datastore instead of default simulated datastore. Supported operations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Testtool default simple datastore supported operations: get-schema returns YANG schemas loaded from user specified directory, edit-config always returns OK and stores the XML from the input in a local variable available for get-config and get RPC. Every edit-config replaces the previous data, commit always returns OK, but does not actually commit the data, get-config returns local XML stored by edit-config, get returns local XML stored by edit-config with netconf-state subtree, but also supports filtering. (un)lock returns always OK with no lock guarantee create-subscription returns always OK and after the operation is triggered, provided NETCONF notifications (if any) are fed to the client. No filtering or stream recognition is supported. Note: when operation="delete" is present in the payload for edit-config, it will wipe its local store to simulate the removal of data. When using the MD-SAL datastore testtool behaves more like normal NETCONF server and is suitable for crud testing. create-subscription is not supported when testtool is running with the MD-SAL datastore. Notification support ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Testtool supports notifications via the --notification-file switch. To trigger the notification feed, create-subscription operation has to be invoked. The XML file provided should look like this example file: :: 2011-01-04T12:30:46 single no delay ]]> 2 5 XXXX scheduled 5 times 10 seconds each ]]> 2 XXXX single with delay ]]> Connecting testtool with controller Karaf distribution ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Auto connect to OpenDaylight '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' It is possible to make OpenDaylight auto connect to the simulated devices spawned by testtool (so user does not have to post a configuration for every NETCONF connector via RESTCONF). The testtool is able to modify the OpenDaylight distribution to auto connect to the simulated devices after feature ``odl-netconf-connector-all`` is installed. When running testtool, issue this command (just point the testool to the distribution: :: java -jar netconf-testtool-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT-executable.jar --device-count 10 --distribution-folder ~/distribution-karaf-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT/ --debug true With the distribution-folder parameter, the testtool will modify the distribution to include configuration for netconf-connector to connect to all simulated devices. So there is no need to spawn netconf-connectors via RESTCONF. Running testtool and OpenDaylight on different machines ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' The testtool binds by default to so it should be accessible from remote machines. However you need to set the parameter "generate-config-address" (when using autoconnect) to the address of machine where testtool will be run so OpenDaylight can connect. The default value is localhost. Executing operations via RESTCONF on a mounted simulated device ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Simulated devices support basic RPCs for editing their config. This part shows how to edit data for simulated device via RESTCONF. Test YANG schema '''''''''''''''' The controller and RESTCONF assume that the data that can be manipulated for mounted device is described by a YANG schema. For demonstration, we will define a simple YANG model: :: module test { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:test"; prefix "tt"; revision "2014-10-17"; container cont { leaf l { type string; } } } Save this schema in file called test@2014-10-17.yang and store it a directory called test-schemas/, e.g., your home folder. Editing data for simulated device ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' - Start the device with following command: :: java -jar netconf-testtool-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT-executable.jar --device-count 10 --distribution-folder ~/distribution-karaf-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT/ --debug true --schemas-dir ~/test-schemas/ - Start OpenDaylight - Install odl-netconf-connector-all feature - Install odl-restconf feature - Check that you can see config data for simulated device by executing GET request to :: http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/17830-sim-device/yang-ext:mount/ - The data should be just and empty data container - Now execute edit-config request by executing a POST request to: :: http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/17830-sim-device/yang-ext:mount with headers: :: Accept application/xml Content-Type application/xml and payload: :: Content - Check that you can see modified config data for simulated device by executing GET request to :: http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/17830-sim-device/yang-ext:mount/ - Check that you can see the same modified data in operational for simulated device by executing GET request to :: http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/17830-sim-device/yang-ext:mount/ **Warning** Data will be mirrored in operational datastore only when using the default simple datastore. Known problems ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Slow creation of devices on virtual machines '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' When testtool seems to take unusually long time to create the devices use this flag when running it: :: -Dorg.apache.sshd.registerBouncyCastle=false Too many files open ''''''''''''''''''' When testtool or OpenDaylight starts to fail with TooManyFilesOpen exception, you need to increase the limit of open files in your OS. To find out the limit in linux execute: :: ulimit -a Example sufficient configuration in linux: :: core file size (blocks, -c) 0 data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited scheduling priority (-e) 0 file size (blocks, -f) unlimited pending signals (-i) 63338 max locked memory (kbytes, -l) 64 max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited open files (-n) 500000 pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8 POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200 real-time priority (-r) 0 stack size (kbytes, -s) 8192 cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited max user processes (-u) 63338 virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited file locks (-x) unlimited To set these limits edit file: /etc/security/limits.conf, for example: :: * hard nofile 500000 * soft nofile 500000 root hard nofile 500000 root soft nofile 500000 "Killed" '''''''' The testtool might end unexpectedly with a simple message: "Killed". This means that the OS killed the tool due to too much memory consumed or too many threads spawned. To find out the reason on linux you can use following command: :: dmesg | egrep -i -B100 'killed process' Also take a look at this file: /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max. It limits the number of threads spawned by a process. Sufficient (but probably much more than enough) value is, e.g., 126676 NETCONF stress/performance measuring tool ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is basically a NETCONF client that puts NETCONF servers under heavy load of NETCONF RPCs and measures the time until a configurable amount of them is processed. RESTCONF stress-performance measuring tool ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Very similar to NETCONF stress tool with the difference of using RESTCONF protocol instead of NETCONF.