YANG-PUSH ========= This section describes how to use the YANG-PUSH feature in OpenDaylight and contains contains configuration, administration, and management sections for the feature. Overview -------- YANG PUBSUB project allows applications to place subscriptions upon targeted subtrees of YANG datastores residing on remote devices. Changes in YANG objects within the remote subtree can be pushed to an OpenDaylight MD-SAL and to the application as specified without a requiring the controller to make a continuous set of fetch requests. YANG-PUSH capabilities available ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This module contains the base code which embodies the intent of YANG-PUSH requirements for subscription as defined in {i2rs-pub-sub-requirements} [https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-i2rs-pub-sub-requirements/]. The mechanism for delivering on these YANG-PUSH requirements over Netconf transport is defined in {netconf-yang-push} [netconf-yang-push: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-netconf-yang-push-00]. Note that in the current release, not all capabilities of draft-ietf-netconf-yang-push are realized. Currently only implemented is **create-subscription** RPC support from ietf-datastore-push@2015-10-15.yang; and this will be for periodic subscriptions only. There of course is intent to provide much additional functionality in future OpenDaylight releases. Future YANG-PUSH capabilities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Over time, the intent is to flesh out more robust capabilities which will allow OpenDaylight applications to subscribe to YANG-PUSH compliant devices. Capabilities for future releases will include: Support for subscription change/delete: **modify-subscription** rpc support for all mountpoint devices or particular mountpoint device **delete-subscription** rpc support for all mountpoint devices or particular mountpoint device Support for static subscriptions: This will enable the receipt of subscription updates pushed from publishing devices where no signaling from the controller has been used to establish the subscriptions. Support for additional transports: NETCONF is not the only transport of interest to OpenDaylight or the subscribed devices. Over time this code will support Restconf and HTTP/2 transport requirements defined in {netconf-restconf-yang-push} [https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-voit-netconf-restconf-yang-push-01] YANG-PUSH Architecture ---------------------- The code architecture of Yang push consists of two main elements YANGPUSH Provider YANGPUSH Listener YANGPUSH Provider receives create-subscription requests from applications and then establishes/registers the corresponding listener which will receive information pushed by a publisher. In addition, YANGPUSH Provider also invokes an augmented OpenDaylight create-subscription RPC which enables applications to register for notification as per rfc5277. This augmentation adds periodic time period (duration) and subscription-id values to the existing RPC parameters. The Java package supporting this capability is “org.opendaylight.yangpush.impl”. YangpushDomProvider is the class which supports this YANGPUSH Provider capability. The YANGPUSH Listener accepts update notifications from a device after they have been de-encapsulated from the NETCONF transport. The YANGPUSH Listener then passes these updates to MD-SAL. This function is implemented via the YangpushDOMNotificationListener class within the “org.opendaylight.yangpush.listner” Java package. Applications should monitor MD-SAL for the availability of newly pushed subscription updates.