/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.openflowjava.nx.codec.match; import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects; import com.google.common.primitives.Ints; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Objects; import org.opendaylight.openflowjava.protocol.api.util.EncodeConstants; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.Uint64; /** * Nxm header. * * @author msunal */ public class NxmHeader { // Full 4 or 8 byte header as big integer private final Uint64 header; // Full 4 or 8 byte header as long private final long headerAsLong; // 4 byte class, field, length as long private final long shortHeader; private final int oxmClass; private final int nxmField; private final boolean hasMask; private final int length; private final long experimenterId; /** * Builds a {@code NxmHeader} from a {@code BigInteger} representation, * that is, one for which {@link BigInteger#longValue()} produces * a valid long representation. * * @param header the header as {@code BigInteger}. * @see NxmHeader#NxmHeader(long) */ public NxmHeader(Uint64 header) { this.headerAsLong = header.longValue(); if (isExperimenter(header)) { this.experimenterId = (int) this.headerAsLong; this.shortHeader = this.headerAsLong >>> 32; } else { this.shortHeader = this.headerAsLong; this.experimenterId = -1; } this.header = header; this.oxmClass = Ints.checkedCast(extractSub(this.shortHeader, 16, 16)); this.nxmField = Ints.checkedCast(extractSub(this.shortHeader, 7, 9)); this.hasMask = extractSub(this.shortHeader, 1, 8) == 1; this.length = Ints.checkedCast(extractSub(this.shortHeader, 8, 0)); } /** * Builds a {@code NxmHeader} from a {@code long} representation. * For non experimenter, the 4 byte header are the least * significant of the long, being the other 4 most significant * bytes 0. For experimenter, the full 8 byte constitute the header, * being the 4 least significant the experimenter id. * * @param header the header as a {@code long}. */ public NxmHeader(long header) { this(Uint64.fromLongBits(header)); } /** * Build a non experimenter header from it's constituent fields. * * @param oxmClass the OXM class. * @param nxmField the NXM field. * @param hasMask the hasMask field. * @param length the length field. */ public NxmHeader(int oxmClass, int nxmField, boolean hasMask, int length) { this(oxmClass, nxmField, hasMask, length, -1); } /** * Build a experimenter header from it's constituent fields. * The OXM class will be set to 0xFFFF. * * @param nxmField the NXM field. * @param hasMask the hasMask field. * @param length the length field. * @param experimenterId the esperimenter id field. */ public NxmHeader(int nxmField, boolean hasMask, int length, long experimenterId) { this(EncodeConstants.EXPERIMENTER_VALUE, nxmField, hasMask, length, experimenterId); } private NxmHeader(int oxmClass, int nxmField, boolean hasMask, int length, long experimenterId) { this.oxmClass = oxmClass; this.nxmField = nxmField; this.hasMask = hasMask; this.length = length; this.shortHeader = (long) oxmClass << 16 | nxmField << 9 | (hasMask ? 1 : 0) << 8 | length; this.experimenterId = experimenterId; if (isExperimenter()) { this.header = Uint64.fromLongBits((this.shortHeader << 32) + experimenterId); } else { this.header = Uint64.valueOf(this.shortHeader); } this.headerAsLong = this.header.longValue(); } private static long extractSub(final long value, final int nrBits, final int offset) { final long rightShifted = value >>> offset; final long mask = (1L << nrBits) - 1L; return rightShifted & mask; } /** * Returns the {@code Uint64} representation of the header. * * @return the header. * @see NxmHeader#NxmHeader(Uint64) */ public Uint64 toUint64() { return header; } /** * Returns the {@code long} representation of the header. * * @return the header. * @see NxmHeader#NxmHeader(long) */ public long toLong() { return headerAsLong; } public int getOxmClass() { return oxmClass; } public int getNxmField() { return nxmField; } public boolean isHasMask() { return hasMask; } public int getLength() { return length; } public long getExperimenterId() { return experimenterId; } public boolean isExperimenter() { return oxmClass == EncodeConstants.EXPERIMENTER_VALUE; } public static boolean isExperimenter(Uint64 uint) { return uint.longValue() >>> 48 == EncodeConstants.EXPERIMENTER_VALUE; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(shortHeader, experimenterId); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } NxmHeader other = (NxmHeader) obj; return shortHeader == other.shortHeader && experimenterId == other.experimenterId; } @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this) .add("header", header) .add("headerAsLong", headerAsLong) .add("shortHeader", shortHeader) .add("oxmClass", oxmClass) .add("oxmField", nxmField) .add("hasMask", hasMask) .add("length", length) .add("experimenterId", experimenterId) .toString(); } }