/* * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM, Inc. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.neutron.e2etest; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.lang.Thread; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.net.URL; import org.junit.Assert; public class NeutronPortTests { String base; public NeutronPortTests(String base) { this.base = base; } public void port_collection_get_test() { String url = base + "/ports"; ITNeutronE2E.test_fetch(url, "Ports Collection GET failed"); } //TODO handle SB check public void singleton_port_create_test() { String url = base + "/ports"; String content = "{ \"port\": { \"status\": \"DOWN\","+ "\"binding:host_id\": \"\","+ "\"name\": \"private-port\","+ "\"allowed_address_pairs\": [],"+ "\"admin_state_up\": true,"+ "\"network_id\": \"4e8e5957-649f-477b-9e5b-f1f75b21c03c\","+ "\"tenant_id\": \"9bacb3c5d39d41a79512987f338cf177\","+ "\"binding:vif_details\": {},"+ "\"binding:vnic_type\": \"normal\","+ "\"binding:vif_type\": \"unbound\","+ "\"device_owner\": \"\","+ "\"mac_address\": \"fa:16:3e:c9:cb:f0\","+ "\"binding:profile\": {},"+ "\"fixed_ips\": [ {"+ "\"subnet_id\": \"3b80198d-4f7b-4f77-9ef5-774d54e17126\","+ "\"ip_address\": \"\" } ],"+ "\"id\": \"65c0ee9f-d634-4522-8954-51021b570b0d\","+ "\"security_groups\": [] ,"+ "\"device_id\": \"\" } }"; ITNeutronE2E.test_create(url, content,"Singleton Port Post Failed NB"); } //TODO handle SB check public void router_interface_port_create_test() { String url = base + "/ports"; String content = "{\"ports\": [ {\"status\": \"DOWN\", \"binding:host_id\": \"\", \"allowed_address_pairs\": [], \"device_owner\": \"network:router_gateway\", \"binding:profile\": {}, \"fixed_ips\": [{\"subnet_id\": \"3b80198d-4f7b-4f77-9ef5-774d54e17126\", \"ip_address\": \"\"}], \"id\": \"d8a4cc85-ad78-46ac-b5a1-8e04f16fa51e\", \"security_groups\": [], \"device_id\": \"8604a0de-7f6b-409a-a47c-a1cc7bc77b2e\", \"name\": \"\", \"admin_state_up\": true, \"network_id\": \"4e8e5957-649f-477b-9e5b-f1f75b21c03c\", \"tenant_id\": \"9bacb3c5d39d41a79512987f338cf177\", \"binding:vif_details\": {}, \"binding:vnic_type\": \"normal\", \"binding:vif_type\": \"unbound\", \"mac_address\": \"fa:16:3e:dc:1d:8d\"}, " + " {\"status\": \"DOWN\", \"binding:host_id\": \"\", \"allowed_address_pairs\": [], \"device_owner\": \"network:router_gateway\", \"binding:profile\": {}, \"fixed_ips\": [{\"subnet_id\": \"3b80198d-4f7b-4f77-9ef5-774d54e17126\", \"ip_address\": \"\"}], \"id\": \"d8a4cc85-ad78-46ac-b5a1-8e04f16fa51f\", \"security_groups\": [], \"device_id\": \"8604a0de-7f6b-409a-a47c-a1cc7bc77b2f\", \"name\": \"\", \"admin_state_up\": true, \"network_id\": \"4e8e5957-649f-477b-9e5b-f1f75b21c03c\", \"tenant_id\": \"9bacb3c5d39d41a79512987f338cf177\", \"binding:vif_details\": {}, \"binding:vnic_type\": \"normal\", \"binding:vif_type\": \"unbound\", \"mac_address\": \"fa:16:3e:dc:1d:8e\"} ] }"; ITNeutronE2E.test_create(url, content, "Router Interface Port Post Failed NB"); } public void bulk_port_create_test() { String url = base + "/ports"; String content = "{ \"ports\": [ { " + " \"status\": \"DOWN\", " + " \"name\": \"sample_port_1\", " + " \"allowed_address_pairs\": [], " + " \"admin_state_up\": false, " + " \"network_id\": \"4e8e5957-649f-477b-9e5b-f1f75b21c03c\", " + " \"tenant_id\": \"d6700c0c9ffa4f1cb322cd4a1f3906fa\", " + " \"device_owner\": \"\", " + " \"mac_address\": \"fa:16:3e:48:b8:9f\", " + " \"fixed_ips\": [ { " + "\"subnet_id\": \"3b80198d-4f7b-4f77-9ef5-774d54e17126\"," + " \"ip_address\": \"\" } ], " + " \"id\": \"94225baa-9d3f-4b93-bf12-b41e7ce49cdb\", " + " \"security_groups\": [], " + " \"device_id\": \"\" }, { " + " \"status\": \"DOWN\", " + " \"name\": \"sample_port_2\", " + " \"allowed_address_pairs\": [], " + " \"admin_state_up\": false, " + " \"network_id\": \"4e8e5957-649f-477b-9e5b-f1f75b21c03c\", " + " \"tenant_id\": \"d6700c0c9ffa4f1cb322cd4a1f3906fa\", " + " \"device_owner\": \"\", " + " \"mac_address\": \"fa:16:3e:f4:73:df\", " + " \"fixed_ips\": [ { " + "\"subnet_id\": \"3b80198d-4f7b-4f77-9ef5-774d54e17126\"," + " \"ip_address\": \"\" } ], " + " \"id\": \"43c831e0-19ce-4a76-9a49-57b57e69428b\", " + " \"security_groups\": [], " + " \"device_id\": \"\" } ] } "; ITNeutronE2E.test_create(url, content, "Bulk Subnet Post Failed"); } public void port_update_test() { String url = base + "/ports/43c831e0-19ce-4a76-9a49-57b57e69428b"; String content = " { \"port\": { " + " \"status\": \"DOWN\", " + " \"binding:host_id\": \"test_for_port_update_host\", " + " \"allowed_address_pairs\": [], " + " \"extra_dhcp_opts\": [], " + " \"device_owner\": \"compute:nova\", " + " \"binding:profile\": {}, " + " \"fixed_ips\": [ { " + "\"subnet_id\": \"3b80198d-4f7b-4f77-9ef5-774d54e17126\"," + " \"ip_address\": \"\" } ], " + " \"id\": \"43c831e0-19ce-4a76-9a49-57b57e69428b\", " + " \"security_groups\": [], " + " \"device_id\": \"\", " + " \"name\": \"test-for-port-update\", " + " \"admin_state_up\": true, " + " \"network_id\": \"4e8e5957-649f-477b-9e5b-f1f75b21c03c\", " + " \"tenant_id\": \"522eda8d23124b25bf03fe44f1986b74\", " + " \"binding:vif_details\": {}, " + " \"binding:vnic_type\": \"normal\", " + " \"binding:vif_type\": \"binding_failed\", " + " \"mac_address\": \"fa:16:3e:11:11:5e\" } } "; ITNeutronE2E.test_modify(url, content,"Subnet Put Failed"); } public void port_element_get_test() { String url = base + "/ports/43c831e0-19ce-4a76-9a49-57b57e69428b"; ITNeutronE2E.test_fetch(url, true, "Subnet Element Get Failed"); } public void port_delete_test() { String url = base + "/ports/43c831e0-19ce-4a76-9a49-57b57e69428b"; ITNeutronE2E.test_delete(url, "Subnet Element Delete Failed"); } public void port_element_negative_get_test() { String url = base + "/ports/43c831e0-19ce-4a76-9a49-57b57e69428b"; ITNeutronE2E.test_fetch(url, false, "Subnet Element Get Failed"); } public static void runTests(String base) { NeutronPortTests port_tester = new NeutronPortTests(base); port_tester.port_collection_get_test(); port_tester.singleton_port_create_test(); port_tester.router_interface_port_create_test(); //needed for router test port_tester.bulk_port_create_test(); port_tester.port_update_test(); port_tester.port_element_get_test(); port_tester.port_delete_test(); port_tester.port_element_negative_get_test(); } }