module etree { namespace "urn:opendaylight:netvirt:elan:etree"; prefix elan-etree; import elan {prefix elan;} import yang-ext {prefix ext; revision-date "2013-07-09";} import hwvtep {prefix hwvtep;} import network-topology {prefix "topo"; revision-date "2013-10-21"; } revision "2016-06-14" { description "etree module"; } typedef etree-leaf-tag { type uint32; description "Unique identifier across all the tenants for the ETREE's leafs. Each ETree instance has 2 unique tags: elan-tag for roots and etree-leaf-tag for leafs."; } augment "/elan:elan-interfaces/elan:elan-interface" { ext:augment-identifier "etree-interface"; leaf etree-interface-type { type enumeration { enum leaf; enum root; } description "Etree's type of the interface - Leaf or Root."; } } augment "/elan:elan-instances/elan:elan-instance" { ext:augment-identifier "etree-instance"; leaf etree-leaf-tag-val { type etree-leaf-tag; } } augment "/elan:elan-tag-name-map/elan:elan-tag-name" { ext:augment-identifier "etree-leaf-tag-name"; leaf etree-leaf-tag { type etree-leaf-tag; } } container etree-logical-switches { description "logical switch entity in a L2GW device which belongs to the etree network"; list etree-logical-switch { key "name"; max-elements "unbounded"; min-elements "0"; leaf name { type leafref { path "/hwvtep:hwvtep-global-attributes/hwvtep:logical-switches/hwvtep:hwvtep-node-name"; } } leaf switch-interfaces-type { type enumeration { enum leaf; enum root; } description "The type of the etree interfaces behind the logical switch. Leaves or Roots."; } } } }