--- - project: name: autorelease-projects jobs: - autorelease-branch-cut - 'autorelease-generate-release-notes-{stream}' - 'autorelease-release-{stream}': build-node: centos7-autorelease-4c-16g - 'autorelease-update-validate-jobs-{stream}' - 'autorelease-version-bump-{stream}': build-node: centos7-autorelease-4c-16g - '{project-name}-validate-autorelease-{stream}' - gerrit-tox-verify # todo: After Carbon EOL remove next-release-tag and directy pass # '{stream}' to autorelease-release-tag parameter stream: - fluorine: next-release-tag: '{stream}' branch: 'master' integration-test: fluorine extra-mvn-opts: -Dsft.heap.max=4g - oxygen: next-release-tag: '{stream}' branch: 'stable/oxygen' integration-test: oxygen extra-mvn-opts: -Dsft.heap.max=4g - nitrogen: # Run once a week now that Fluorine branch is cut, and Oxygen is pending release cron: 'H 12 * * 0' next-release-tag: '{stream}' branch: 'stable/nitrogen' integration-test: nitrogen extra-mvn-opts: -Dsft.heap.max=4g - carbon: # Run once a week now that Fluorine branch is cut, and Oxygen is pending release cron: 'H 12 * * 0' next-release-tag: '{stream}' branch: 'stable/carbon' integration-test: carbon karaf-version: karaf3 extra-mvn-opts: -Dskip.karaf4.featureTest=true project: releng/autorelease project-name: autorelease build-node: centos7-builder-2c-8g # Before adding more here, beware of https://jira.linuxfoundation.org/browse/RELENG-280 archive-artifacts: > **/*.prop **/*.log **/target/surefire-reports/*-output.txt **/target/failsafe-reports/failsafe-summary.xml **/hs_err_*.log **/target/feature/feature.xml # TODO: **/*.hprof is too large, compress with xz first