module elan { namespace "urn:opendaylight:vpnservice:elan"; prefix elan; import ietf-interfaces { prefix if; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; revision-date "2010-09-24"; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } revision "2015-06-02" { description "elan module"; } /* * elan instance view. */ container elan-instances { description "elan instances configuration parameters. Elan instances support both the VLAN and VNI based elans."; list elan-instance { max-elements "unbounded"; min-elements "0"; key "elan-instance-name"; description "Specifies the name of the elan instance. It is a string of 1 to 31 case-sensitive characters."; leaf elan-instance-name { type string; description "The name of the elan-instance."; } leaf elan-tag { type uint32; description "ELAN unique identifier which is unique across all the tenants. This will be created internally and if provided, the value will be discarded."; } leaf vni { type uint32; description "Optional. Network identifier. It's mandatory when there are external devices participating in the ELAN"; } leaf mac-timeout { type uint32 { range "0..65535"; } description "MAC Table entry ageing time in seconds. A value of 0 will indicate that the MAC will never expire."; } leaf description { description "A textual description of elan instance, the elan instance description helps users memorize the elan instance."; type string { length "1..254"; } } } } /* * Binding Interfaces to a elan Instance. */ container elan-interfaces { description "elan is enabled on interfaces."; list elan-interface { key "name"; max-elements "unbounded"; min-elements "0"; leaf name { type leafref { path "/if:interfaces/if:interface/if:name"; } } leaf elan-instance-name { mandatory true; type string; } leaf-list static-mac-entries { type yang:phys-address; } leaf description { description "A textual description of elan port, the elan port description helps users memorize the elan port."; type string { length "1..254"; } } } } /* operational data stores */ container elan-state { config false; description "operational state of elans."; list elan { key "name"; description "The list of interfaces on the device."; max-elements "unbounded"; min-elements "0"; leaf name { type string; description "The name of the elan-instance."; } leaf-list elan-interfaces{ type leafref { path "/if:interfaces/if:interface/if:name"; } description "Interfaces connected to this elan instance."; } } } grouping forwarding-entries { description "Details of the MAC entries"; list mac-entry { key "mac-address"; description "Details of a MAC address"; max-elements "unbounded"; min-elements "0"; leaf mac-address { type yang:phys-address; } leaf interface { type leafref { path "/if:interfaces/if:interface/if:name"; } } leaf controllerLearnedForwardingEntryTimestamp { type uint64; } leaf isStaticAddress { type boolean; } } } container elan-forwarding-tables { config false; description "MAC tables for each elan instance"; list mac-table { max-elements "unbounded"; min-elements "0"; key "elan-instance-name"; description "Specifies the name of the elan instance. It is a string of 1 to 31 case-sensitive characters."; leaf elan-instance-name { type string; description "The name of the elan-instance."; } uses forwarding-entries; } } container elan-interface-forwarding-entries { config false; list elan-interface-mac { key "elan-interface"; description "All the MAC addresses learned on a particular elan interface"; max-elements "unbounded"; min-elements "0"; leaf elan-interface { type leafref { path "/if:interfaces/if:interface/if:name"; } } uses forwarding-entries; } } container elan-dpn-interfaces { config false; list elan-dpn-interfaces-list { key "elan-instance-name"; description "All the dpns of this elan and all the ports of the corresponding dpns"; max-elements "unbounded"; min-elements "0"; leaf elan-instance-name { type string; description "The name of the elan-instance."; } list dpn-interfaces { key "dp-id"; description "A DPN in which the elan spans across"; max-elements "unbounded"; min-elements "0"; leaf dp-id { type uint64; } leaf-list interfaces { type leafref { path "/if:interfaces/if:interface/if:name"; } } } } } container elan-tag-name-map { config false; list elan-tag-name { key elan-tag; leaf elan-tag { type uint32; } leaf name { type string; description "The name of the elan-instance."; } } } }