/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Ericsson India Global Services Pvt Ltd. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.genius.itm.globals; import java.math.BigInteger; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.genius.interfacemanager.rev160406.TunnelMonitoringTypeBase; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.genius.interfacemanager.rev160406.TunnelMonitoringTypeBfd; public interface ITMConstants { String ITM_SERVICE_NAME = "ITM"; BigInteger COOKIE_ITM = new BigInteger("9000000", 16); BigInteger COOKIE_ITM_EXTERNAL = new BigInteger("9050000", 16); String ITM_IDPOOL_NAME = "Itmservices"; long ITM_IDPOOL_START = 1L; String ITM_IDPOOL_SIZE = "100000"; long DELAY_TIME_IN_MILLISECOND = 5000; int REG6_START_INDEX = 0; int REG6_END_INDEX = 31; int JOB_MAX_RETRIES = 6; int BATCH_SIZE = 1000; int PERIODICITY = 500; int LLDP_SERVICE_ID = 0; // Tunnel Monitoring boolean DEFAULT_MONITOR_ENABLED = false; int DEFAULT_MONITOR_INTERVAL = 10000; int BFD_DEFAULT_MONITOR_INTERVAL = 1000; int MIN_MONITOR_INTERVAL = 1000; int MAX_MONITOR_INTERVAL = 30000; String DUMMY_IP_ADDRESS = ""; String TUNNEL_TYPE_VXLAN = "VXLAN"; String TUNNEL_TYPE_GRE = "GRE"; // FIXME: the following annotation should be removed once the itm-impl // changes the name @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:ConstantName") String TUNNEL_TYPE_MPLSoGRE = "MPLS_OVER_GRE"; String TUNNEL_TYPE_LOGICAL_GROUP_VXLAN = "LOGICAL_VXLAN_GROUP"; String TUNNEL_TYPE_INVALID = "Invalid"; String MONITOR_TYPE_LLDP = "LLDP"; String MONITOR_TYPE_BFD = "BFD"; String DEFAULT_TRANSPORT_ZONE = "default-transport-zone"; Class DEFAULT_MONITOR_PROTOCOL = TunnelMonitoringTypeBfd.class; String INTERNAL_TUNNEL_CACHE_NAME = "InternalTunnelCache"; String EXTERNAL_TUNNEL_CACHE_NAME = "ExternalTunnelCache"; String UNPROCESSED_TUNNELS_CACHE_NAME = "ItmUnprocessedTunnelsCache"; String TUNNEL_STATE_UP = "UP"; String TUNNEL_STATE_DOWN = "DOWN"; String TUNNEL_STATE_UNKNOWN = "UNKNOWN"; String DUMMY_PREFIX = ""; String DUMMY_GATEWAY_IP = ""; String DUMMY_PORT = ""; int DUMMY_VLANID = 0; String DEFAULT_BRIDGE_NAME = "br-int"; String BRIDGE_URI_PREFIX = "bridge"; String ITM_PREFIX = "ITM"; String ITM_ALARM = "ITM_ALARM"; // Southbound side OVSDB ExternalIds list TEP parameters String OTH_CFG_TEP_PARAM_KEY_LOCAL_IP = "local_ip"; String EXT_ID_TEP_PARAM_KEY_TZNAME = "transport-zone"; String EXT_ID_TEP_PARAM_KEY_BR_NAME = "br-name"; String EXT_ID_TEP_PARAM_KEY_OF_TUNNEL = "of-tunnel"; // ITM DIRECT TUNNELS RELATED CONSTANTS String ITM_CONFIG_ENTITY = "itm_config"; int INVALID_PORT_NO = -1; int DEFAULT_FLOW_PRIORITY = 5; String OF_URI_SEPARATOR = ":"; }