define(['next-ui'], function () { 'use strict'; /** * Service to handle next directive */ function NextTopologyService() { /** * Create base nx topology object * @param nx * @returns {nx.graphic.Topology} */ this.getNxTopClass = function (topoColors) { return new nx.graphic.Topology({ adaptive: true, scalable: true, nodeConfig: { label: 'model.label', //iconType: 'model.icon', iconType: 'unlinked', color: function (node, model) { return topoColors.getItem('forwarding-box'); } }, linkConfig: { // connected to hosts links have different colors width: function (model, link) { return (model._data.gLinks && model._data.gLinks.length > 2) ? 5 : 3; }, linkType: 'curve' }, tooltipManagerConfig: { nodeTooltipContentClass: 'ExtendedTooltip', showLinkTooltip: false }, dataProcessor: 'force', identityKey: 'id', showIcon: true, theme: 'blue', enableSmartNode: false, linkInstanceClass: 'ExtendedLink', nodeInstanceClass: 'ExtendedNode' }); }; /** * Method for getting right link's color based on status * @param status * @param topoColors * @returns {*} */ this.getLinkColor = function (status, topoColors) { var color = null; if ( status ) { // all links are operational if ( status.operational === status.configured ) { color = topoColors.getItem('operational'); } else { // operational less than configured if (status.operational < status.configured && status.operational) { color = topoColors.getItem('operational-mixed'); } else { // if operational and something else presented if (!status.operational && status.configured) { // if the link is between forwarding boxes, it's considered down /*if ( model.source()._data.type === 'forwarding-box' && === 'forwarding-box' ) { color = topoColors.getItem('down'); } else { // otherwise just configured connection color = topoColors.getItem('configured'); }*/ color = topoColors.getItem('down'); // otherwise } else { color = topoColors.getItem('default'); } } } } else { color = topoColors.getItem('default'); } return color; }; /** * Service for reading topo nodes data from local storage * @returns {*} */ this.readTopologyDataFromLS = function(){ var data = null; try { data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("verizonTopologyData")); } catch(e) {'Local Storage read parse error:', e); } return data; }; /** * Set loaded nodes data from local storage * @param data * @param topo * @param nodesDict */ this.setTopologyDataFromLS = function (data, topo, nodesDict) { if ( data && data.nodes ) { data.nodes.forEach(function(node, index){ var nodeInst = topo.getNode(nodesDict.getItem(node.nodeName)); if(nodeInst !== undefined) nodeInst.position({'x': node.x, 'y': node.y}); }); } }; /** * Prepare and save data to local storage * @param topo */ this.saveTopologyDataToLS = function (topo) { var data = {'nodes': []}, nodesLayer = topo.getLayer('nodes'); // prepare data for writing nodesLayer.eachNode(function(node){ data.nodes.push({ 'x': node.x(), 'y': node.y(), 'nodeName': node.model()._data['node-id'] }); }); // save to local storage try { localStorage.setItem("verizonTopologyData", JSON.stringify(data)); } catch(e) {'Local Storage save error:', e); } }; /** * Service for fade out all topo layers * @param topo */ this.fadeOutAllLayers = function(topo){ nx.each(topo.layers(), function(layer) { layer.fadeOut(true); }, this); }; /** * Service for fade in all topo layers * @param topo */ this.fadeInAllLayers = function(topo){ //fade out all layers var linksLayerHighlightElements = topo.getLayer('links').highlightedElements(), nodeLayerHighlightElements = topo.getLayer('nodes').highlightedElements(); //Clears previous nodeLayerHighlightElements.clear(); linksLayerHighlightElements.clear(); nx.each(topo.layers(), function(layer) { layer.fadeIn(true); }, this); }; /** * Service for highlighting node with(without) links * @param topo * @param targetId * @param noLinks */ this.highlightNode = function (topo, targetId, noLinks) { var nodeLayer = topo.getLayer('nodes'), linksLayer = topo.getLayer('links'), linksLayerHighlightElements = linksLayer.highlightedElements(), nodeLayerHighlightElements = nodeLayer.highlightedElements(); //Clears previous nodeLayerHighlightElements.clear(); linksLayerHighlightElements.clear(); //Highlight node nodeLayerHighlightElements.add(topo.getNode(targetId)); if(!noLinks) { //highlight links linksLayerHighlightElements.addRange(nx.util.values(topo.getNode(targetId).links())); } else{ linksLayer.fadeOut(true); } }; /** * Service for highlighting link * @param topo * @param linkId */ this.highlightLink = function(topo, linkId) { var nodeLayer = topo.getLayer('nodes'), linksLayer = topo.getLayer('links'), linksLayerHighlightElements = linksLayer.highlightedElements(), nodeLayerHighlightElements = nodeLayer.highlightedElements(), link = topo.getLink(linkId); //Clears previous nodeLayerHighlightElements.clear(); linksLayerHighlightElements.clear(); //highlight link linksLayerHighlightElements.add(link); //highlight connected nodes nodeLayerHighlightElements.addRange(nx.util.values({source: topo.getNode(link.model().sourceID()), target: topo.getNode(link.model().targetID())})); }; /** * Service for highlighting selected links path * @param topo * @param links - array of nx links obj */ this.highlightPath = function(topo, links){ // clear the path layer and get its instance var pathLayer = this.clearPathLayer(topo), // define a path path = new nx.graphic.Topology.Path({ 'pathWidth': 5, 'links': links, 'arrow': 'cap' }); // add the path pathLayer.addPath(path); }; /** * Completely clear all paths from path layer * @param topo * @returns {*} path instance */ this.clearPathLayer = function(topo){ var pathLayer = topo.getLayer("paths"); pathLayer.clear(); return pathLayer; }; /** * Service for returning nx tooltip skeleton * @returns {{content: *[]}} */ this.getTooltipContent = function () { return { content: [ { tag: "div", props: { class: "n-topology-tooltip-header" }, content: [ { tag: 'span', props: { class: "n-topology-tooltip-header-text" }, content: '{#node.model.label}' } ] }, { tag: "div", props: { class: "n-topology-tooltip-content n-list" }, content: [ { tag: 'ul', props: { class: "n-list-wrap", style: "font-size: 0.8em" }, content: [ { tag: 'li', props: { class: "n-list-item-i", role: "listitem" }, content: [ { tag: "label", content: "Status", props: { style: "display: block; margin-top: 10px;" } }, { tag: "span", content: "{#node.model.status}" } ] }, { tag: 'li', props: { class: "n-list-item-i", role: "listitem" }, content: [ { tag: "label", content: "DataPath ID", props: { style: "display: block; margin-top: 10px;" } }, { tag: "span", content: "{#node.model.datapath-id}" } ] }, { tag: 'li', props: { class: "n-list-item-i", role: "listitem" }, content: [ { tag: "label", content: "Type", props: { style: "display: block; margin-top: 10px;" } }, { tag: "span", content: "{}" } ] } ] } ] } ] }; }; } NextTopologyService.$inject=[]; return NextTopologyService; });