#!/bin/bash # @License EPL-1.0 ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2015, 2017 The Linux Foundation and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html ############################################################################## # Script to prepare project for release. # # 1) Drop -SNAPSHOT from all versions # 2) Create git patches (diffs of changes) # 3) Create git bundles (byte exact commit objects) # 4) Create tarball for distribution. # RELEASE_TAG=Beryllium-SR1 # Example # RELEASE_BRANCH=stable/beryllium # Example # Set release tag as $STREAM, when no release tag is passed RELEASE_TAG="${RELEASE_TAG:-${STREAM^}}" # Ensure that the first letter of RELEASE_TAG is uppercase. RELEASE_TAG="${RELEASE_TAG^}" # Directory to put git format-patches PATCH_DIR="$WORKSPACE/archives/patches" mkdir -p "$PATCH_DIR" echo "$RELEASE_TAG" # Remove this case statement when Carbon is no longer supported. # Nitrogen onwards we do not want to use the release tag so simply need to # strip xml files of -SNAPSHOT tags. case "$RELEASE_TAG" in Boron*|Carbon*) lftools version release "$RELEASE_TAG" ;; *) find . -name "*.xml" -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/-SNAPSHOT//' ;; esac git submodule foreach "git commit -am \"Release $RELEASE_TAG\" || true" git commit -am "Release $RELEASE_TAG" # TODO: Fix this workaround so that scripts will ensure that taglist.log exists and archived. mv taglist.log "$PATCH_DIR" || true modules=$(xmlstarlet sel -N x=http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 -t -m '//x:modules' -v '//x:module' pom.xml) for module in $modules; do pushd "$module" git format-patch --stdout "origin/$RELEASE_BRANCH" > "$PATCH_DIR/${module//\//-}.patch" git bundle create "$PATCH_DIR/${module//\//-}.bundle" "origin/master..HEAD" popd done tar cvzf "$PATCH_DIR/patches.tar.gz" -C "$WORKSPACE/archives" patches rm "$PATCH_DIR"/*.bundle